4:07pm Oct 2 2009
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Posts: 507
(( :o Interesting. Now will Shadowfang and Leafpelt have any kits? ))
4:09pm Oct 2 2009
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((Don't forget Crowheart, Frostwing mentioned him, but Orangepaw is his first apprentice))
4:09pm Oct 2 2009
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~Bump One... fail~
4:09pm Oct 2 2009 (last edited on 4:10pm Oct 2 2009)
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~Bump two? Epic Fail...~ ((EDIT:: BUMP TWO WON????!!!!! It's like Super-Man just died!!))
4:13pm Oct 2 2009
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((OMG whatever! You give too much away!!!!!! XDDDDDD I wasn't planning on that! :DDDDDDD This should be epic. OOOh! Maybe like, Whenever Skyshadow and all them go hunting, they come across the DarkClan kittehs and whatever else you mentioned!)) "Bloodhowl, Bloodhowl!" Fishleap called out. SHe wondered what would be his first *censored*ignment as a warrior. She thought back to when Brambleflare, who was now long gone, was still alive. His first request as a warrior was to get some moss for poor old Kinkfur, the old medicine cat. Hopefully Bloodhowl would get something much more exciting to do. "Alright, you get the two apprentices and I'll go and get Shadesky to move his lazy butt!" SHe purred as she trotted gleefully towards Shadesky. "Hey, get up and come with me and Crowfeather. We're going out into the forest to go hunting. The fresh-air just might make you a bit more happier." Shadesky rolled his eyes, then grumbled something beneath his breath. "Fine." ((Gotta go eat dinner!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:24pm Oct 2 2009
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Sparkfire gave a curt nodd. "Let me go with you, I don't want Shadesky hurting himself trying to hunt" she said, leaping out of her nest. "Orangepaw, Dreampaw, we're going hunting, come with us!" meowed Crowheart. Orangepaw nodded, still disappointed about his crush, Blisspaw. He'd never see her again! His mind wanted to wail. She wasn't dead yet. There was still hope! She looked over to Blisspaw's sister, Dreampaw. She looked as if she wasn't even phased by Blisspaw's kidnapping! Unbelievable. Dreampaw padded up beside Crowheart and waited for Skyshadow and Shadesky to come, and Sparkfire, as she had overheard. ~~~~~ Bloodstar purred. "As a celebration, we will attack Stormclan." he said, puffing out his chest in pride of his idea. Jadewhisper uncurled her claws in excitement. She could still fight! Even if she was pregnant. Her fur bristled in excitement. Rocketpaw, Owlpaw and Featherpaw bounced up and down. They were going to battle again! Nightcloud sighed and retreated to her den, preparing polutices for when StormClan kcked her own clan's butts. (Didn't think Nightshade would appreciate swearing XD)

4:43pm Oct 2 2009
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((I'm back! And will post in a minute. And should Nightstar tag along, or...?))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:58pm Oct 2 2009
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((Sure, it might help her pick a deputy.))
5:09pm Oct 2 2009 (last edited on 5:10pm Oct 2 2009)
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((Wait, would the fight be better off at the border or at the camp? Jus' wonderin. Reminds me of when ShadowClan chased off WIndClan. Jeez, too many flashbacks...:P)) Fishleap's eyes shined brightly. Yes! Another war! Now DarkClan would finally get it's revenge, even though earlier today they had just fought. If DarkClan attacked StormClan's camp, then they would surely get to the point and win, fast. DarkClan, afterall, had more warriors than StormClan, so they'd be no match. And Nightstar was still weak anyways, and warriors were injured. AND they didn't even have a deputy. But were they going to attack camp, or from the border's edge? Shadesky stumbled over to where the rest of the patrol waited, with Sparkfire just behind. Skyshadow was just up ahead, meowing, "Ok, let's go! Sparkfire's tagging along as well." Nightstar's tired blinked wearily. She was worn out, still had to pick a deputy, pick out Blisspaw's mentor when she returned, GET Blisspaw back, resume normal daily life, and heal. She also had to deal with Hazelfure, which just added on to her list of things that screwed up her mind. But she wanted to see how her warriors did on patrol, and maybe it would clear her mind a bit about choosing deputy.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:28pm Oct 2 2009
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((Border's edge, but they'll chase fleeing cats nd steal territory when possible, and let's say that all the StormClan cat's are fully heale, except Shadesky. Just to even things out a bit)) Hazelfur stalked off to the warriors den, curling up in the dry moss to try and sleep. Crowheart nodded. "Sounds good, let's head out then." he announced, leading the hunting patrol out of camp. Dreampaw trailed behind him, catsing anxious glances back at the three- legged Shadesky. While Orangepaw was a tail-length ahead of the rst, staring blankly at the path in front of him, almost bumping into trees as he went. He must be really upset, thought Crowheart as he watched his apprentice, ready to rush forward if he fell. Sparkfire walked slowly next to Shadesky, ready to support him if he needed it. ~~ Bloodstar purred. "Fisleap, you and the apprentices will guide Blisspaw to the border." he said, pointing his tail towards Rocketpaw, Featherpaw and Owlpaw, who nodded and went over to her. "Before we head out, Fishleap, I want to talk to you, come here, you too Shadowfang." he said. He led the two cats towards the camp entrance, out of earshot of Blisspaw. "Let me tell you the plan." he said. Rocketpaw, Owlpaw and Featherpaw stood around the prison's entrance, staring at Blisspaw. "What's it like being a StormClan cat?" blurted Owlpaw. "Do they really eat DarkClan kits? That's what Jadewhisper told me when I asked about StormClan." said Featherpaw. Rocketpaw rolled his eyes. "You guys, we're only supposed to guard her, not talk to her!" he said. "Who said?" challenged Featherpaw, sticking her tongue out to her brother. "Now is not the time to quarrel." said Owlpaw, never moving his gaze from Blisspaw, waiting anxiously for an answer. He wanted badly to learn the mindset of StormClan. He was a very smart cat, and if he knew how someone thought, he usually had a good guess at how not to offend them and such.

5:36pm Oct 2 2009
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Lynxbloom was inside the StormClan camp, curled up next to a tree. Her tail was over her nose, and her eyes were half-open, narrowed to tiny slits.
5:41pm Oct 2 2009
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Hazelfur couldn't get to sleep, so eventually gave up. "Hey Lynxbllom." she said casually, padding up to the half-sleeping warrior.
5:42pm Oct 2 2009
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Lynxbloom glanced up. "Hi, Hazelfur," she murmured.
5:45pm Oct 2 2009
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Fishleap nodded, then walked over to Bloodstar. "Yes, what is it?" Blisspaw giggled. "Of course we don't eat kits! We'd be cannibals if we did! And well, I guess beiong a StormClan cat is fun. We have a lot of contests, and usually something exciting is always going on...and today Nightstar promised me that she'd name my mentor!" She mewed proudly. "But wait, why are you attacking StormClan? Shadesky's too hurt to fight! He got bit by a poisonous snake and he only has 3 legs now!" She mewed, not noticing the fact that she could go on and on about her Clan, telling the rival Clan all the secrets and weaknesses.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:48pm Oct 2 2009
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Nightstar streatched as she watched them leave camp. She then turned to see Hazelfur and Lynxbloom. "Hey, why don't you two go catch up with that patrol? Some fresh-air will do you good. And Hazelfur, how'd you like it if I made Blisspaw your apprentice when she gets back?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:59pm Oct 2 2009 (last edited on 6:03pm Oct 2 2009)
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Rocketpaw cocked his head at her. "One less warrior to worry about." he said with a shrug. Owlpaw gave her a hard stare. "Who was your best friend in StormClan?" he prompted. Featherpaw raised an eyebrow. "How is that important?" she asked her brother, who silenced her with a flick of the tail. Bloodstar nodded. "We're going to go up to the border, you, me, and all the apprentices, including Blisspaw. The rest of our warriors will be hiding in the bushes, waiting for the signal to attack. We'll lie and say we want to return Blisspaw, but we refuse to let her go without Nightstar's approval. And as they bring Nightstar, just as she's in ear and eye shot, we kill Blisspaw and launch the attack. Got it?" ~~~ Hazelfur smiled slightly. "Do you think I'm... unfit to be deputy?" she asked softly, worried gaze looking at the younger cat.Late
Hazelfur smiled at Nightstar. "I'd like that, but try not to get my hopes up, in case she doesn't come back." she said.
11:54pm Oct 2 2009
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Blisspaw spoke almost immediatley. "Orangepaw, of course. He's been by littermate ever since I was born. But I like to hang around my sister, Dreampaw, a lot to. I-we keep on asking Nightstar if apprentices could become deputies because We don't have one right now and Nightstar's having too hard of a time to decide." Nightstar playfully rolled her eyes, then bounded after the patrol. Soon she'd caught up with them and was tagging along at the end. Taking a whiff at the air, she scented a robin in the tree. She swiftly went off track as she gracefully jumped up onto the birch tree. Shadesky tried to pick up his pace, and eventually started jogging until he came to a stop at the border. He sniffed the air, making sure those fox-hearted cats across the border didn't tresp*censored*. Fishleap nodded, her eyes glinting in the darkening light. She then stepped backwards, where the rest of the Clan awaited. "Rocketpaw! Featherpaw! Owlpaw! Come here!" She ordered, then ben her head down a bit. "Go with the rest of the Clan to the border. All the warriors will be hiding, but you'll be out in the open with Bloodstar and I, so we can attract some attention." She whispered fiercly.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:19am Oct 3 2009
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12:40am Oct 3 2009
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((Foxleap was kidnapped by DarkClan and StormClan came to the rescue, taking one of Nightstar's lives, but freeing the warrior. However, Darkclan captured Blisspaw, and plan to kill her right in front of Nightstar. xWx In DarkClan, Jadewhisper is pregnant with Foxtail, Shadowtail is deputy, Bloodstar just made Bloodpaw Bloodhowl and is planning on leading an attack on StormClan to celebrate instead of a vigil for the night. They'll bring Blisspaw to the border and wait for a patrol, and before attacking they'll ask for Nightstar, and as soon as they appear on the horizon, BAM! Blisspaw is dead and so a battle continues.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:25am Oct 3 2009
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((Orangepaw isn't her littermate. :P Only Dreampaw. Orangepaw's mother and father went insane and left the clan to become kittypets. XD)) "So Stormclan, still doesn't have a deputy." mumbled Rocketpaw, absorbing all the useful information. "Tell me more about Orangepaw, what's he like?" said Owlpaw. Featherpaw's fur tingled in excitement for the battle. Bloodstar padded over to Jadewhisper and Foxtail, surley she didn't think she would be going! "Greetings Foxtail, Jadewhisper." he said. Jadewhisper dipped her head politely. ~~~ Sparkfire smiled at Shadesky. "I know your wound is healed, but you've been lying in your nest for days. You need to ease back into daily routines. Come back to camp now and rest. I'll give you some poppy seeds if necessary." she said. Hazelfur caught up with the patrol, and was disappointed to see Sparkfire wnted to take Shadesky away. She sniffed the air, and suddenly, and idea sprung in her mind. "We should go get Blisspaw back!" she said happily. She turned to face the others. "It's a great idea! If we can find the ex-deputy of Darkclan, he will surly help us to victory! His name's Deathfang right? Wuldn't he be thrilled to slash through the fur of his ex-clanmates?" Crowheart remained silent. He had no place to comment, being the youngest warrior in Stormclan. He couldn't wait until Orangepaw and Dreampaw became warriors. Maybe then he wouldn't be so shy. Orangepaw shot a pleading look at Nightstar, he wanted Blisspaw back more than any other cat here, surly she wouldn't put down the idea!
