4:58pm Oct 7 2009
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Tidekit stared at Orangepaw for a long time, then finally went to the nursery. She sat and watched the kits, knowing they were to young. I hope I become an aprentice soon. Tidekit thought, Then maybe I can play with Orangekit. "Hi Venomleaf." She purred, showing her afection to her foster mother. ((Is that okay? Kuz her real mother rejected her.))
4:58pm Oct 7 2009
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4:58pm Oct 7 2009
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4:59pm Oct 7 2009
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5:01pm Oct 7 2009
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5:01pm Oct 7 2009
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((That's okay)) Venomleaf blinked at Tidekit. "Hello, Tidekit," she said in a voice tired from giving birth to her kits.
5:03pm Oct 7 2009
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Posts: 706
((Foxtail's missing from Darkclan))
5:04pm Oct 7 2009
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Applekit blinked her eyes and stared at Tidekit.
5:06pm Oct 7 2009
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Tidekit stared at Applekit. She then gently lowered her head and licked the kits head.
5:12pm Oct 7 2009
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Applekit mewled happily and rolled onto her back to bat at Tidekit's whiskers.
5:14pm Oct 7 2009
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Tidekit gently padded the kit, making it roll over against its will. Seeing the chance, Tidekit tickled Applekits belly. "I wish I had kits." She said.
4:46pm Oct 8 2009
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Applekit giggled and rolled onto her fert, getting into a play position, tail lashing. Her ex pression was full of joy as she looked up at Tidekit.
4:49pm Oct 8 2009
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((O.o tooooooo much to reeeeeaaaaaad. XD I'll have to post in like...a couple of minutes..... and whatever, you forgot one of your own characters...O.o Sparrowfrost! And There's also Foxleap and Wolf.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:49pm Oct 8 2009
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Tidekit plopped down next to Applekit, purring, she held her position and curled protectivly over the younger kit. Falling to sleep.
4:56pm Oct 8 2009
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Flintkit felt sleep overcome him. He curled into a tiny ball and closed his eyes, snoring softly besides Venomleaf's warm body. Venomleaf leaned over and whispered in her dear Flintkit's ear a nice song or lullaby. "Sleep young one, My handsome son, Listen to the wind blow, The trees' creaking branch, All evening, I'll be by your side, Even when I join with the stars, In the bright sky" Every night for the rest of his life Flintkit would remember this song, even when his mother was no longer beside him.
5:26pm Oct 8 2009
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Applekit nuzzled Tidekit. She knew she'd always be there for her, even if her mother or siblings weren't. She felt loyal to Tidekit as if Tidekit were her actual sister. She furrowed next to Tidekit lovingly, placing her little head next to the bigger one of Tidekit's, and let out a little pur before drifting to sleep. ((Fixed chara list. Copy and paste onto first post Night. :3))
5:49pm Oct 8 2009 (last edited on 5:51pm Oct 8 2009)
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((Okay. And let's see if I can remember what to post here! XD)) Nightstar tried to snap her eyes shut as she yowled in protest, her right eye on fire. But of course she couldn't close the eye. But she did close the other eye. Under her breath, almost silently, she cursed something to herself. Thankfully, the pain eventually started to ease away, but odds are it would probably come back again because she wasn't used to having this kind of injury. Skyshadow walked over near the end of the line with Hazelfur as she turned her head to lick her shoulder. Shadeky shot a glance of worry towards no one, just mainly worried for himself. Frostwing never said anything about another kit! The only kit I know is Canis! "Eerr I uh......" he fumbled helplessly for words, almost collasping in dismay. So much for having a kit when I'm an elder! Nightstar's just too heart-broken to say it! Cinderkit curled up into a tiny little fluff ball of fur as she wrapped her tail around her nose. With her stomach full, her breathing started to slow as she fell alseep.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:05pm Oct 8 2009
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Sparkfire gently eased away from Nightstar's eye. "bl ink often, it'll be better in no time." she said. "Go to your den and get some rest." she said. "Crowheart, you're next I believe." she said, waving her tail for him to come closer. Crowheart nodded and let Sparkfire pat cobwebs into his wound. He took a piece of fresh kill and reminded himself to go hunting tomorrow morning. Sparkfire nodded. "Skyshadow." she said. Orangepaw nuzzled Blisspaw. "I'm so glad you're okay." he said. Bloodstar got his wounds treated by Nightcloud. "Anyone with any wound, come to the medicine den!" announced Nightcloud as Bloodstar left. Jadewhisper was about to get up, but then remembered that she was a queen, she had never battled. She licked her kits affectionatly, lulling them to sleep with the soft strokes of her tongue. Rocketpaw, Featherpaw and Owlpaw padded to the medicine cat's den without hesitation, pushing Rocketpaw, who had the worst wounds to the front of them so Nightcloud would get him first. Then Featherpaw, and finally Owlpaw, who was more of a sneaky fighter, so got less injuries.

8:21pm Oct 8 2009
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Posts: 706
Cherrypaw looked at Shadesky and said, "It's fine. She never wanted me, so I figured me father might. Will you accept me as your daughter?"
9:23pm Oct 8 2009
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Ravenkit snored quietly as he fell asleep, his fur ruffled out and kinked. Nightstar nodded, her bad eye closed tightly as she turned around to face her den. But the sight of Frostwing made her stop and turn. She walked over, laying down and resting her nose in her old deputy's fur. Skyshadow stepped foward, turning to show the side that had the scratches on it. Shadesky didn't know what to say. Surely Frostwing didn't want her first kit! "I...I'm sure she did want you," Shadesky began. "But StormClan was very cautious at the time about letting stray cats in because of an incident we had. An.......and if she really was your mother, I'd be glad to accept you as my daughter." He finally finished, then warmly let his tail brush against Cherrypaw's shoulders. Blisspaw blinked. "Me to." She mouthed silently, not wanting Cherrypaw or Shadesky to know what had happened.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing