Warrior Cats RPG

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1:35pm Oct 3 2009

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((Oh, whoops. XP Ok now where did Deathfang leave off at? I think he's somewhere.....by the border. I'll go and make him come closer to them, but not visible. Just enough to scent him. And I thought Crowheart was a moon or so older than Lynxbloom, Sparrowfrost, and Foxleap? Who RPs Sparrowfrost anyways?))

"But why?" Shadesky asked Sparkfire. "What happened to exercise? I should at least try to get used to running around 3-legged. Otherwise I'll hardly be able to walk around camp!" He argued stubbornly. 

Nightstar thought for a moment. She had recovered quickly, and she had a good patrol with her if a fight was needed. Rushing back into reality, she clearly meowed, "All right, we'll go and get Blisspaw back. I promised her I'd give her a mentor today anyway, so I'm sure she is already fighting to get back here. But we'll have to make up a plan before we go, and I've thought up one already." She then skidded to a stop, catching her breath as she waited for the others. "As some of us already know, there aren't many good hiding places in DarkClan, so we'll have to use a suprise technique. Someone will let out a yell at the entrance, and as soon as all of DarkClan turns, half of us charge in from the back. The other wave will come in when I say so. Those cats will find and get Blisspaw, and once they've fled the camp, we'll start to get out of there. Any other suggestions?"

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

1:38pm Oct 3 2009

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Deathfang hunkered down, hiding inside a holly bush. His eyes glinted as he licked his lips, the scent of mouse filling his mouthe up with water. He struck his paw out, landing directly on it. As it tried to squirm away, he bent town and bit a piece of meat off of the poor thing, making it die slowly and painfully. Deathfang grinned, then swallowed the rest of his meal. Peering foward, he took a few steps, then tasted the air. StormClan

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

1:38pm Oct 3 2009

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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

1:39pm Oct 3 2009

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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

1:40pm Oct 3 2009

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Lynxbloom ran rapidly, trying to catch up to the patrol.


3:14pm Oct 3 2009 (last edited on 3:20pm Oct 3 2009)

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Posts: 1,441

"Oh, hey Lynxbloom! We're going to get Blisspaw back!" Skyshadow called back to Lynxbloom.

Blisspaw looked up thoughtfully for a moment. "Yeah, I think Nightstar was going to pick Shadesky, because he was a bit tempermental, but he did what was good for his Clan, just kept some of  his thoughts to himself. But then he had the snake incident and only has 3-legs, so he couldn't possibly become leader. So now me and Orangepaw keep on asking her if one of us could be deputy. And what do you mean 'what's he like'? He's really good at hunting and tracking, and I'm guessing he's probably feels a little left out because his parents abandoned him and went to live as kittypets. Weird cats!"

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

5:48pm Oct 3 2009

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bumper carz! zoom zoom zoom!

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

6:54pm Oct 3 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((I play Sparrowfrost. :) And by the time they get to camp, Darkclan will be gone, already launching an attack on them. XD And Crowheart is actually young, he was made a warrior early, before Sparrowfrost and Lynxbloom, but is younger than them. ))

Dreampaw volunteered immediatly. "I'll yell at the entrance!" she said, tail shooting upwards.

Sparkfire growled. "The walk home is the only excersise you'll get for the next three moons if you question me again." she said, leading him away from the rest.

Hazelfur purred. "I'll lead half of the patrol to the rear of the camp." she said.

Crowheart nodded. "And I'll help Nightstar come in the front after you all attack."

Sparrowfrost sat next to Nightstar, waiting for her to *censored*ign evreyone tasks. "I can already smell Deathfang." she said softly.

Rocketpaw looked confused. "They left to become kitty-pets? Poor Orangepaw" he said, not able to help feeling sympathy towards him.

"I mean, like how does he act towards others, and how he thinks really." said Owlpaw.

"There's no more time for questions, Bloodstar is about to lead us away!" meowed Featherpaw.

Bloodstar yowled to get everyone's attention.  "Jadewhisper and Foxtail, you two stay in camp with Nightcloud and guard it." he ordered. "As for the rest, we're moving out, Featherpaw, Rocketpaw, Owlpaw, bring Blisspaw with us.


12:12am Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Ok, that's what I figured, just had to make Nightstar say something. Oh yeah, and Dashz, if you get back on before we go into battle, you can just act like Frsotwing caught up with the aptrol or something.))

Shadesky rolled his eyes agitated, then sneered something from underneath his breath. "Fine." was all he said before storming off after his sister back towards camp.

Nightstar sat down, getting ready to speak. "Ok, Dreampaw will call out the alarm at DarkClan's camp entrance, and then me, Sparrowfrost, Crowheart, Lynxbloom, and Orangepaw to hide in the front where everyone will come out. Hazelfur can lead Frostwing, Foxleap, Canis, and Skyshadow in the back to get Blisspaw. Hopefully that should be all it takes.

"Yeah, I feel bad for him to. And well, *asks whatever what I should put here.*( I'm freakin brain-dead right now, for no reason whatsoever. Maybe it's because I spent most of my day drawing some picture.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

10:34am Oct 4 2009

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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

1:18pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((I'm pissed off. I was just about to get a free ginger zennie, and the person who hatched it told me that i could have it, and just as i rMail the guy he tells someone else can have it and gives it away. >:())

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

1:25pm Oct 4 2009

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Lynxbloom unsheathed and sheathed her claws again, thinking with glee of arriving at the camp again. If Soulfire spots me I'm going to this time rip his claws out!


1:47pm Oct 4 2009

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Skyshadow gave a curt nod and then unsheathed her claws, wishing the battle would start any moment so she could rip DarkClan's hearts out.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

1:54pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((Lemme at him! I'll beat him up for you Night! Omg! We should all totally send him rmails about how much of a jerk he is. XDDD))

"Nevermind, we're leaving camp, follow us, and don't get any ideas, you'll be with your clan again soon." said Rocketpaw.

Featherpaw nodded. "Rocketpaw will trail behind you and Owlpaw and I will be on either side of you if you try to escape."

"Lighten up you guys, Blisspaw's okay, she's not gonna try and escape, she's not that mouse-brained." said Owlpaw, defending his friend. He felt a pang of sadness that Bloodstar was gonna have her killed. Maybe he'd be able to save her! Maybe he wouldn't. It had to be worth a shot though. "Jadewhisper, will you guard Blisspaw for a moment? I want to have a discussion with Featherpaw and Rocketpaw." he said.

Jadewhisper shrugged. "I don't see why not." she said, padding over and sitting in front of Blisspaw, ears angled slightly towards her.

"Great, c'mon!" said Owlpaw, dashing towards the apprentice's den, a rusty sewage pipe that goes above ground on both sides, cleared out and filled with bedding to make an ideal den.

"This had better be good!" hiss Rocketpaw in Owlpaw's ear. He sat down, his eyes blazing as he stared at Owlpaw. Featherpaw entered the den shortly afterwards.

"What do you want to say Owlpaw?" asked Featherpaw.

"We have to save Blisspaw!" he said.

"Are you mouse-brained?! The clan wants her dead! Bloodstar wants her dead!" hissed Rocketpaw.

"But she knows so much about Stormclan! She could proove useful if we keep her!" said Owlpaw.

"We don't need her secrets!" shot Rocketpaw.

"It would give us and advantage in battle" Featherpaw pointed out. All three cats fell silent.

Owlpaw nodded to Featherpaw. "We have to save her, discretly, make her look like she's dead and then smuggle her away when no cat is looking." he said.

"How are we gonna do that?" asked Rocketpaw.

"Every cat knows that you are Bloodclan's most loyal apprentice out of us three, so you simply ask if you are allowed to kill Blisspaw, though you don't actually kill her, only make her look dead and then we can take her away and tend to her injuries." replied Owlpaw.

"Brilliant!" said Featherpaw excitedly.

"Now we need to tell Blisspaw." said owlpaw. He jumped out of the apprentice den and dashed towards where Blisspaw was, while Rocketpaw broke off to ask Bloodstar. "Thanks Jadewhisper, you can go." said Owlpaw.

Jadewhisper padded away wordlessly.

Featherpaw smiled waarmly at Blisspaw. "You're not gonna die today Blisspaw, we have a plan." she said.

Owlpaw nodded.

Rocketpaw was panting when he reached Bloodstar. "Bloodstar! I have a question!" he said.

Bloodstar looked down. "What is it?"

Rocketpaw's paws shifted. "I was wondering, if I could kill Blisspaw instead of Fishleap." he said.

Bloodstar frowned. "That's not a question for me. Go ask her yourself." he said.

Rocketpaw nodded and grabbed a piece of fresh kill. He walked over to Fishleap and dropped the prey. "Are you hungry?" he asked. "It'll be a big day today, what with the coming battle." he said.


Dreampaw purred. "Do you want to know what'll really set them off?" she asked, kneading the loose dirteagerly. "When Iraise the alarm, how about I also have a piece of their fresh kill in their jaws?" she purred. She must be feeling extra devious today.

Orangepaw cocked his head. "Listening to the elder's stories of Tigerstar again Dreampaw?" he said.

Dreampaw ignored the arrogant orange tabby as she stared up at her leader.

Sparkfire waited for Shadesky at the entrance. "You're nest has been cleaned." she said. "And I have some herbs for the pain you should have right now."


1:55pm Oct 4 2009 (last edited on 1:58pm Oct 4 2009)

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Posts: 706

((Sure. Shadowfang would love kits!))


Foxtail's tail lashed, then he turned to Jadewhisper and said, "If we go to war I want you to stay here."


Shadowfang stood beside Bloodstar, saying, "Is now a smart time? We let them heal, but we should wait. Until after the next gathering. That will have them relaxed, not believing we shall do anything for now."


((I'm going to kill off Frostwing. Then make another Stormclan warrior. Frostwing isn't going anywhere. So here are her brave last moments.))


Frostwing decided to go on a hunt. Canis was needing a mentor. She'd talk to Nightstar about it. She climbed up a tree, scenting a squirrel. She was wrong, and fell. She groaned as she got up. But the thump of her fall woke up the badger, who's set was below her. She was quickly attacked. Knowing that she wouldn't make it alone against him, she ran. She found Nightstar. She gasped, "Mentor...... Canis..... Raise him....Well. Tell him.... I love him." Then she died, crying as she walked the way to Starclan, wishing she could've lived to raise Canis herself.

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1:58pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Soulfire finished grooming himself. He wondered if he would be able to fight. No, wounds don't heal that quick.


2:05pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Dashz, you should of totally made Frostwing die in the battle! ANyways, I'll have to comment and post after I take a shower and help out with my mom. Hopefully I won't be that long!))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

2:06pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 706
((Ohhhhh, that would've been good!))

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2:34pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Jadewhisper's tail drooped. "But... but Foxtail! I'm not a queen yet! I have teeth and claws! A swollen belly isn't going to affect me!" she protested.

Bloodstar gave the plan a second thought. "You're right Shadowfang, but Stormclan may have a different opinion, they attacked us first and then they lost. If I were in their paws, I'd want revenge for sure as soon as possible." he said.


3:03pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Yeah.... you can always go back and edit your post if you want to make Frostwing die in the battle. And lol whatever nice try. But I don't think rMails would be a good idea! XDD And OMG you type freakin LONG posts!))

Fisleap looked down at the apprentice. "All right, what do you want?" She asked, used to the 3 always trying to get what they wanted.

"Er, well, ok then. I wasn't planning on dieing anyway?" She mewed quietly.

Shadesky sighed. "You don't have an herb by chance that makes medicine cats stop nagging, do you?"

Nightstar purred. "Alright, Dreampaw, whenever we go into positions, on our way there you can snag some prey. And Sparrowfrost, why don't you go and find Deathfang. He'll be helpful. If he attacks you, just call for help."

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
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