5:41pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing looked at her and said, "Hazelfur, I hardly know you! I walked past and you almost jumped at me! You growl at me as I go by! I see not why you act that way. And I am older than you by moons! You are smaller than me. What am I to say when you annoy me? And we know each other not! Speak to Nighstar before you leave. She will wish to speak to you before we see your pelt for the last time in our camp."
5:41pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
5:42pm Oct 1 2009
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5:42pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
((As whatever says, third one never fails!! LP))
5:43pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
((She was right!!))
5:45pm Oct 1 2009
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Shadesky looked at Hazelfur, smiling as he narrowed his eyes slightly. He liked her attitude, and knew that the Clan couldn't risk losing any more warriors, especially since Blisspaw was missin,g probably held hostage at DarkCLan camp, and the fight they'd just recently had. "And just what makes you think DarkCLan will like you?" He called out. "They're half a heart less than we are!" Nightstar awoke with a start, then burst out of her den. "Hazelfur?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:48pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing turned to look at Shadesky, feeling her pelt grow hot with anger. Was she really jealous that Shadesky liked Hazelfur? She turned to Nightstar, trying to shake off the feeling. "She wishes to leave." She told her leader simply.
5:51pm Oct 1 2009
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Hazelfur growled and whipped around to face Frostwing. "I only growled at you because evry cat in this camp and many ind Darkclan know I wanted to be deputy! I was just talking to Nightstar and you walk over and simply state that it's yours! Put yourself in my paws! Do you see my reason for growling! And you should be thankful that I didn't jump on you right then." she hissed, ignoring Nightstar.
5:58pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing looked at her and said, "I apologize. I should not have done so in front of you. But I was asking for my position back, not demanding. The choice is Nightstar's. Though right now, I believe neither of us deserve it."
6:36pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 507
(( Er... Can someone fill me in? ))
7:27pm Oct 1 2009
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Hazelfur sat dpown and wrapped her tail around her paws. "Apology half accepted." she said, looking away from Frostwing. "I think I deserve to be deputy. After all, it was you who broke the code, not me." she said.
8:53pm Oct 1 2009
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((Err, girls who did you RP? Lol I forgot, and uh...do you remember what page you left off on?)) Nightstar fumbled for words. Who really should be deputy? Frostwing had mated with a rogue, even though he was King of StarClan, and had named her kit a rogue name, but she still had a good heart and was a fairly young cat. But on the other hand, Hazelfur could be comp*censored*ionate when needed, but was tempermental sometimes andsometimes always thinks about war, not the best for her Clan. Not knowing what else to say, she announced, "I'll be choosing StormClan's deputy tonight, and may the best warrior be chosen." Now all she hoped for was that no one would go after Blisspaw or fight to the death! Shadesky grunted, then grew pretty aggivated after hearing the two she-cats squabble for what seemed like 1,000 moons. "Alright you two, just SHUT-UP! Get over it! Hazelfur, Nightstar, Skyshadow and I don't hate you, and I'm sure Frostwing doesn't hate you either. Or at least not in the bad way. None of the apprentices dislike you, and neither does Sparkfire. So don't get any ideas. I've felt the same way. And as for Frostwing, well, I don't really have anything to say besides that if you're going to hold a grudge over this, then STAY AWAY from Hazelfur. You two talk WAY to much that a cat couldn't get a decent sleep! Apparently neither of you two noticed that Nightstar was sleeping when you starting yelling at each other!" He spat. "So get over it!" Skyshadow was suprised at Shadesky's words. Never would she of expected her brother to speak so many words at once! But then again, he was changing from the quiet kit he had once been. She felt bad for him; he used to be one of the strongest warriors in the Clan until he chased after the snake. At least Canis and Frostwing were safe from it. She was glad Canis was so high-spirited though, because if he wasn't, he wouldn't of been so happy to grab the snake when Shadesky had just about finished it off when it bit him. Fishleap walked just a bit over and away from Blisspaw, but still close enough to pounce if she got any ideas. She waited for Bloodstar to give Bloodpaw his warrior name. It seemed weird to have to male cats with the same first name, especially since one was DarkClan's leader.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:53pm Oct 1 2009
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Soulfire shakily sat up and began to groom himself, struggling to remove the blood splattered onto his white pelt. His tongue rasped against fur.
11:10am Oct 2 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing stared at Shadesky and said, "Sorry Shadesky," dipping her head again. Then she turned to Nightstar and said, "When making your decision, think of Crowheart. He has what you want in both Hazelfur and I."
3:49pm Oct 2 2009
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Crowheart, greatful that the bickering had p*censored*ed, padded over to Skyshadow. "Would you like to go hunting with me? I don't want to ask Hazelfur or Frostwing, they might be a little irritable if I say anything about their quarrel, which I find hard to avoid." he said. "Maybe we can take Shadesky, he could use the excercise. His mucsles are probably stiff. Dreampaw pounced on a rock next to Crowheart and Skyshadow. "Hi! I heard you're going hunting, and I'm starved! Can I come too?" she asked. Orangepaw slid out of the dirt place, brambles catching on his long fur. He padded over to the fresh kill pile, and took a good sized mouse for the elders. ~~~ "Bloodpaw, from this day onward, you will be known as bloodhowl. Starclan honors your bravery and rebellious nature." said Bloodstar. "bloodhowl! Bloodhowl!" Rocketpaw called, starting the rest. His sibling's voices seemed to blend with his own, as if they belonged together. He pressed agains Featherpaw's fur, and so did Owlpaw, squeezing her between them. Featherpaw purred. "Thanks you guys, but I don't think squishing is completly necessary." she said.

3:54pm Oct 2 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAY! SCHOOL BREAK! only a week off, but it's stil a break! YUS! I is so happeh nowz. :D ANYWAYZ, did Hazelfur leave camp, and wasn't Skyshadow about to take Orangepaw and Dreampaw out to practice hunting? Or is like, Crowheart Orangepaw's mentor and was thinking about Shadesky coming along?))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:59pm Oct 2 2009
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((Erm- I dont think I gave Crowheart an apprentice. Let's say that Skyshadow is Dreampaw's mentor and Crowheart is Orangepaw's. Though I think I put Lynxbloom down on the chara sheet. This would be Crowheart's first apprentice too, since he's such a young warrior. Just barely older than Sparrowfeather and Lynxbloom))
3:59pm Oct 2 2009
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Posts: 507
(( I play Leafpelt. DX And I think I left off on page 100. ))
4:03pm Oct 2 2009
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((Foxleap was kidnapped by DarkClan and StormClan came to the rescue, taking one of Nightstar's lives, but freeing the warrior. However, Darkclan captured Blisspaw, and plan to kill her right in front of Nightstar. xWx In DarkClan, Jadewhisper is pregnant with Foxtail, Shadowtail is deputy, Bloodstar just made Bloodpaw Bloodhowl and is planning on leading an attack on StormClan to celebrate instead of a vigil for the night. They'll bring Blisspaw to the border and wait for a patrol, and before attacking they'll ask for Nightstar, and as soon as they appear on the horizon, BAM! Blisspaw is dead and so a battle continues.))
4:06pm Oct 2 2009
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((Ok then. Gosh, now who should I pick as deputy? Either Frostwing or Hazelfur, bu Nightstar's worried because of Canis's name and about mating with a rogue and all, and Hazelfur is about to storm off. -_- And for girls: Hmmm, ok well...StormClan and DarkClan went to war, yes...and um....Bloodpaw is now Bloodhowl and Blisspaw is being held hostage, and let's see, Shadesky has 3 legs, and uh...you might want to ask someone who's moreinto DarkCLan about a recap. I remember what happens in StormClan, I'm not so keen on DarkCLan.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing