Warrior Cats RPG

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9:26pm Oct 8 2009 (last edited on 9:30pm Oct 8 2009)

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Ace, still running, without knowing pas.sed over into StormClan territory.


9:27pm Oct 8 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Someone lost a post! 'o'))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:28pm Oct 8 2009

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((I lost my lost post!))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:29pm Oct 8 2009

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((My lost post that was talking about my lost post that was talking about someone elses lost post has been lost! Did I confuse ya?))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:32pm Oct 8 2009

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Mystic sprang up into a tree, climbing her way up to get to the owl who landed in the same tree. But before she could reach it, the branch beneath her broke. She yowled loudly as she flailed helplessly, falling down and hitting the ground with a thud. She stood up, ruffling her fur. Thankfully she wasn't too high up when she had fallen. Just a few tail lengths away, she spotted the rogue she'd met at the Gathering  named Ace.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:32pm Oct 8 2009

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Posts: 706

Cherrypaw smiled, then frowned, "I know she didn't want me. I met her once before, finding Stormclan to meet you guys. She was hunting. She reconized me right away. She said 'Go away.' I told her I wanted to join Stormclan, all she replied was 'No. Maybe Darkclan. Go away.' So I left. I talked to Scar, who I guess is her brother. He said after the way he was treated by her, he no longer cared what she said. He asked if I truly wanted to meet you, to be in Stormclan. I turned and walked away. I returned later and said I do. He told me that Frostwing chose to not be my mother, so she had no say in my future. So with a good bye, I left to be here." Then she said, "Can I meet Nightstar as my grandmother?"


Foxtail smiled, leaving to go hunt for the biggest hare ever for his mate.

Shadowfang left the camp. Sometimes he wondered what life would be like he had been born into Stormclan, the clan who was not as evil...... He decided to go hunting, the time when he made most of his most important choices in life.

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9:58pm Oct 8 2009

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Shadesky tried to think of some conforting words, whether they were true or not. "Well, maybe she just couldn't bare to go face to face with you and tell you that she had to leave you with Scar while she left to live with the Clan. It was probably a hard decision for her, let alone the fact the she was stubborn back then. And right now probably wouldn't be the best time to meet Nightstar. She's pretty depressed about losing Frostwing, since she was her former deputy. And just wondering, but what exactly did Scar say I looked like?" He asked, hoping that Wolf wasn't Cherrypaw's actual father. After all, they'd known each other forever, it seemed. But they did have different pelt colors, so it would be hard to get Wolf and himself mixed up.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

10:05pm Oct 8 2009

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Posts: 706
"A pitch black tom, with amber eyes that glowed. Stubborn, but gentle to thouse close to him. I thought it was you." Cherrypaw looked at him, getting kind of scared, "That's you, right?"
((Gotta go))

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11:21pm Oct 8 2009

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Posts: 1,441
Shadesky grinned. "Yeah, that's me alright. I'm the only cat in either of the Clans that is black with amber eyes. Though the gentleness is waring off, ever since Frostwing sided with Wolf...." His voice trailed off.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:23pm Oct 8 2009 (last edited on 11:37pm Oct 8 2009)

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Posts: 694
Name: Chippaw

Position: Apprentice

Family: She doesn’t remember her family expect they were killed by a Twoleg Monster. She seeks out one person to act like a family with her.
Clan: Stormclan 

Mate: None yet

Age: 6 Moons

Gender: Female

Appearance: White fur with Blue eyes. She is very fluffy.

Personality: She is shy but loves to protect anyone whom will take her in. She might be a kit but she wants to be a tough warrior. She is shy when she first meets someone but when you get to know her, you will see that she is a happy to go Apprentice who loves fun. 
Mentor: Rippletail 

Skills: She can fight like any warrior, she is very tough.

Phobias: Being abandoned, she will stick close to any mentor who she is given.

Bad Habits: She doesnt like to be ignored

Quirks: She likes to chase her tail strangely

Best Qualities: Most of the time she is happy but if she is sad, she will talk to her mentor about it

Worst Qualities: Doesn’t like not being allowed to do warriors duties yet, she will try to sneak off and go on another clan’s territory to pick a fight

Favourite Fresh kill: Pigeons 


Name: Rippletail

Position: Queen/Warrior
Clan: Stormclan

Family: This beautiful tortiseshell, she-cat is a loving mother to her only kit, Mousekit. She only has one kit because Tigerstar stole the rest of her litter.

Mate: unknown, she never got his name before he took off

Age: 4 years

Gender: Female


Personality:Rippletail young and loving. She will do most of what she can to protect her Clan mates and her kit. She is almost always happy and will try her best to cheer other up. this queen tends to be over protective of her clan mates, due to Tigerstar stealing almost all of her litter.

Skills:She is fast as the winds on the moor, and Rippletail can scale trees almostlike a squirrel. 

Phobias: Losing her last kit

Bad Habits: Being overprotective of her kit at times

Quirks: She hates eating birds

Best Qualities: Her mothering nature

Worst Qualities: Too overprotective at times

Favourite Fresh kill: Mice
History: Had all her litter stolen but one kit
Other: She will growl if someone tries to order her kit around or her apprentice Chippaw



11:27pm Oct 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,441
((Yay! You joined again! Oh yeah, and you might want to edit your bio and get out that power part. XD And I can try to fill you in on what's happening right now if you want!))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:29pm Oct 8 2009

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Posts: 694

Rippletail and Chippaw were on hunting, however they didnt realized that they were in Stormclan territory. Chippaw had forgotten what her old home looked like. Very soon they spotted some nice mice and Chippaw managed to catch it with one pounce, Rippletail smiled as she walked over with her kit on her back. She had taught Chippaw well. 


11:30pm Oct 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 694
((I edited my bio and wrote some hope you dont mind))


11:31pm Oct 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,441
((Before I post, could you resize Chippaw's pic? It's stretching the page.))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:35pm Oct 8 2009

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Posts: 694
((I dunno know how?)


11:37pm Oct 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 694
((better this pic))


11:37pm Oct 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,441
((Whenever you click on 'Edit', click on Chippaw's pic. Then those little square things will appear around the picture. Click and hold on one of the corner squares, and drag it toward the center of the pic, and it should shrink it.))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:39pm Oct 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 694
((thanks, i changed it))


11:41pm Oct 8 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Oh well ok that works to! And just to fill you in, Frostwing just died, StormCLan just beat DarkCLan in battle, Nightstar has 4 lives left and is now half-blind, and she's also too heart-broken to announce that Shadesky is an elder because he only has 3 legs. Cherrypaw just told Shadesky that She's his and Frostwing's daughter, and he found it hard to believe because Frostwing mated with Wolf and had Canis. Venonleaf just gave birth to a litter of kits(in StormClan) and Jadewhisper just gave birth to a litter of kits(in DarkCLan.)))


im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:44pm Oct 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 694
((Very interesting, poor Nightstar, poor poor Nightstar. can't wait to see who finds Chippaw and her mentor in Stormclan's area hehe)

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