6:23pm Oct 5 2009
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Moonkit squeked loudly and started suckling, swtching from one nipple to another. ((I dont know why but I felt uncofterble writing that. XD))
6:24pm Oct 5 2009
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6:25pm Oct 5 2009
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6:25pm Oct 5 2009
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Moonkit wriggled once again, squeeling loudly and pitifully.
6:54pm Oct 5 2009 (last edited on 7:09pm Oct 5 2009)
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Name:Cinderkit(Cinderbreeze) Age: Like...a minute old Gender: Female Looks: storm-grey she-kit with a silverish muzzle and silver eyes. She has dark blue sockings and black stripes run across her shoulders. A lighter grey covers her underbelly and has a white-dappled coat, which is unusal since she's a stormy grey, with blue and silver in certain spots. Clan: StormClan Personality: Uh, I'll just RP it out cause I honestly dunno Other: Did I miss anything? Don't think I did..... ((Lol fullmoon I understand!)) Nightstar puffed out her chest proudly. "And I'm glad we won't! We don't want to be with you mangy crow-food eaters!" She declared to Bloodstar. Shadesky looked at the apprentice for a moment sternly, then sighed. "Apprentices never can find the right words." He shook his head, then continued. "Well, I really don't know what to say. I lived with Nightstar, who was Night back then, and my sister, Skyshadow, and Spar- and Skyshadow. We tried living in that great oak tree just outside our territory. It was pretty nice, Night would teach us how to defend ourselves, then watch us hunt. We lived under the oak tree, but that was when it was cleared out. It was sorta like an underground hollow we lived in; it protected us from the wind and it was hidden. But then one night some cat came in and attacked. It was pouring down rain and water started to spill in and fill up. Night was injured badly, and had not defeated the rogue yet, so she took her chances and grabbed me and Skyshadow, taking us into Clan territory, not knowing where else to go. Skyshadow was scared, but I was more cold then frightened. So it was a pretty good life, until that stupid cat came and attacked."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:55pm Oct 5 2009
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Desired Name: Applekit Position:Kit Family:Venomleaf, Moonkit and other siblings whom names escape me Mate:Toooo young
Crush:None Age:1 sun-up old Clan:Stormclan Additional Info: None Gender:Female Appearance: Was born with three holes in her left ear. They look like bite marks, but know one can tell for sure... Other than that, she's a dusky, medium colored brown, not too light, not too dark with green eyes. She, like her sister has white splotches dappling her pelt. Personality: Applekit usually stays out of play fights, and prefers to play around with leaves and moss. She likes playing medicine cat with her siblings, stuffing cobwebs she finds into their claws and then re-applying it. They don't like it very much though, thus making her the outcast of the litter. The runt. The smallest.
6:59pm Oct 5 2009
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Posts: 706
((Poor Applekit :( ))
7:03pm Oct 5 2009
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Moonkit snuggled up to Applekit, she pawed her sisters ear. ((Moonkit doesent have claws by the way.))
7:11pm Oct 5 2009
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((LOL. She'll be a good medicine cat. :) If Sparkfire ever gives up. OOOOOHHHHH. Or she could make the same mistake Frostwing did and become mates with Deathfang! That's be epical. :x)) Sparkfire purred. "Congratulations, all your kits are healthy, you can relax now." she said to venomleaf as the last kit, Applekit squirmed towards her mother to suckle, shoving Moonkit to the side ever so slightly. She greedily lapped up the milk. "What are their names?" she asked. Hazelfur smiled. "I can't believe we won!" she exclaimed, the victory sinking in as Soulfire fled. "We won!" Sparrowfrost( Forgot about her during the battle. XD Lol) padded up to Nightstar. "We all did amazing! Even the apprentices, though they fled." Crowheart scanned the clearing. "Wait a second, where's Blisspaw's body?" he questioned, loud enough for every cat to hear. Jadewhisper smiled as her clanmates returned to camp. Then she frowned. "We... we lost... didn't we?" she said, her tail drooping. Bloodstar nodded gravely. "We lost our best hunting grounds to them." he choked out. He spat on the ground, blood. "I got a tooth ripped out." he growled. Nightcloud emerged from the medicine den. "Who's hurt?" she said, not caring about whether the clan had won or lost. She just wanted them better. "Soulfire? You're not too bad, but let me treat you anyway. Fishleap, that gash on your shoulder looks dangerous. Go to my den and I'll meet you there. Nightstar must have gotten you pretty good Bloodstar, your old scar is bleeding again." she said, remembering with a pang of saddness the memory of leaving her kits in that StarClan forsaken tree.

7:17pm Oct 5 2009
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Posts: 706
Shadowfang snarled. "I almost killed him!" he snapped at himself. His tail lashed side to side, saying, "Why didn't I finish him off?!" Foxtail nodded, his tail drooping. He decided to switch the subject and said, "When will they be born?", mentioning their kits. Cherrypaw looked up at Shadesky's face, then got up, shaking the leaves from her pelt. "I'm sorry," she whispered, not sure what to say.
7:17pm Oct 5 2009
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Hawkstep turned towardsCrowheart. "What do you mean?" He asked, he too started scanning the clearing. "Strange." He muttered. ((Who the heck is Blisspaw???O_o))
7:18pm Oct 5 2009
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((The apprentice Darkclan took as prisoner))
7:25pm Oct 5 2009
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((The main character! Well, sorta. She's the apprentice NightshadeTW made. Part of a plot that I came up with that wars start between the clans and an appentice is killed yada yada yada. Big curse, clans stop fighting. But I have a different idea... I think, to stop the fighting, instead of killing Blisspaw, how about we have LeafClan emerge? Just a suggestion)) "Remember? DarkClan killed her? You must have bees in your brain. It happened only a few hours ago!" Crowheart said. "Where could she have gone?" Orangepaw sat in the medicine den, next to Shadesky. He saw Cherrypaw as he entered. "Hi Cherrypaw." he said in a monotone as he took the nest beside Shadesky's. He groomed the wounds Rocketpaw and Owlpaw had given him. Dreampaw followed Orangepaw into the medicine den. "Hi Cherrypaw." she said. Her face was bleeding alot from gashes on either side of her mouth. She would get revenge on Featherpaw. But for now, all she could do is anxiously await her clanmate's return, and hope for good news. Jadewhisper shrugged. "It could be any day now really." she said softly. Any cat could tell she was nervous about having kits. What if they were sickly? What if she didn't have enough milk? What if they all died? The thoughts haunted her mind and she pressed against Foxtail, their pelts blending.

7:39pm Oct 5 2009
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Posts: 706
Foxtail smiled, saying,"They'll be fine, and you'll be a great mother." Cherrypaw nodded, saying, "Hellow Orangepaw, Hellow Dreampaw."
7:42pm Oct 5 2009
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"Blisspaw's gone." said Dreampaw brusquely, as if she didn't care much and was merely stating a fact. Orangepaw bit back a reply. She's gone, yes, dead, no! He wanted to say, but he didn't want to get the apprentice that saved his, hopefully, future mate's life in trouble. "I hope you're right." whispered Jadewhisper.
7:49pm Oct 5 2009
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Cherrypaw's head shot up. "Blisspaw is gone?!" She stared at Blisspaw's littermate and said, "How can you act like that's no big deal? She could be dead and you couldn't care less!"
7:52pm Oct 5 2009
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Dreampaw shrugged. "We never exactly got along very well anyway. We hissed at eachother alot. Fights as kits that drew blood once or twice. I'm not happy with blisspaw's death, but I'm not sad about it either." she stated.
7:55pm Oct 5 2009 (last edited on 7:59pm Oct 5 2009)
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Posts: 706
Cherrypaw snapped up, hissing, "Well, what if you never got to meet her? Huh? What then? I have a mother I never knew because she's dead! She died before I stepped a paw on clan soil!" She let her feelings get in her way, causing her rage to grow more than needed.
7:59pm Oct 5 2009
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"That's not the point. I did meet her, and I never liked her anyway. end of story, now will you fetch Sparkfire? My face hurts." growled Dreampaw.
8:01pm Oct 5 2009
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Posts: 706
Cherrypaw snarled again, saying, "I'm sorry, I never really liked you. Go get her yourself!" She sighed, then turned to Shadesky, muttering, "Sorry Shadesky. I'm sorry about your past, and I'm sorry that I snarled like I did."