5:46pm Oct 4 2009
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((Homg that would be like, so epic. And then Orangepaw would get all jealous and stuff! This obviously won't work out now, but like, what if Rocketpaw, Featherpaw, and Owlpaw got the answers they needed and then just killed Blisspaw?! I am being so weird.....XP Like that's ever going to happen!)) Nightstarcried out, and then, not knowing whether it was a full-grown warrior on her back or not, she tilted backwards and fell onto he back, feeling a leg of something underneath her. ((Brb, I gotta go unstairs for a minute!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:59pm Oct 4 2009
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Soulfire growled. How dare they! He whipped his head to and fro, working out where his attackers were.
6:00pm Oct 4 2009
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6:00pm Oct 4 2009
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6:09pm Oct 4 2009
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Skyshadow lashed out at Soulfire, raking across Soulfire's muzzle as she landed on the ground. Nightstar then jumped up and turned to see whose leg she'd squashed. Rocketpaw. She smirked, then bounded away towards Bloodstar. Fishleap growled mecingly, then tore Hazelfur off Bloodstar as she began flailing endlessly at Hazelfur, anger burning deep inside her yellow eyes. Leaping, Nightstar went head first into DarkClan's leader, making her a bit dizzy. She shook herself vigorously, fluffing out her fur. She then tried to trip Bloodstar, but missed as she fell to the floor, accidentaly tripped by Fishleap, who was going after Hazelfur.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:13pm Oct 4 2009 (last edited on 7:06pm Oct 4 2009)
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Crowheart lashed out at Soulfire, raking his pelt. "C'mon Soulpaw! Fight me!" he hissed, enjoying taunting the warrior. ~Rocketpaw yowled as Nightstar crushed him.He breathed a sigh of relief as Nightstar got off of him. But saw her going for Bloodstar so attacked again, this time dashing under the leader and slashing her belly.~
Owlpaw plowed into Dreampaw, sending her flying out of the way of Featherpaw and himself. "A few more swipes and Dreampaw will flee if we're lucky, be careful, your shoulder wound looks dangerous." he said. Dreampaw barreled into Owlpaw when she came back, tearing at him. Owlpaw pushed Dreampaw off of him with clawed hind paws, digging into her soft belly. Dreampaw howled in pain, leaping off of Owlpaw. She panted and blood soaked most of her pelt, showing only flecks of black and white of her normal pelt and her raging green eyes. "She's insane!" exclaimed Featherpaw as Dreampaw leaped again. "Not insane, furious!" hissed Dreampaw fruriously as she clamped down on Featherpaw's tail. "My tail!" yowled Featherpaw. No one touches her tail. Featherpaw growled and turned around slowly, seeing Dreampaw's face, open for attack. "You'll be lucky if you have any fur when I'm done with you!" roared Feathertail, scratching fur and skin alike off of Dreampaw's face. Dreampaw cried in pain and jumped backwards, out of the way before turning tail and fleeing, blinded by the blood, dodging fighting cats as she followed Orangepaw's scent home. Bloodstar sighed in relief as Hazelfur was dragged off of him. He saw Fishleap and his eyes gleamed angrily. He leapt at Hazelfur again, clawing herfurry back.
Hazelfur growled in satisfaction as her fur absorbed the blows of the two cats. She regained her space and spat at Fishleap. She raked her claws accross the she-cat's face,hitting her nose. Bloodstar saw that Fishleap could handle Hazelfur and then saw Nightstar. He lept at her, attempting to pin her down.

6:14pm Oct 4 2009
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((Oops, my post was late!))
6:18pm Oct 4 2009
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Soulfire spat blood. He dug his claws angrily into the ground. He located Crowheart's scent, though he knew that the scent wasn';t enough for him to know exactly where the StormClan warrior was. He lunged outward, narrowly missing Crowheart. This wound stinks! he thought to himself.
6:19pm Oct 4 2009
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Nightstar rolled her eyes as she swiped a paw at the apprentice. She twisted around, trying to flip Rocketpaw off of her. "Get outta here, mous-brain!" She hissed into the apprentices ear, then turned around as her eyes glimmered with satisfaction as Hazelfur spoke. "Good, he deserves it." She growled then padded over to the leader and bent down. "Now look whos won." SHe seethed fiercly into her rival's (???) ear. Blisspaw waited, warily looking around.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:20pm Oct 4 2009
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((Yeah, that was kinda late because I made Fishleap attack Hazelfur, bringing her off of Bloodstar. XP))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:39pm Oct 4 2009
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((Sooo. Do I haves to edit my posty and un-kill bloodstar?)) Rocketpaw growled, but sheathed his claws and tore away towards his siblings. "C'mon, let's go to Blisspaw now." he said, and together, the three tore off in the direction of Blisspaw. "We're here." Owlpaw said, sitting down in the dim light. "How are you feeling?" asked Feattherpaw. Rocketpaw stood by his sister..
6:55pm Oct 4 2009
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((ZOMG I just named my nattie meiko Bloodstar!))
7:06pm Oct 4 2009
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((edited it anyway))
7:34pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 706
((Omg!! Such a heartless leadder Nightstar is!! Her old deputy died in front of her and she didn't even seem sad!)) ((Omg!! What happened?! Recap??))
8:00pm Oct 4 2009
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((XDDDD Well, I didn't know whether or not you were going to edit it and make her die in battle or not! XP Guess not. And uh....I'll try and get a recap in on my next post.)) Nightstar ducked down, hoping to miss Bloodstar's attempt. The worst she got was a few scratches on her back. Not bad. But her eye was putting her in agony. As she tried to open it, all she saw was a blur. Oh StarClan, no! She blinked again and again, her once-bright green eye had faded to a ghostly minty-green color, showing that one eye had gone out. She was half-blind! She warily walked around in circles searching for Bloodstar. She wasn't used to having such little vision. "Are you alright?" She asked Rocketpaw. "Who were you fighting?" Fishleap shreiked. Her nose turned red as it smelled, blood bursting out of it. Furious, she launched herself at Hazelfur.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:28pm Oct 4 2009
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Desired Name: Cherrypaw Position: Apprentice Family: None Mate: None Crush: Crowheart Age: 10 moons (about to be made a warrior) Clan: Stormclan Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance: (Below) Personality: When you get to know her, she is hyper and loving. But if you don't she is harsh, quick to snap. She lost her family early, to be raised by a rogue. But she grew sick of that life and wanted to see what life her parents led. She found her parents' clan, and hoped to meet them. She knew her mother's name and then deion of her father. She learned her mother is dead, leaving another kit of another tom. She hopes to get close to her half-brother in hope of learning more of her mother. She has found out who her father is, and hopes to get close to him, but is scared he won't want a thing to do with her. She is the daughter of Frostwing and Shadesky, the kit she did give up to keep her deputy ti tle.
8:31pm Oct 4 2009
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((Awwww, the personality is so sad!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:35pm Oct 4 2009 (last edited on 8:37pm Oct 4 2009)
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Cherrypaw walked through the forest. She scented the air. She knew her father's scent by now. She quickly found him, leaping next to him as she said, "Hello fa- Shadesky!" Foxtail nodded, saying, "A hard strike to the stomach could do something to our kits!"
8:41pm Oct 4 2009
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Shadesky turned, seeing Cherrypaw walking towards him. "Hey, Cherrypaw." He replied awkwardly, not used to this kind of conversation.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:46pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 706
"Do you want to talk? Or hunt?" Cherrypaw asked, but knowing he could be moody from the rogue who raised her. "Or do you want me to leave?"