8:51pm Oct 4 2009
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Shadesky narrowed his eyes. "Ahem." He fakingly coughed, flicking his tail towards where his right leg should be. "Hunting is a no-go, unless you'd rather have Sparkfire rip your fur off." He meowed jokingly. "What do you wanna talk about?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:57pm Oct 4 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:57pm Oct 4 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:58pm Oct 4 2009
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P3 *wails* All right, put'cha hands up! Who took 'em?
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:01pm Oct 4 2009
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Ah-ha! I gots you now! *points as 1-inch rock* You can not underestimate teh Night!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:13pm Oct 4 2009 (last edited on 4:47pm Oct 5 2009)
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NAME: Hawkstep Clan:Stormclan GENDER:Male AGE: 27 moons PERSONALITY:Caring and loving,will do anything to protect his clanmates. RANK:Warrior, will soon be Deputy? LOOKS:Look at my sig but imagine its a cat. CRUSH:None MATE (NO INSTANT MATES):None OTHER:None
10:15pm Oct 4 2009
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10:20pm Oct 4 2009
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(( Ummm, well, DarkClan and StormClan are at war, and Featherpaw, Owlpaw, and Rocketpaw of DarkClan are about to start questioning Blisspaw about StormClan, or otherwise they'll kill her. And if you want to be deputy, you'll have to start out as a warrior and then Nightstar will call for a ceremony and name you deputy then.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:57pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 706
Cherrypaw looked at him, then wondered if this was a sore subject as she said, "Can we talk about a she-cat named Frostwing? Or your past?" She wondered when she should tell Shadesky that she was his daughter, or if she should tell him at all. Or if Frostwing ever told him. Then did he know? She sighed accidentally, wishing this wasn't as complicated as it was. She quickly looked at Shadesky, hoping he missed it, but knowing he wouldn't. She sat down, not knowing if he needed a rest, but hoping not to seem pushy. She had lost her mother before she met her, Cherrypaw wanted Shadesky to live as long as possible with her at his side. She admired his bravery, living with only three legs now, but a good sense of humor, and attitude. He had everything she hoped to get, gain, recieve, and/or earn. She could easily tell that he was her father, half way hoping that this would alert him that he had a daughter in time. The only thing she didn't get was where she color came from. She had seen and talked to her Grandmother Nightstar, who obviously guessed nothing, as of right now. So it wasn't from his side of the family. But she knew that some of her family on her mother's side were rogues, loner, strays, and kittypets. So it could be from anyone of them. Maybe she met them without knowing it. But she knew her tortoiseshell pattern, splashing itself across her back, head, and tail, was rare. But she hoped that Shadesky would see how alike this young she-cat was of him. She would tell him when she felt the time was right, but she hoped he would ask himself. But that would happen, if it did, when it happened. That only left one question on her mind, Did he want a daughter? And if he did, did he want one whose dam was Frostwing? She had heard they weren't the closest anymore. Not since her half-brother's birth. No, they weren't even seen as mates anymore....

11:09pm Oct 4 2009
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Shadesky looked in suprise at Cherrypaw. "Why exactly are we talking about my past?You aren't thinking about becoming a rogue now, are you?" Shadesky had his brain filled with memories about his childhood when he was just a tiny kit. He remembered almost everything of when he was just a rogue.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:43am Oct 5 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:22pm Oct 5 2009
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Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmp you guys r making me tired I've been bored alllllll daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:27pm Oct 5 2009
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((whatever is online.....duh duh dunnnnnnnnnnn))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:29pm Oct 5 2009
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((LOL, poor Hazelfur, replaced by a cat no one even knows yet. XDDD)) ((Omg, we should call Cherrypaw Cherrybubble! How cute would that be?! Lol)) Rocketpaw shrugged. "I think it's better you don't know, just to save the awkwardness..." he said. Owlpaw nodded. "Okay Blisspaw. For first, I want you to tell us about your sister Dreampaw. She was a handful for the warrior she was fighting, and I'm curious. I thought she might be your sister." he said. Featherpaw nodded. "It's a good thing I have long fur, or I might be as bad as Rocketpaw right now." she added. Jadewhisper sighed. "I suppose you're right." she said, not wanting to argue anymore. "Do you think they need our help?" she asked. Bloodstar stifled a pur. Was Nightstar going to die at his paws again? He ducked to avoid the wrathful leap of the half blind leader. It was easy because, having only one eye messed with her depth perception. He dashed under her belly, even though he was bigger and bit at whichever leg was closest. Hazelfur couldn't avoid Fishleap this time, but bent low to the ground to absorb the blows easier. Her fur was running down quickly, so she rolled ontoher back and kicked up at Fishleapas hard as she could before she landed on her. Crowheart's heart raced. "Deathfang! where are you?" he hissed as he launched himself in Bloodstar's direction, missing and crashing into Soulfire instead. He growled and backed away a few paces before leaping again at the tom, sinking his claws into his haunches and tough muscle.

3:56pm Oct 5 2009
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Blisspaw nodded. "She is. She always tried to attack our mother's tail when we were kits, she's well-trained." Nightstar shreiked as she fell teeth sink into her leg. She looked down and saw Bloodstar biting down. She unsheathed her claws, the weapon of hers she didn't use often because they were hooked, and drove them into her opponents back, blood seeping out. "I'm right here!" Deathfang yowled as he lunged at Shadowfang, knocking him to the ground. Fishleap scowled as Hazelfur pummeled her stomach. As she pinned Fishleap down, she stuck her head out and bit at Hazelfur's arm.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:07pm Oct 5 2009
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Posts: 1,299
Name: Venomleaf Position: Queen Family: None Mate: Stripedfeather (died in a fire 3 moons ago) Crush: None Age: 24 moons Clan: StormClan Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance: Venomleaf is a skinny she-cat with a sleek dappled brown pelt and cream paws. Her eyes are a shining, dark lime green. Personality: Venomleaf is sweet and loving. She was born in StormClan and will praise and support it until the end of her life. Venomleaf is very devastated that her mate, Stripedfeather, is dead, and she has never gotten over it. Her kits will be born soon.
4:24pm Oct 5 2009
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((Okies, another member!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:36pm Oct 5 2009
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Hazelfur yowled and jumped back in fury. Her chest rose and fell deeply and quickly and her eyes blazed blue. Her tail lashed and clumps of fur were missing everywhere, and Blood welled out of a small cut on her belly. She waited for Fishleap to come at her again. Owlpaw nodded. "Orangepaw was really worried about you when I fought him." he said. "He fled because I told him you'd be back by dawn tomorrow." said Owlpaw, jealousy hot on his tongue. Odds are, Blisspaw would go home and be treated like a hero and would grow up and be mates with Orangefur have a million kits and live happily ever after. Owlpaw stiffled a groan at the sad anticipation, then pictured himself in Orangepaw's place. "Are you interested in him?" asked Featherpaw curiously. Rocketpaw was silent as he groomed his wounds.
4:46pm Oct 5 2009
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Fishleap scowled, then flung her paw out, hoping to trip Hazelfur. "That sounds like him, alright. And I really don't know. He likes me, but...I don't know if I like him that much." Blisspaw replied. ((I gotta go for a little bit. But I'll be back on later, so I hope I see somethin to reply to! And by the wat, Wolfy is gonna post THURSDAY. -_-))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:50pm Oct 5 2009
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Hawkstep growled, leaping on a cat and wrestling the strugling bundle to the ground, spitting in the cats face. ((This is what you mean by battle?))