Warrior Cats RPG

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3:21pm Oct 4 2009

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((He heh. :) It's a me-thing. If I have lot to say, I say it all plus some.))

"Don't be cross with me or I'llput Nightshade with your herbs." growled Sparkfire in response.

Sparrowfrost nodded. "I'll be right back." she said, tracking Deathfang's scent. He had crossed the border.

Dreampaw purred happily. "This is going to be so fun! I can't wait to see Blisspaw again!" she meowed happily.

Orangepaw rolled his eyes. Why couldn't he come up with any good ideas? He felt a bur in his pelt and pulled it out hastily. Missing Blisspaw is like having an unrachable burr in my fur." thought Orangepaw sadly.

Rocketpaw chuckled. "I was wondering, if when we all go into action, if I could kill Blisspaw. She was, eh, really cross with me earlier, and I can just imagine my claws ripping her throat out." he purred, easily lying. No cat would doubt him!

Owlpaw frowned. "Bloodstar was planning on walking you to the border and killing you in front of Nightstar." said Owlpaw, stiffling a shuder.

"But we have a plan to help you!" said Featherpaw in an urgent undertone.


3:23pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441
Some one loooooooost a pooooooooost!

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

3:24pm Oct 4 2009

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Oh no! Now I lost a post! Oh where, oh where, did my lost pos go, oh where, oh where could it beeeee?

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

3:25pm Oct 4 2009

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*Starts hyperventilating* My post! My post! My poor little post! Someone stole it!

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

3:33pm Oct 4 2009

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3:34pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441

Found it! *lifts up 1 inch rock to reveal post* Oh yeah, and DarkClan had better start going soon!

Nightstar chuckled. "Now as soon as Sparrowfrost come back with Deathfang, we can go."

Blisspaw's eyes widened with fear, then shrunk back down as she heard Featherpaw's words. "You have such a blood-thirsty leader!" She meowed, then started walking in between the two apprentices.

Skyshadow's tail twiched irritantly as she impatiently waited for Sparrowfrost to return with the former DarkClan deputy.

Shadesky blew some hair out of his eyes, ignoring his sister's response, and then bent down and half-heartidley ate the disgusting herbs.

((Wait, so is Blisspaw going to die?))

Fishleap's eyes glimmered in amusement. "I suppose so, but it had better be good."

Sparrowpaw Deathfang thought as he tasted the air and got her scent, not knowing that she had become a warrior. His head popped out from the gr*censored* and faced the StormClan warrior. "Can I help you?"

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

3:51pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 5,279

"Greetings Deathfang." said Sparrowfrost. "We would like to ask you for help, we'll be launching an attack on Darkclan, and thought it'd be fair to ask you." she said.

((no, Blisspaw is going to be saved by the three apprentices if she promises to give them clan secrets of StormClan.))

Owlpaw stepped in front of Blisspaw. "By insulting our leader, you're gravely lowering your chances of survival, are you going to listen to our plan or not?!" he hissed.

Featherpaw shivered. She had never seen Owlpaw this irritated before. Not even when she sat on the mouse he had been about to eat as a kit!

Rocketpaw purred. "Thanks Fishleap! You won't regret it!" he exclaimed as he boounded off to join his littermates.


3:58pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Oooh, ok. And I'm am like...dying to join some dragon RP. Dunno why, just do.))

Blisspaw stepped back, alarmed. She flattened her ears slightly. "Ok, ok! Then I won't talk about your leader! And what's your plan?"

Fishleap shrugged, then walked over towards Bloodstar. "So are we going now?"

Deathfang's eyes glimmered with satisfaction. "I'd love to help." He replied dryly, thinking about his ex-Clan.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

4:07pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((You could join my dragon rp if you want. I won't post the link though, that's advertising. XDDD))

"Welcome to Stormclan Deathfang. Follow me!" said Sparrowfrost, leaping back to where her clanmates were. "He's here!" yowled Sparrowfrost.

"I'll go get some fresh kill!" said Dreampaw. She slunk into a bush. There was a rustle and a loud squeal and she emerged with a fat brown mouse.

Bloodstar blinked. "I'm giving this plan second thoughts. Do you think we should delay the attack until after the gathering, that way they thing that we won't attack?" he asked.

"Okay, so you go along with the plan, oblivious. Rocketpaw will be ordered to kill you. He'll draw enough blood and you will go limp and act, well, dead. Then, during the attack, we'll take you away from the battle and you will tell us what we want to know about StormClan." said Owlpaw. "Got it?

Featherpaw watched Blisspaw.

Rocketpaw's tail flicked excitedly and his claws dug into the dirt.


4:16pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441

Blisspaw kneaded her paw inthe dirt ground. "Well...I suppose I don't really have a choice....so ok," She took a deep breathe, "I'll do it."

Fishleap looked in awe at her leader. "But Bloodstar, it's already turning night out and tonight's the night of no moon. And what happened to celebrating Bloodhowl's warriorship? Besides, if we keep that mangy kit here, all we'll be doing is wasting prey and will give StormClan time to get Blisspaw back!"

Deathfang followed Sparrowfrost until he came upon Nightstar and the rest of the Clan. "Greetings, Nightstar." He dipped his head. "I'd be glad to help with your attack on DarkClan."

Nightstar flicked her tail. "Very well. We're heading out now." She replied, then led her patrol through the forest at a running pace.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

4:20pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Which dragon RP? I don't care if you post it on here, because it isn't really advertising. It's giving me the link to something I want to see! XD))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

4:31pm Oct 4 2009

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"Great! and afterwards, you'll be free to go back to your camp and explain what happened, but no cat in your clan must know our names. We can't afford to be hated in our own clan if it gets out." said Owlpaw.

Relief flooded over Featherpaw. She was excited to learn about Stormclan.

Rocketpaw ppurred. "Looks like Bloodstar is moving us out, let's go." he said, trailing behind Blisspaw, his siblings at either side of her.

Bloodstar nodded. "You're right. Let's go" he said. "To the border, follow me! Jadewhisper, Foxtail, you two can guard the camp while we're gone." he said. He led the battle patrol and Blisspaw out of camp in the direction of the border. He sniffed the air. "Stormclan are already here!" he hissed furiously.

Jadewhisper sighed. She wanted to fight!

Dreampaw's paws quivered excitedly as she walked beside Orangepaw behind Nightstar, the kill dangling from her jaws.

Hazelfur bristled. "Nightstar! I can already smell DarkClan cats! Blisspaw is among them!" she growled urgently.

Crowheart tasted the air. "She right!" he gasped.

Orangepaw's heart leapt and his claws slid out of their sockets, ready to fight for Blisspaw.

((The Dragons of Floviza))


4:39pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441

Fishleap hissed something silently to herself as she raced alongside her Clanmates. "Stupid StormClan!" She growled, unsheathing her claws fiercly as she clenched her teether together.

Blisspaw looked up ahead, trying to see over the swarm of cats in front of her. 

Nightstar cursed herself underneath her breath. "Alright, Hazelfur, take your wave out there, to fight, Dreampaw you go along with them. I'll keep the rest of the Clan back here, maybe even in the trees, and we can try to attack from there on out. Hopefully it won't be too hard to grab Blisspaw from the swarm of cats.

Skyshadow widened her eyes, then unsheathed her claws and slid in behind Hazelfur.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

4:40pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((I'm scared to join! You got so far in that RP, I'd have no clue where to start off. And plus, I don't really know who's even in the RP. XP Imma go think about how to enter the RP))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

4:52pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Hazelfur nodded and waved her tail to take the cats around the approaching Darkclan to get behind them, Dreampaw at her tail.

Orangepaw's fur ruffled out. "I can see Blisspaw!" he said joyfully, new motivation surging through him.

Bloodstar smiled. "Rocketpaw! Now!" he yowled, loud enough for Nightstar to hear. He stared at her in the eye, then turned his head to watch Rocketpaw.

Owlpaw cast one last glance at Blisspaw, and with a nod....

Rocketpaw gave a battle yowl and leapt at Blisspaw from behind. "Act scared!" he hissed as he drew blood from her back and the sides of her neck, but not enough to kill her.

Featherpaw watched the Stormclan cats.

Orangepaw's heart stopped. His eyes went blank and his tail dropped hard on the ground with a thud. "Blisspaw!" he yowled. The despair was quickly replaced with fury, and without a command, he launched himself into a sprint and pelted into Rocketpaw. "Get off of her!" he hissed as he slashed at the young tom's face.

Rocketpaw kicked out with his strong back legs to throw Orangepaw off of him. "She's already dead!" he hissed.

Orangepaw yowled in fury and flew at Rocketpaw again, not remembering a sepck of his training.

Featherpaw's eyes widened. "He's mad!" she growled.

Owlpaw bent down and whispered in Blisspaw's ears. "Remember, you're dead, don't get up until I poke your left ear." he growled as he ran into Orangepaw with Rocketpaw.


5:05pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441

Blisspaw winced at the strike, then crashed down onto the ground. She hated to do this in front or her Clan and break their hearts, but it was for the better good. She lay there motionless, her eyes closing as she tried to breathe very little.

Nightstar gasped as she watched the newest apprentice get murdered right in front of her. "Blisspaw!" She cried out, then raced foward, forgetting about the plan. It was useless now, DarkClan already had seen her.

Skyshadow's heart lurched as she saw Rocketpaw lash out at the apprentice. She immediatley stormed foward, then with all her might, rammed into Bloodstar. She then turned and raced after Soulfire.

Deathfang stealthly crawled forward, inching his way closer and closer.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

5:13pm Oct 4 2009

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Fishleap unsheathed her claws, her eyes only slits. She sprinted foward, sliding underneath Hazelfur's body and flailing at the soft skin below.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

5:13pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Bloodstar hissed t the blow, but made his way towards Nightstar instead. He clawed her eye, hoping he caught her.

Rocketpaw wrestled Orangepaw to the ground, Owlpaw aiming blows precisly to unbalence Orangepaw. Rocketpaw clawed both of his ears.

Orangepaw roared in fury, back claws scraping furiously at Rocketpaw, trying to free himself.

Dreampaw hissed. "Murderer!" she roared, charging into Owlpaw. She was a better figher than him and had him on the ground with ease. Her green eyes blazed. "How. Dare You. Kill. My. Sister!" she screeched in betwwen blows to the face.

"You don't understand!" Owlpaw shrieked, his claws tearing fur out of her pelt.

"I understand perfectly!" she hissed.

Featherpaw leaned down to Blisspaw. "Now's our chance, get up and follow me." she hissed.

Hazelfur growled. "Nightstar!" she roared. She charged to the rescue, plowing into Bloostar's side, knocking the wind out of him.

Crowheart saw Soulfire and charged with a battle yowl, claws unsheathed as he leapt into the air, twisted and landed square on the cat's back.


5:25pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 1,441

Nightstar hissed in nfury as pain echoed through her body while a bloody scar blazed across hjer right eye, creating what look like a pointed squiggly line going up and down her eye. Kinda like a lightening bolt, only it didn't look like one. She squeezed her eye shut, screaming in her mind at the pain. Using her left eye, she turned and saw Hazelfur attack Bloodstar. She ran up to her side, then lashed out across Bloodstar's flank, creating a nasty scar.

Blisspaw opened her eyes and nodded, then quickly followed Featherpaw to a safe hiding spot, away from the battle. She licked her paw, then rubbed it gently over her injury. "Ok, so now what?"

Deathfang charged, aiming at Shadowfang. He pounced at pinned the deputy down, glaring at him with hate.

Fishleap duckedand then bit down on Hazelfur's left back leg, making her lose some balence

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

5:41pm Oct 4 2009

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Posts: 5,279

"You stay here, I'll fetch Rocketpaw and Owlpaw, don't run please, my brothers would never forgive me!" said Featherpaw, racing away towards the battle. She rammed into Dreampaw. "Leave my brother alone!" she hissed as she bowled over her.

Dreampaw screeched in pain and rolled over onto her back as she kicked out at Featherpaw.

Rocketpaw released his grip on Orangepaw so he could flee.

Orangepaw regained his space and his tail lashed, blood coming from a neat gash running down his foreleg. He lept at Rocketpaw again. He would avenge Blisspaw or die trying!

Rocketpaw growled and stepped out of the way of Orangepaw. "You just don't know when to give up!" he hissed with a snarl.

Orangepaw yowled and lept again. "Coward!"

Rocketpaw stepped out of the  way again. "Stop it! Blisspaw isn't dead!" he hissed with a snarl. "She'll be in your camp by dawn tomorrow if you flee! But if not she may actually die tonight!"

Orangepaw's gaze lightened slightly, but he was stll fierce. "She'd better be safe. I'll come for you." he hissed as he turned tail and fled out of the clearing towards his own territory.

Rocketpaw nodded and then saw His sibblings wrestling Dreampaw down. She was good! She must be Blisspaw's sister.  He turned around. They could handle Dreampaw, Bloodstar! He was being attacked by Nightstar and Hazelfur! Two warriors against one! How unfair!" he thought. With a yowl, he sprung at Nightstar, landing on her back, biting her ear. Metallic blood flooded his mouth and he dug his claws into her pelt as he drew back.

Bloodstar yowled in pain as Nightstar's claws raked his side, his scarred side. Lightning flashed in his memory and he remembered the squeales of anguish from his unnamed littermates. Fury filled him and he rounded on Hazelfur, claws raking her face.

Hazelfur dodged out of the way at the last second, jumping behind Bloodstar and tripping him by putting her forepaw under his back leg.

Bloodstar fell to te ground but got up fast enough to dodge Hazelfur again.

((Zomg, we should make Blisspaw and Owlpaw fall in love. How epic would that be? Orangepaw VS Owlpaw.))

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