Warrior Cats RPG

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5:02pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 1,299

Soulfire spun around scenting for another StormClan cat to attack. 

Lynxbloom plunged out into the battle.


5:03pm Oct 5 2009

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5:03pm Oct 5 2009

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5:04pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 1,299
((Ugh. I'm really annoyed by these lost posts, I keep on getting.))


5:09pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Hawkstep grabbed  Soulfire digging his claws into her? paws.


5:13pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Soulfire cried out in pain. Hetossed his head into the air defiantly, and twisted his head, sinking his fangs into what could have been Hawkstep's shoulder, but he wasn't sure, because of his injured eyes.


5:16pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Hawkstep winced as the fangs of the other cat dug into his leg. He yowled and bit deep into the cats shoulder.


5:24pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 706

Cherrypaw looked up and said, "No. I was just wanting to learn about my father." Then, realizing her mistake, she said, "I mean I wanted to learn about the leader's son."


Shadowfang yowled in surprise, turning to grab Deathfang's fur and dragging him off him.

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5:24pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 1,299

Lynxbloom watched cruelly as Hawkstep attacked Soulfire. He deserves it!

Venomleaf was laying in the StormClan nursery. She longed to be with her Clan fighting, but she had kits that would soon be born and have to be taken care of. The beautiful dappled brown she-cat glanced down at her swollen belly. Then a sharp pain shot through her suddenly. And then another jolt and another. The kits were coming. 

((Anyone who wants to be Venomleaf's kits, say it now because there is only one chance for this.)) 


5:30pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((I'll be one of the kits!!!!!!!! Pick me! XD Anyways I gotta go eat dinner, so I'll bbs))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

5:43pm Oct 5 2009 (last edited on 5:43pm Oct 5 2009)

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Posts: 1,299
((Okay, Night))


6:05pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((I call one! LOL, please! My fingers are cramped. :( ))

Bloodstar shook Nightstar off and glanced  at the battleground around him. We're gonna loose... He thought despairingly. The apprentices must have fled already. Bloodstar summoned his heart into a yowl. "DarkClan! Retreat!" he yowled, furious with the outcome of the battle.

Hazelfur leapt into the air to avoid Fishleap. "Did you hear that? Your rat of a leader just told you cowards to flee!" she hissed, tail lashing.

Crowheart growled at Soulfire. "Get off of StormClan territory." he hissed, tone more vicious even than Hazelfur's.

Bloodstar growled at Nightstar. "There will be no gathering this moon." he hissed. "Welcome to war." he yowled once more and led his beaten warriors to their camp.

Owlpaw stiffled a purr. "What is it like in Stormclan, without a deputy and all?" he asked. "Who organizes patrols?" he asked.

Rocketpaw heard the faint yowl of his leader. "Sounds like our clan lost." he whispered to Featherpaw.

Featherpaw cast a worried glance at her brothers. "We'd better get going before they storm in on Stormclan thinking we're being kept hostage." she said.

Owlpaw stiffened. "Just answer that last question and then we'll go and you'll go. Remember no cat must know our names." he said.


6:08pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Ill be a kit!!!


6:09pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 1,299

"And you call, us heartless, you fools," Soulfire spat. He turned around and ran back to the camp.

Lynxbloom smiled, satisfied. They had won the war this time, but many wars are ahead.


6:10pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((Gah. Sorry I've been on and off, it was a chores thing. My mom has a date and she paniced. Now I have to go take a shower. XP Be back soon!))


6:11pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 1,299
((Okay, I'll play the fourth kit and Night, Fullmoon, and Whatever will take the other kits.))


6:13pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 6,296

Desired Name: Moonkit



Mate:Toooo young


Age:1 sun-up old


Additional Info: None


Appearance:Fuzzy grey kit with white splotches.

Personality:With a lot of energy, Moonkit usually chases her brother (Kit). She has a fond liking to her brother and is very protective.


6:15pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Hawkstep growled. "They deserved it!" He said to Lynxbloom.


6:18pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 1,299

Name: Flintkit

Position: Kit

Family: Venomleaf (mother), Stripedfeather (deceased father), (kit), (kit), and (kit)

Mate: None

Crush: None

Age: 1 moon

Clan: StormClan

Additional Info

Gender: Male

Appearance: Flintkit is a dark gray tabby tom with a long tail. His eyes are red like berries.

Personality: Will be found out.


6:19pm Oct 5 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Venomleaf yowled in pain as a wet bundle of gray fur came out (Moonkit). She licked the bundle's fur, warming up the kit.

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