Warrior Cats RPG

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8:07pm Oct 6 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Pic for my kit: Not my art. Minus hat, but still has key collar.


8:07pm Oct 6 2009

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8:08pm Oct 6 2009

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8:08pm Oct 6 2009

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8:11pm Oct 6 2009

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Ex. of how to Join

Desired Name: Tidekit

Position: Kit, will soon become aprentice.

Family: None,abandoned by mum.

Mate: None


Age: 6 moons

Clan: Stormclan

Additional Info: None

Gender: Female

Appearance: My post above

Personality: You'll see


8:43pm Oct 6 2009

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Posts: 706
((Ka-ute. Can't wait to meet her!))

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8:51pm Oct 6 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((Who will be her mentor?))


9:41pm Oct 6 2009

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Posts: 706
((Dunno, Cherrypaw doesn't have one either))

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11:22pm Oct 6 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((My post for the night. I actually might not be on tomorrow because I'll be going somewhere and staying the night elsewhere. :'( So if needed, some one can RP my charries, but don't do 'major' things with them.)) 

"What!?" Shadesky asked, eyes widened. "Mine and Frostwing's daughter? But how?"

Nightstar gently picked up Blisspaw carrying her over to the medicine den. She had to go there anyway for her eye and other wounds, so there was no point in not doing it. After laying Blisspaw down, she walked out and spoke up. "Anyone who has injuries, whether they're minor or major, come over to the medicine den immediatley. If you have minor injuries, stay towards the back; most seriously injured come towards the front of the line. This could be a while." She yowled, trying to figure things out. She wanted badly to mourn for Frostwing, she was the deputy she almost had, but she needed to get the rest of the Clan situated. Everyone was running about, let alone the fact that there were apprentices in need of mentors, a kit that needed to be apprenticed, a deputy to be named, and thanks to StarClan for the new kits. Some cats were badly injured, though showed no sign of it, and could die tonight if they weren't treated. The minor wounds could get infected, leading to worser things, which couldn't be handled with at the moment. And she needed to send out a patrol to make sure all of DarkCLan had fled and backed off. She quickly padded into the medicine den, grabbing a bundle of herbs and carrying them out. Marigold, cobwebs, and poppy seeds. All used for the not-so-bad injuries. She still remembered the list of herbs and what they did from when she was a medicine cat, and was willing to help out on the injured cats. She'd forgotten the 'rare' symtoms though, like blinded eye, crippled leg, and well, just about every cat forgot how to treat black cough, but then again, like no one got it.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

3:57pm Oct 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Jadewhisper rasped an exhausted sigh of relief as the three kits lay next to her. (She also has three other, unroleplayed kits. They're open as of now.) "Dogkit, Heartkit and Ravenkit have been born." she purred as the three furrowed against her belly. (Ravenkit is Nightshade's)

Bloodstar shook some dirt off of his ear. "Congratgulations Jadewhisper, Foxtail." he said swiftly before darting back to the highledge. He was puzzled. He had expected Leafpelt to have kits with Shadowfang first, after all, he risked his clanship for her. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the highledge for a clan meeting!" he yowled. "Excluding Jadewhisper." he added.

Nightcloud padded out of the medicine dn. Bloodstar's side was bleeding heavily still. She made a mental note to tend to him later.

Rocketpaw, Featherpaw and Owlpaw gathered near the rear of the crowd of Darkclan cats, eager to hear what bloodstrar had to say.

Dreampaw raised an eyebrow. "Well then..." she started, about to snap back, but when she had thought of the words, Cherrypaw had already been gone. Her wounds had already been treated, so she went for a nap in the apprentice's den until she would be able to train.

Orangepaw laid his head by Blisspaw, waiting for her to awaken.

Hazelfur sighed. That was a command. She padded to the back of the line, her fur having protected her from most wounds.

Crowheart was just in front of Hazelfur. His tail was the only major injury he had.

Sparkfire sighed. It was going to be a long night. She searched her stores for dock. Maybe that would help Nightstar's eye. "Nightstar! Get yourself treated first!" she said, preparing a poultice of various herbs to use on her eye, deciding not to include the dock.

((How about, since there's not really enough warriors for all the apprentices? We have all the warriors act as mentors to each one? Just for now, until we get things sorted out. Also, I'm planning on making an edited charie list for Nightshade))


4:14pm Oct 7 2009

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Posts: 1,299

Ace ran away from Lila, panting. He heard Lila yowling after him,"Don't ever come back here!" 

 Lila glared after the cat she once loved. She plunged away into the bushes, and recklessly trudged into a badger set. Inside a badger was, which had been grumpily disturbed from his sleep, by Lila. The badger, in annoyance attacked Lila. Lila, crying out in fear, stumbled backwards, that badger following after her. It placed its big paw on her neck and pushed down. A sickening crunch echoed into through the trees. Lila's sight faded away, and her heat stopped with a hurtful agony. The last thought she had was, Why? Why did Ace reject me?

Soulfire sat down and waited for Bloodstar to say something. 


4:16pm Oct 7 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Okay. I'm leaving in a minute, literally, so here's my post of the day! I might not be able to fit everything in though!))

Fishleap turned around and walked over to the clearing. What did Bloodstar want now?

Ravenkit squeaked loudly as he nuzzled his mother.

Blisspaw opened one eye. "I'm still awake, silly!" She whispered.

Nightstar turned. "Well then hurry up!" She snapped. She didn't mean to sound that harsh, but for some reason she did. I guess she just had too much on her mind, and was worrying about what Bloodstar would do about his loss of war.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

4:18pm Oct 7 2009

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Posts: 1,441
Mystic raced around the forest outside of Clan territory, following a large bird until it landed. She was as hungry as a fat twoleg!

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

4:35pm Oct 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Bloodstar flicked his tail. "There's good news, and bad news." he said. "The bad news is, we lot the battle, and our best hunting grounds. The good news is that Jadewhisper has given birth to six kits that will grow up to become strong warriors!" he said.He lept down from the highrock as the clan disparsed to do various things. No one had serious injuries, so Nightcloud wouldn't be too busy. He padded to the medicine cat's den and got his side wound treated.

Nightcloud yowled accross the camp. "Any injured cats come forth." she said.

Rocketpaw and his siblings were unsure whther to cheer or not, so simply cast smiles towards the nursery. Finally! Someone younger than themselves!

Sparkfire nodded, gently, pulling open the injured eyelid. "This is gonna hurt." she warned, and without leaving time for protest, pushed the poultice into Nightstar's eye.

Orangepaw nuzzled Blisspaw. "Are you okay? What happened?" he whispered.



4:39pm Oct 7 2009

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Posts: 706

Cherrypaw looked at Shadesky and said, "Yes. She had a friend named Scar. He was still a rogue. She knew his mate had just had kits, and ran me to him. She told him she had a high ranking position in the clan, and wished to not lose it. She allowed him to tell me everything, and said I could join Stormclan when I was older if I wished to. She then told him all about herself, and you that she knew. Then he was told where Stormclan camp was. As I grew, I always knew I wasn't his daughter. And he told me everything, just as he had been told. Except for your name. I knew Frostwing's, but not yours. But she described you to Scar. He told me. That was the last time Frostwing ever spoke to him again. Or me."


Foxtail nodded, looking at his new family.

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4:40pm Oct 7 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Tidekit walked over to Orangepaw. "Play?" She squeked,Watching them with her big brown eyes, her rabbit-like ears flopped down.


4:51pm Oct 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Orangepaw narrowed his eyes. "No Tidekit. Apprentices don't play. Go ask Venomleaf or her kits. Leave me alone." he growled.

Dogkit and Heartkit fell asleep on either side of Ravenkit.

Jadewhisper smiled at Foxtail.

Applekit woke up next to her mother, and almost paniced at the thought that she was gone, but she wasn't. Venomleaf's scent was strong and fresh and warm, right next to hers and her heart thudded against her chest, echoing in Applekit's ears. She purred quietly, and then opened her eyes for a first glance at the world. She let out a loud mewl to awaken her mother, to show off her pretty green eyes. Though she didn't know what color they were. Her ears were still folded against her skull as they had been at birth, so the three holes wouldn't be notiable.


4:51pm Oct 7 2009 (last edited on 5:25pm Oct 8 2009)

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Posts: 5,279



Nightstar,she-cat, NightshadeTW



Medicine Cat:

Sparkfire, she-cat, whatever6551


Hazelfur, she-cat, whatever6551
Crowheart, tom, whatever6551
Skyshadow, she-cat, NightshadeTW
Lynxbloom, she-cat, wolf18834
Hawkstep, tom,fullmoon
Sparrowfrost, she-cat, whatever6551
Foxleap,she-cat, Wolfmoon96


Dreampaw, she cat, whatever6551
Orangepaw, tom, whatever6551
Blisspaw, she-cat, NightshadeTW
Cherrypaw, she-cat, Dashz
Canis, tom, Wolfmoon96
Tidepaw , she cat, fullmoon


Venomleaf, she cat, ?
   -Applekit, she cat, whatever6551
   -Cinderkit, she cat, (insert username here)
   -Flintkit, ??
   -??? (Fill me in, cant remember name XD)


Shadesky, Tom, NightshadeTW




Bloodstar, tom, whatever6551


Shadowfang, tom, Dashz

Medicine Cat:

Nightcloud, she-cat, whatever6551


Leafpelt, she-cat, girlsmackback11
Fishleap, she-cat, NightshadeTW
Bloodhowl, tom, WolfMoon96
Soulfire, tom, wolf18834
Foxtail, tom, Dashz


Rocketpaw, tom, whatever6551
Featherpaw, she-cat, whatever6551
Owlpaw, tom, whatever6551


Jadewhisper, she-cat, whatever6551
   -Dogkit, tom, whatever6551
   -Heartkit, she-cat, whatever6551
   -Ravenkit, she-cat, NightshadeTW


Mystic, she-cat, NightshadeTW
Deathfang, tom, NightshadeTW
Ace, tom, wolf18834
Wolf, tom, Wolfmoon96

((Tell me if I missed someone))


4:54pm Oct 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,296
((You missed my char, Hawkstep.))


4:55pm Oct 7 2009

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Posts: 1,299
((Lynxbloom's missing from StormClan.))

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