8:06pm Oct 5 2009
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Soulfire padded over to Nightcloud to let his wounds be treated. Venomleaf glanced at each kit. "They will be Flintkit, Applekit, Moonkit, and Cinderkit," she decided. Flintkit squirmed close to his mother. His gray tabby fur fluffed up.
8:07pm Oct 5 2009
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8:07pm Oct 5 2009
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8:07pm Oct 5 2009
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8:12pm Oct 5 2009
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Dreampaw growled and some blood dripped onto the moss. "Thanks alot Cherrypaw." she said sarcastically, getting up and leaving the den. Orangepaw's eyes lightened. "Cherrypaw, can you keep a secret?" he asked.
8:21pm Oct 5 2009
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Posts: 706
Cherrypaw nodded. She liked how Orangepaw was. She hated how Dreampaw seemed to not care, even if they didn't get along. She could have hated Canis, but it would tear her heart if he died!
8:24pm Oct 5 2009
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"Blisspaw's alive." said Orangepaw, so soft it was difficult for him to hear even himself. "The three Darkclan apprentices saved her life. She's supposed to be back by sun-high tomorrow." he said.
8:27pm Oct 5 2009
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Posts: 706
Cherrypaw's face lit up, saying,"Really?!? That's wonderful!!! I can't wait to greet her home!"
8:28pm Oct 5 2009
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((Working on a drawing for Applekit/paw/??? Might post slower))
8:28pm Oct 5 2009
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Lynxbloom arrived back at camp. She licked one of her paws which was stained with some blood.
8:31pm Oct 5 2009
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((Okay :) How's my banner coming along?))
8:33pm Oct 5 2009
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"Keep your voice down! No cat can know!" hissed Orangepaw. "I don't want those three in trouble... I... I really like Blisspaw." admitted Orangepaw with a shift of his paw.
8:34pm Oct 5 2009
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((Gotta Go!))
8:44pm Oct 5 2009 (last edited on 8:51pm Oct 5 2009)
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((Wow. I missed out on a lot. O.O Almost 2 pages.....so much reading...but I read it anyways. And should I just act like Nightstar found Frostwing on the way back to camp, and THEN Frostwing spoke her last words? I don't want Nightstar to sound like she didn't even notice! And ehh, maybe LeafClan. Still deciding. OMG I now this probably makes me sound crazy, but what if like, LeafClan kitties starting jumping out of the trees and attacking StormClan and/or DarkClan!? O.o How the heck did I come up with that? It's not right. Ok, let's see if I can RP all of this.)) Cinderkit let out a high-pitched squeak, like all kits did, and hungerily began suckling at her mother's stomach. ((Now I know how ya feel, fullmoon!)) Nightstar coughed, spitting blood out of her mouth. She crossly walked back towards camp, her eye felt like it was on fire. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a tuft of white fur just barely visible. Frostwing... Going off course, Nightstar speedily limped over, shaking her head as a tear dropped down from her eye. "Frostwing.....that's 1 too many lives killed." She murmered sadly, picking up Frostwing gently by the scruff and carrying her back to camp. First Blisspaw, then Frostwing, who's next? Blisspaw thought for a moment, not sure how to reply. "Well, Nightstar usually has to do all the work, along with doing leaderly stuff to. So she pretty much has a double-job. But sometimes Hazelfur or Frostwing organize the patrols, but not all the time. Nightstar seems so worn out nowadays. I feel bad for her. Her son is going to have to go into retirement, though she refuses to say so, and so many cats seem to be dying. Plus she has to find warriors to mentor the apprentices and she had to lead the Clan into war. But ANYWAYS, having no deputy is kinda fun, because you have a less chance of getting caught. Shadesky rolled his eyes at the fighting apprentices. "Move out of the way, I'll go get her." He mumbled crossly, stepping out of the den and walking towards the nursery where Sparkfire was. Stepping inside, her mewed, "You have a nice litter of kits. They all seem strong and healthy." He told Venomleaf. " And congratulations, Sparkfire. You've won youself a bundle of arguing, injured apprentices." After a few seconds, he marched back over to the den, pushing back the cats crowding inside. "And Cherrypaw, no need to be sorry. I kinda like being in a Clan better than being a rogue." He smiled, then lay down, putting his head on his paws. Skyshadow walked back to camp, her shoulder in pain. Deathfang purred roughly as he walked back into the forest, looking for some cobwebs to tend to himself. Fishleap looked at her gash. She shrugged, then stepped over to the medicine den.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:56pm Oct 6 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:25pm Oct 6 2009 (last edited on 3:25pm Oct 6 2009)
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((Pic of Applekit! Don't steal, I drew it all by myself. :) If you look close enough, you can see the dark, moss green eyecolor. Her closed eye represents the pain she feels everyday as her littermates reject her and tease her for being so small and strange, but her ex pression symbolizes her happy spirit, how even her littermate's dissaproval can't hurt her. The rock she's half-sitting on symbolizes her stubborn attitude, but the smaller one by the rock shows that she can be shifted, not easily though. The bright colors that surround only her, symbolize her love of herbs and nature. Note the three holes in her right ear. Later, when she's Sparkfire's apprentice, I'm going to have her captured by a twoleg kit who puts golden earrings in each one, and then, when Nightshade dies, she will hang a Night-shade leaf on one of them in her honor. And isn't Deathfang a rogue now? So shouldn't he be written in pink?)) Owlpaw growled. "Now there's a million other questions I want to ask! But we have to get back to our clan before they realize somethings up." Owlpaw paused. "Can you meet me here at the fullmoon? At moonhigh?" he asked. "It's okay if you don't want to." he said. Rocketpaw twitched his tail irritably. "Owlpaw, Featherpaw, we have to go." he growled through gritted teeth. Sparkfire sighed. "Okay Shadesky." she said. "Carry on Vemonleaf." She left the nursery to the neighboring medicine den. "Hello Dreampaw, Orangepaw. You must have fought bravely in the battle with Darkclan." she purred. Dreampaw nodded. "Yep, we did. I hope we won! I can't wait for..." Dreampaw was cut off when Skyshadow's scent washed over her. "They're back!" she said, ignoring her wounds to race out of the medicine den to greet her. "Is everyone okay?" she asked worriedly. "I wish I never fled. Did we win?" Orangepaw waited for Sparkfire to treat his own wounds. Sparkfire patted the cobweb into the last of Orangepaw's wounds to go out and greet Skyshadow, sniffing over her pelt. "Yor wound isn't infected, let me put some marigold on it anyway." she said.
"Nightstar!" Hazelfur called. "Blisspaw's body is missing!" she yelled. Crowheart narrowed his eyes and scanned the clearing for the dead body of the apprntice. "You're right!" he said, as if it had been aimed at him. Applekit kneaded Venomleaf's fur, purring loudly, well, as loud as it's possible as a kit.

3:50pm Oct 6 2009
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((*Wails* I can't see the picture! I'm finishing up 2 furries right now. Hopefully later on today I'll ask my mom if I can make a dA account. And yeah....Deathfang is a rogue. I keep on forgetting to change his color! '-')) "Errrr, well, I guess I could try to make it. If I can get past my Clanmates asking me all sorts of questions." She spoke, then ran off towards her camp. She purposley ran through some bramble thickets on the way to make herself look badly injured, and she licked her paw then rubbed it on her neck to make it look like blood was still flowing out a bit. She burst through the camp entrance, panting and then collasping, hoping this would work. It seemed to be going pretty well, as far as she saw it. "Her body is miss-Blisspaw?!" Nightstar gasped. It was hard to see Blisspaw's body with a blurred vision, but she could just spot out the fluffy brown and pinkish body on the ground. She was kinda afraid to show Sparkfire her wounds, because putting the herbs on would probably hurt like heck. "You bet we one! We showed those mangy fur-balls whose boss! We even got apiece of their land!" Skyshadow announced proudly.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:54pm Oct 6 2009
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Flintkit opened his tiny mouth in a silent mewl.
3:56pm Oct 6 2009
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Cinderkit squealed as she tumbled over Flintkit, trying to get to her mother's warm milk. ((forgot about Cinderkit for a sec. And lol one of my furries I'm drawing is named Cinder!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:05pm Oct 6 2009
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Flintkit gave a tiny squeak of protest, when Cinderkit went over him. Venomleaf nudged Cinderkit, trying to help her over.