3:05am Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
Rippletail followed with kit on back and Chippaw in mouth. She had great speed and could keep up with any cat without her kit falling off. Chippaw looked down and said "I don't deserve this, I bad kitty." as she looked back up to the camp she used to call home, "I don't deserve anything." "You so do deserve things." Rippletail said her voice muffled by Chippaw's fur.
3:11am Oct 9 2009
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((ERlover lost a post!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:12am Oct 9 2009
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-_- I hate LPs
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:12am Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
(here posty posty here posty posty)
3:13am Oct 9 2009
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LP 3 to the rescue!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:13am Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
Rippletail followed with kit on back and Chippaw in mouth. She had great speed and could keep up with any cat without her kit falling off. Chippaw looked down and said "I don't deserve this, I bad kitty." as she looked back up to the camp she used to call home, "I don't deserve anything." "You so do deserve things." Rippletail said her voice muffled by Chippaw's fur.
3:18am Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Imagine this: "Chippaw, you're such a constant downer." Skyshadow remarked. LOL)) "Yes you do, Chippaw. Nobody deserves to be treated badly, unless of course they're evil!" Skyshadow meowed as she slowed down, padding through the entrance of camp. Nobody was on guard...
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:32am Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
"Do you think I could convince Nightstar to let Rippletail and Mousekit join?" Chippaw asked as she looked up to Skyshadow as Rippletail padded beside her, her kit mew hungerly and jumped off and wondered off to explore into the elder's den. Chippaw walked after her while Rippletail looked nervously around. "Will Mousekit be okay?" She asked, "I worry about her since some tom cat stole my litter but Mousekit hid so he couldnt kidnap her.'
3:38am Oct 9 2009
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She should be safe. The only cat in there is Leafcloud, the former leader, and she's pretty nice. She even lets gets chase her tail! I'll go get Nightstar, you two just stay put and make sure Mousekit doesn't run off!" She mewed brightly as she walked over to her mother.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:45am Oct 9 2009 (last edited on 3:46am Oct 9 2009)
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Posts: 694
Chippaw walked over to Rippletail with Mousekit in her mouth and sat down but she looked very nervous, she hid behind Rippletail and looked towards where Skyshadow walked over to. She wasn't sure if Nightstar was going to let her rejoin.
3:48am Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((G'Night. I'll have to post tomorrow. *yawns big* Whoah, whenever I post that I yawn, I yawn. That's weird.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:44pm Oct 9 2009
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"Nightstar?" Skyshadow asked, not sure how to put this. Her mother lifted her head as she turned to see Skyshadow. "Yes, what is it?" She replied, still a bit shaky. "Um, well, you remember my old apprentice, Chippaw? And how she git attacked by dogs and we never saw her again? Well uh....she's back, with a she-cat and her kit. They were wondering if-" "If they could join StormClan?" Nightstar guessed, sighing. Skyshadow nodded. "Well, Since we've known Chippaw for a while yet..........I suppose they could join StormClan. I'll be announcing a new deputy and mentors tonight." Nightstar then walked off and disappeared into her den.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:56pm Oct 9 2009
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~BUMP 15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!~
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:54pm Oct 9 2009
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((Where the heck is everyone??!!??!! I'm so lonely.....8( ))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:54pm Oct 9 2009
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((Too much to read. :( Fill me in?))
4:55pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((Recap as well?))
5:30pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 706
((It's only like three pages, but all of it was filled with Chippaw returning with Rippletail and Mousekit.)) Cherrypaw looked up and said, "Shadesky, when will I get a mentor? And when do you think Nightstar will name a mentor? We need one now. Darkclan is getting strong. And we are losing warriors to sickness, wounds, unhealable injuries, and queens. We need a cat who can hold together a clan, without being controlling. I think that leader's should be Female because of their motherly qualities. But males have strength to do things that need to be done...." Shadowfang returned later on and said, "Bloodstar, I need to talk to you." Foxtail went to lay outside the nursery, watching Jadewhisper and their kits.
5:39pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 1,299
Venomleaf rested her head onto the ground of the nursery, and fell asleep. Flintkit mewed in his sleep, Venomleaf's song echoing through his head all the time.
5:50pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 5,279
Dreampaw overheard Cherrypaw, and then wondered: Who would her mentor be? Orangepaw nuzzled Blisspaw. Applekit stretched and woke up, feeling bouncy and energetic. She looked around the nursery. She wanted to play! But not rough-play, like most other kits. She wanted to play with leaves and chew them up and spit them out and play docter cat with her siblings. She nudged her mother gently with her paw. "Mama?" she said softly, her ears sticking out, sun shining through the holes onto Venomleaf's face.
Sparkfire purred at Skyshadow. "You fought bravely, I can tell." she said, rubbing herbs into the wounds. Crowheart decided he would go hunting. "Hazelfur! Would you ike to go hunting with me?" he asked. "We could take one of the apprentices too, that way we're prepared if Darkclan ambush us." Hazelfur shrugged. "Good idea, how about blisspaw? Didn't Sparkfire say she'd be better soon?" "We could ask." he replied, padding into the medicine cat's den. "Hey Blisspaw! You up for some hunting?" Crowheart asked. Bloodstar nodded."Of course." said Bloodstar. "What's the problem?" Jadewhisper's tongue stroked each of the kit's foreheads. Dogkit yawned and opened his eyes. He could smell a cat outside the nursery. Unsure, he tok a few steps out of Jadewhisper's reach. This cat smelled very similar to him. He waddled closer until he could remember who it was. It was his own father! Foxtail! He climbed on Foxtail's back, purring loudly. Heartkit mewled loudly when she felt her brother leave. Not wanting to stray to far from her own mother, she cuddled next to Raventkit and close to Jadewhisper for warmth.

6:02pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 2,046
(( Oh.... My..... I missed a lot..... Anyone care to fill me in? Like for the past..... 1 FRIKEN MILLION PAGES! *laughs* ))
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