4:06pm Oct 6 2009
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Sparkfire licked poultice into Skyshadow's shoulder. "Stay still." she ordered. "That's great!" replied Dreampaw. Orangepaw looked up at the sun. Almost sun-high. Where in Starclan was Blisspaw?! Crowheart rushed over to Blisspaw's body, sniffing her pelt. "Her pelt is still rising and falling! Blisspaw's alive!" he yowled happily. Hazelfur purred loudly. Now she could have an apprentice! Owlpaw nodded after her. "Let's get back to camp. Your shoulder might be infected." he said to Rocketpaw. Rocketpaw nodded and lead his siblings to Darkclan camp. Bloodstar stood on the highrock. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather around the-" Bloodstar was cut off. Jadewhisper was about to stand up in the nursery when a wave of pain swept through her, sending her back to the ground. "Kits!" she managed to gasp. She yowled again. Bloodstar looked worried. "Nevermind!" he announced, leaping down from the highrock towards the nursery. Nightcloud was already there. "Breath steadily hun, it'll be okay. It's just the first labor pain." she said. Jadewhisper yowled again. ((I'm planning on six kits. XD Any takers? I want at least two, Heartkit and Dogkit, in honor of nano's dead chara Dogheart. :0 Plus I already have a pic for Heartkit))

4:08pm Oct 6 2009
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((LOST POST!!!)) Applekit squealed loudly, interrupting her purr. If Cinderkit got over, she'd be right on top of her!
4:08pm Oct 6 2009
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((Shtill losteh))
4:09pm Oct 6 2009
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((BUMP THREE! Attempt 1.))
4:25pm Oct 6 2009 (last edited on 4:56pm Oct 6 2009)
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((Holy shoot! That's a lot of kits! And sorrreh for not replying, I was making a dragon RP. XP My first one! Yaaaay, maybe.)) Name:Ravenkit Gender: Male Looks: Light brown tabby with darker brown splotches. Has gleaming blue eyes. Personality: Ummm, I'll just RP that part out. Family: Jadewhisper, Dogkit, Heartkit, 3 other kits.... Clan: DarkClan Other:Has a long tail and on his chest has what looks like a little bird flying.[Raven]
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:27pm Oct 6 2009
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((She's brown. :))
4:55pm Oct 6 2009
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((Okies!)) "Sparkfire!" Nightstar yowled, already over and standing over Blisspaw. "Hurry up and get over here!" "Well this is going great." Shadesky mumbled quietly. "First Venomleaf just gave birth, then the injured warriors, and now an almost dead Blisspaw. Sparkfire's going to be up all night at this rate." Skyshadow walked over into the nursery to check on Venomleaf, just incase she needed anything. "Would you like some water?" She asked, knowing that queens became very thirsty when kitting. Cinderkit tumbled over Lintkit with Vernomleaf's help, and plopped down next to Applekit. She felt around and quickly found her mothers belly once more, thirsty as ever. She nuzzled against her mother, her fur fluffed out from drying. Fishleap turned around to face the nursery, though not going inside.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:56pm Oct 6 2009
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Venomleaf lifted her head and focused her eyes on Skyshadow. She nodded slowly.
4:58pm Oct 6 2009
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((Recap? Missed two pages.))
5:06pm Oct 6 2009
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Sparkfire rushed out of the medicine den, carrying Starclan knows how many herbs in her jaws. "What are her injuries?" she asked urgently, nosing accross Blisspaw's pelt. "Not too bad, suprisingly, none of them are killing blows." she said, applying herbs gently to each one, along with cobweb dressing to hold her together. "With any luck, she'll be training again before the next Gathering." she said. Orangepaw rushed over to Blisspaw, sitting anziously behind Sparkfire, twitching his tail. SO Rocketpaw had been telling the truth... Jadewhisper howled again and the squeak of a new kit could be heard outside the nursery. "Foxtail!" she yowled. Nightcloud cast a worried glance at jadewhisper's mate. "You'll be fine, just relax." she said soothingly. "How am I supposed to relax when-" another yowl interupted her. "When I'm in pain!?" roared Jadewhisper. ((Ima only gonna birth the ones that we created, the other three can come later if someone wants them))
5:15pm Oct 6 2009
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((Okies! And uh fullmoon, pretty much StormClan beat DarkClan, and Nightstar is like...half-blind, Venleaf just gave birth, and Jadewhisper is giving birth right now.)) Skyshadow nodded then padded quickly over to the medicine cat den. Near the back, there was a puddle just above a small opening that dripped fresh water. She Dunked a large wad of moss into it, then trotted back over to the nursery, laying the moss down in front of the queen. "you have a lovely pair of kits." She commented, smiling as she looked down at the hungry kits. Nightstar breathed out. "Good. But we're going to need some rosemary. (Isn't that what they use for dead cats?) We lost a cat today while we were battling." She sadly flicked her tail over towards Frostwing's lifeless body, the scent of death slowly drifting over. She then licked her paw and swiped it gently over her scarred eye. There was a lot to be done tonight.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:16pm Oct 6 2009
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Posts: 706
Foxtail raced into the nursery, saying, "What's happening!!??" Cherrypaw nodded to Shadesky. She was feeling like she didn't belong, but when she saw Frostwing's body, she ran crying to her body, burying her nose in Frostwing's pelt.
5:21pm Oct 6 2009
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Flintkit looked up from suckling his mother, his lime green eyes bright with enthusiasm kind of. Venomleaf smiled. "They are, aren't they." She pawed the moss over to herself.
5:26pm Oct 6 2009
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"I'm giving birth flea-brain!" yowled Jadewhisper. Nightcloud cast Foxtail a sympathetic glance. "Here, start licking." she said, p*censored*ing Foxtail the first kit. Another kit soon appeared, which she handed to Bloodstar. Dreampaw ran her tail across Cherrypaw's pelt. "I'm sorry for your loss." she said softly. "Is there anything I can do to help." she glanced over at Blisspaw. "You can have my sister if you want." she said. Sparkfire nodded at blisspaw. "Someone carry her to the medicine cat's den, beside Shadesky should do." she said. "Let me see your eye Nightstar, I think I can save it." she said. Orangepaw watched Blisspaw. He bent down and whispered in her ear. "Are you okay?" he sounded worried. "If any of those flea-pelts did anything to hurt you, I'll tear them apart!" Hazelfur's wounds were very minor, so she went to the warriors den. Who will besome deputy now? She hoped with all her heart it could be her. She had had an apprentice. She was experienced, loyal. But she was also imperfect, hot-tempered and slow to please. Crowheart groomed the bite marks in his tail and ear. Nothing more was really bad, though his tail was bleeding heavily.

5:38pm Oct 6 2009
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Hawkstep sat and watched as the aprentices grieved. He walked into the middle of camp and gently laid down.
5:55pm Oct 6 2009
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Applekit fell asleep, furrowedinto her mother's belly, absorbing the warmth, but no longer suckling.
6:58pm Oct 6 2009 (last edited on 6:59pm Oct 6 2009)
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Foxtail looked at her, then nodded, licking his kit. When it was dry, he pushed it towards Jadewhisper.
7:59pm Oct 6 2009 (last edited on 8:02pm Oct 6 2009)
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Cherrypaw's head snapped up, saying, "How dare you Dreampaw!" She watched as Blisspaw was carried to the Medicine Cat's den, Orangepaw at her side. She looked back at Dreampaw and hissed, "I will be the daughter Frostwing never had, the sister Canis never met, the sister Blisspaw deserves, and the enemy you never thought you'd get!" In her head, she added 'And the daughter Shadesky gets to raise.' She buried her nose in Frostwing's pelt again, whispering, "Momma, why'd you have to go before I met you? Why'd you give me up?"
8:02pm Oct 6 2009
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((Join as a kit about to enter aprenticeship?))
8:03pm Oct 6 2009
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Posts: 706
((Go ahead,))