12:56pm Oct 1 2009
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Crowheart cocked his head. "Care to elaborate on that?" he said with raised eyebrows. ((Ooooooohhhh. I knew that!))
12:57pm Oct 1 2009
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((Bump 1, fail))
12:57pm Oct 1 2009
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((Bump two, fail))
12:57pm Oct 1 2009 (last edited on 12:57pm Oct 1 2009)
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((Bump 3! To the rescue!))
12:59pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
((I G2G)) Frostwing looked at Crowheart and said, "Not now, no."
1:20pm Oct 1 2009
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Crowheart shrugged. "Why not? No cat is listening. I won't tell Hazelfur." he said. Hazelfur finally stopped in the woods, panting. She sat down and flicked her tail a few times, sending dust into the air. Hazelfur sneezed and curled her tail around her paws. She stared at the ground as if it were a snake ready to strike, deep in though. Would Nightstar give the deputy spot to Frostwing again? Why would she. She was deputy before, but she broke the warrior code to have kits with... Wolf. That's why Nightstar would likely give her the position back. Because, Wolf being the King of Starclan, that makes Frostwing the Queen. Nightstar is likely scared of what would happen to her if she didn't give Frostwing the position back. Or was there a different reason? Hazelfur had never done anything bad to Frostwing, or Wolf or Nightstar, or even any other StormClan cat! Except just then, when she almost attacked Frostwing on the spot. There was no reason Hazelfur shouldn't be deputy. She would be a strong leader and squash DarkClan for good. Send them back into the snake's hole where they came from. She'd lead StormClan to victory! Maybe that's why Nightstar didn't want her... Maybe, she just acted too strong, and was too tempermental, too quick to fight. Hazelfur came back to reality when a crow gave an alarmed call. She jerked her head up. She will change for the better of the clan. She'd be better than Frostwing dreamed! No cat would defy her! Hazelfur looked around at her surrounding and scented the air. This wasn't StormClan territory. She was with DarkClan! She bristled from nose to tail tip. She couldn't be caught here! Not now! She scrambed to retrace her scent trail, back over the StormClan border.

3:17pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing looked at him and said, "Because I wish not to feel like I do. But I must think of her like Canis when he is grumpy. Annoying and you wish to claw the hide off of them, but yet you love them. If I am to be leader I must learn to love all my clan, including those who annoy me."
3:45pm Oct 1 2009
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Crowheart stared in awe at Frostwing. He dared himself to challenge her. "But technically, you broke the warrior code, shouldn't you be lucky, simply to be in Stormclan still?" he questioned.
4:09pm Oct 1 2009
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(('o' So epic! And I just now noticed how Shadesky and Hazelfur are so much alike, as how they think the same and can be uh...what was the word you said......tempermental! Yeah, that's it! And now who the heck am I going to pick to be deputy?!?! XD Somehow this reminds me of the part in Code of the Clans when these two ShadowClan cats fought to be deputy, and in the end they both died. O.o So weird. Anyways, I'll edit this and post in a minute, just wanted to let everyone know that I'm online! And whatever, Dogheart died because nano quit and Mystic is a rogue. She's my charry, but I haven't RPed her much, so I understand if you forgot or never knew she existed. XP))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:31pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing looked at Crowheart and said, "How was I to know I was pregnant when Nightstar announced me deputy? And I'm not a heartless beast to give up my son. When you have kits you'll understand."
4:31pm Oct 1 2009
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((Oh! You can edit it when you add it to the first post. XD I'm too lazy. And maybe they should be mates? lol! I think you should pick some other random cat to be deputy, like Skyshadow. Then Frostwing and Hazelfur both loose the argument. Don't pick Hazelfur though, It wouldn't be fair if Nightstar ever died and then I have leaders for both clans. Xd Maybe if you plan on killing Bloodstar.))
4:33pm Oct 1 2009
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Crowheart sighed. "I didn't mean it like that. And you never had to be pregnant, if you had never been with Wolf... well, you get the picture. Yo could have at least given Canis a warrior name though." said Crowheart softly, trying not to further offend Frostwing.
4:37pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing looked at him and said, "But you, young one, do not know Canis' future, as I do. And I am sure Canis would have been mine and Wolf's son one way or another. How was I too know that the King of Starclan would fall in love with me? Giving me his kit? Am I ashamed? Yes. But not of Wolf, or Canis."
4:41pm Oct 1 2009
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((That's true, and actually, I was planning on killing Bloodstar, just not completely. >:) And I gotta go empty the dishwasher, possibly go to the library, maybe eat now, so I'll try to make this quick before I go. And I'm still trying to decide who should be deputy. Skyshadow is my charry, so it wouldn't be as fun.)) Skyshadow nodded. "Sure, go and get Orangepaw. I'll meet you at the hollow!" She meowed, then raced off into the distance. Shadesky looked up suprised. "Wha-?" Nightstar closed her eyes slowly as the two she-cats whisked off. For once, it felt as if all of StarClan was sitting on her shoulders. Depressed, she fumbled into her den, and dozed off and into a deep sleep.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:44pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing turned to looked at Shadesky and said, "Hello Shadesky. I am sorry for your pain. I know I am a cause." She dipped her head respectfully. Then she cocked her head and said, "Would you like a hare?" When she was done with Shadesky she would carry on with Crowheart.
4:58pm Oct 1 2009
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Crowheart sighed. "I'm not trying to blame you for anything Frostwing. Just listen. If you had given Canis a warrior name, Nightstar would probably be all the more willing to let you be deputy. But you didn't. His destiny doesn't matter. Would it matter if Wolfpaw was the prince of Starclan? Or whatever you would have named him. That's all I have left to say on the subject Frostwing." said Crowheart, dipping his head solemly and padding off to find Hazelfur. He hoped she wasn't in big trouble. As he rounded the corner to exit camp, him and Hazelfur were nose to nose. "I was just coming to look for you." he said. Hazelfur grunted. "There's no need. I must speak with Nightstar. I'm leaving StormClan." "What?!" Crowheart exclaimed, eyes widening. "You can't leave!We need you!" he said. "Try telling that to some cat who cares. o one here appreciates me enough, and I know now that I am better suited to be a DarkClan cat." replied Hazelfur, a far off look in her eyes. She walked past Crowheart to wards the leader's den and poked her head in. " "Nightstar? Are you there?" she called, hoping his wasn't a bad time.

5:03pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing who, after thinking over her conversation with Crowheart, was also looking for Nightstar. She over heard Hazelfur and yowled, "What?! Why do you think Darkclan would appreciate you more than we do?"
5:09pm Oct 1 2009
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Hazelfur growled and her claws unsheathed. "You of all cats should know." she hissed.
5:13pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing looked at her, stopping in her tracks. "What do you mean?" she asked the younger she-cat.
5:37pm Oct 1 2009
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"Really Frostwing? So calling another cat a stubborn runt means nothing to you?!" hissed Hazelfur. "Think before you insult a cat Frostwing! Just because I'm smaller than you are, doesn't mean that you can throw random insults to me. I was doing nothing wrong! Now good day to you all. I'll be off StormClan territory within an hour." she hissed, storming towards the exit.