11:46pm Oct 8 2009
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Posts: 694
Rippletail and Chippaw were on hunting, however they didnt realized that they were in Stormclan territory. Chippaw had forgotten what her old home looked like. Very soon they spotted some nice mice and Chippaw managed to catch it with one pounce, Rippletail smiled as she walked over with her kit on her back. She had taught Chippaw well. Chippaw showed the mice to Rippletail proudly.
11:50pm Oct 8 2009
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Posts: 694
((where's my post o_O, this happens alot))
11:51pm Oct 8 2009
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((Lol. Nightstar's mourning over Frostwing, and uh....I guess I could go make SKyshadow go into the forest. Zomg Skyshadow! SHe'd be like, "OMG WHERE'D YOU COME FROM?!?!?!" XDDD Noone else is online, soooo))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:52pm Oct 8 2009
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((Ack! LP!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:54pm Oct 8 2009
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Skyshadow sighed. Only Nightstar was mourning for Frostwing! She could understand if Hazelfur held a grudge over her, but everyone payed no attention! Normally she would of sat by her mother and mourned for her Clanmate to, but the Clan came first, and in this case they needed to be fed. Quick as a bee, she zipped out of camp and trampled throguh the forest.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:02am Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
Rippletail and Chippaw laid down eating the nice mice, they caught and Chippaw purred as she studied a squirrel nearby. Rippletail said "Go on Chippaw, go on you can catch a squirrel, its a little bigger then you have caught." and Chippaw looked over at her curious. She leaned down and moved slowly and jumped but missed it and Rippletail walked over and licked her *censored*uredly. "Don't worry you will get the next squirrel, you are a great apprentice and dont doubt you." Chippaw nodded and smiled at Rippletail as they curled underneath a tree for a rest.
12:03am Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
((opps big post hahaha hope you like))
1:53am Oct 9 2009
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((Lol tiz ok. I like reading big posts! Oh yeah, and if you're a rogue, type in pink or purple, and when you're in StormCLan, you type in blue. DarkClan is brown.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:59am Oct 9 2009
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1:59am Oct 9 2009
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Skyshadow sniffed the air, hoping to pick up the scent of a vole or a rabbit. Fat chance. The war they'd just had probably scared all the prey in the forest. But not all the cats. She hissed silently to herself as she scented rogues. She thought she had a faint memory of one of the scents, but she shrugged it off as she pushed her way through a hazel bush, her purple eyes peering out into the forest in front of her. An adult she-cat was with....a fluffy white apprentice. Chippaw?!?!?! She stepped back suprised and alarmed, making a stick on the ground snap in half.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:04am Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
Chipppaw jumped and said "Whose there? What's going on?" Rippletail stepped up and pulled her kit to her. Chippaw walked up to Skyshadow, slightly unsure she knew she recongized this cat. "I'm Chippaw, who are you, please don't hurt my mentor and her kit. We aren't harming anyone." Chippaw said as Rippletail walked with her towards Skyshadow. "We just need an a home." Rippletail purred as she waved her tail against Chippaw to make her sit down. Chippaw sat next to Rippletail as she looked up to Skyshadow waiting for an answer. (it will be blue when they arent rogues anymore)
2:08am Oct 9 2009
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((Ok, that's how I figured the color coding thingy-ma-bober would go!)) Skyshadow gasped as she stepped out of her hiding spot and heard the cat's name. "Chi-Chippaw?" Now she was a bit dizzy, but having learned from Shadesky, showed no sign of it.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:14am Oct 9 2009 (last edited on 2:15am Oct 9 2009)
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Posts: 694
"Yes My name is Chippaw." Chippaw said and looked at the cat, "I know you but why do i know you, I recongize you but i cant remember your name." "Don't worry Chippaw, you suffered a big deal of memory loss after I saved you from that dog." Rippletail purred, "I'm Rippletail, who may you be. You know Chippaw?"
2:16am Oct 9 2009
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Skyshadow fumbled for words. "Y-yes, I know her." She stammered. "She was my first apprentice, until she got atta-attacked."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:21am Oct 9 2009
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"Sky..Skyshadow." Chippaw asked confused and Rippletail nodded and said "Do you know what made the dogs attack. Chippaw said that she was alone but cant remember anything else. Would you want her to go back to wherever you live. I mean if she has a home she should go back right.'
Chippaw backed away and she hid behind Rippletail, "Skyshadow no like Chippaw." she whimpered, "She only cares about her family. Chippaw's family is dead. Skyshadow hates Chippaw, because she was a bundle."
2:37am Oct 9 2009
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Skyshadow shook her head. "Chippaw, I never disliked you, I was just busy trying to take over the job of a medicine cat while the spot was empty. We've been unsually busy lately, thanks to DarkClan." She replied, he voice growing into a growl as she spoke of DarkClan. "And I always cared for you, I was just so built up because I had two jobs to do, and it was hard to do both. And at the same time I had to worry about Shadesky."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:43am Oct 9 2009
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"All I wanted was a home....All I wanted was a home. You really do care mostly about your family. So I tried to get your attention...but found when I was good and not getting hurt no-one notice but if i got hurt you cared. Then the dogs took Rose and Rippletail saved me." Chippaw whispered. "Please let us stay Skyshadow, we got no home." Rippletail asked, "My kit needs to get used to other cats and I want Chippaw to be safe, I hate that she is always worrying if I and Mousekit can get through the night. She never sleeps and she wont eat until she is *censored*ure we are fed. But if we had a safe home then she won't have to. She hasnt even grieved for her sister Rose." "I don't deserve to grieve or eat or sleep." muttered Chippaw as she looked over at Skyshadow, "But it is not fair for my mentor and her kit not to have a home."
2:50am Oct 9 2009
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Skyshadow looked helplessly at the two cats. "I-I really don't know. I wish you could join, but it'd be up to Nightstar. But she's having one of those days...We just had a litter of kits, Frostwing, the former deputy, just died, and Shadesky only has 3 legs, and Nightstar is going hlaf-blind....Oh, I just don't know what to do! Maybe you should just come back to camp with me whether you can become part of StormClan or not. Usually everyone falls for kits."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:53am Oct 9 2009
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Chippaw pushed Rippletail and her kit to Skyshadow and said "I'll be fine Rippletail, I am 8 months now and I can survive the bush. I'm sure no-one in Stormclan will want me back." Rippletail said "We will come." and picked up Chippaw by the scruff, "Chippaw included"
2:58am Oct 9 2009
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Skyshadow smiled as her unusual purple eyes danced around in the sunlight. "I'm sure all the apprentices will be glad to have a new friend." Skyshadow tried, hoping to lift Chippaw's spirit up. "We have quite a few, so they should keep you busy! Now follow me!" She told them as she dashed off into the forest, headed for the heart of it where the camp lay.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing