6:12pm Oct 9 2009
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((Lets see, Frostwing is dead, Canis is an apprentice, Chippaw came back, Jadewhisper had kits, Venomleaf had kits, DarkClan and Stormclan are at war, and there's not gonna be a gathering, Leafclan might come back soon, and eh... Nightstar has 4 lives, Bloodstar has 7, Deathfang was kicked out of Darkclan and Shadowfang became deputy, and if girlsmackback11 ever comes back, they'll have kits. Tidekit is gonna be apprenticed, Orangepaw loves Blisspaw, Bloodpaw became Bloodhowl, Owlpaw has a crush on Blisspaw, Sparkfire is overwhelmed with wor, Nightcloud is getting old so will have to take an apprentice soon, really soon or else there'll be a whole med. cat-less stage. And eh....... Nothing else.))
6:13pm Oct 9 2009
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~BUMP 1~
6:13pm Oct 9 2009
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6:13pm Oct 9 2009
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~Bump 3~
6:23pm Oct 9 2009
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(( Do I play Bloodhowl? And what is Canis's name? ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
6:34pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 706
((And Cherrypaw is the secret kit of Shadesky and frostwing))
6:34pm Oct 9 2009
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((hs name is Canis, Nightstar didn't change it, but she miht. And yes, you do play Bloodhowl))
6:43pm Oct 9 2009
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((Wait, I think you do....or was that Dashz? Errr..... and there's a few other things that happened! :O Shadesky only has 3 legs (he's pretty pissed off about it) and he found out that Frostwing had a daughter, Cherrypaw, and it's his daughter. Nightstar is going blind in her right eye, StormClan has no deputy at the moment, and....I was gonna say something....Chippaw is back with Rippletail and Mousekit, and.........I got an idea! What is like, DarkClan really did have no medicine cat?!?! That'd be something to roleplay about. XD And should I make Nightstar say that all the warriors have to train all the apprentices since there are so many in StormClan? Dude, what if like, all the rogues came together and made a Clan!)) Nightstar thought deeply about her upcoming decision. Should Hazelfur be deputy? She's always wanted it, and has tried her best do get the part. But maybe Crowheart would fit the job better, after all, he's never fought with another one of his Clanmates and is extrmely loyal, even though he's a new warrior. Skyshadow seems to worry about her Clan to much, and she'd probably never go to war if she was leader.Foxleap can't speak, so it can't be her, Sparrowfrost........is a tie with Crowheart, Lynxbloom...hmmm, is a bit too quiet to speak out. So Crowheart or Sparrowfro-wait! How many warriors was that?! 6 or so? Let's see, Blisspaw, Orangepaw, Dreampaw........is that enough warriors to be mentors? Shadesky shrugged. "Who knows when. The Clan's been dealing with some hard things lately, and she's been really thinking about naming a deputy. After all, a deputy should of been named long ago, so StarClan is probably angry. We can go see her now, if you'd like. She just went in her den." He told his daughter. Blisspaw jumped up immediatley. "I'd love to go! Can Orangepaw come to?" Skyshadow purred. "I tried my best, even though it wasn't the longest battle I've been to." Cinderkit popped her eyes open. The world was so...colorful and...ow! It was bright! She winced as the sunlight shined down through little cracks in the nursery, making her eyes hurt. She turned away, then blinked a few times before standing up. Fishleap walked over to the entrance of camp, about to go on a little hunt to see what she could find. Ravenkit uncurled himself, stretching his little legs, brushing against Heartkit's fur. He opened his eyes, the same color of the sun, and sat up.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:45pm Oct 9 2009 (last edited on 7:01pm Oct 9 2009)
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(( Right. Key. )) Canis gazed at the trees, wondering where his father could be. Wolf hadn't appeared for quiet a while. He missed him. He hoped nothing bad had happened. He swiveled his head slowly and gazed at their camp. He was one of the most, strangest, yet fastest learners and he knew when to be patient. He blinked his eyes slowly and he gazed at the starclan cats. he had taken a liking to one starclan cat named Blackfeather. She was kind, and she usually stayed near the warriors den, lending the warriors her strength. Canis sighed. ~ Bloodhowl watched the camp with lazy eyes. He yawned and the others might think him lazy. What they didn't know, was that he was watching the camp and borders extra carefully. Just in case the little female warrior came back. he lifted his lip in an evil chuckled. He would rip her to pieces if she came back. ~ Foxleap gazed at the camp, eyes glazed. She was reliving the past. When she had gotten taken by Darkclan. She shivered slightly. Her ehart lurched slightly and she winced. ** BBS**
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:00pm Oct 9 2009
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Venomleaf lifted up her tired head and looked at Applekit. "What is it?" she asked. Then she saw the sunlight coming through the holes in Applekit's ear.
7:33pm Oct 9 2009
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"Can we play medicine cat?" Applekit whispered, eyes pleading. Crowheart nodded. "Of course! Come on you two, Hazelfur is coming too." Hazelfur smiled. "I'm glad to hear you're better Blisspaw, let's get moving, and then we'll be back in time for the deputy ceremony. We'll split up in the forest so we can get mazimum prey. Crowheart and I will be in the territory we got from Darkclan, in case they attack again. She said, leading the patrol out of camp. Orangepaw's pelt brushed Blisspaw's. Owlpaw looked at his siblings. "Cover for me, I'm going to see if I can find Blisspaw." he said, slinking out of camp. Featherpaw nodded, but rocketpaw didn't seem as entusiastic.
7:40pm Oct 9 2009
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Tidekit wandered oround and stumbled across Applekit. "Hello Applekit! Nice day isnt it?" Tidekit moved to Applekits side, purring.
8:32pm Oct 9 2009
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((Oh yeah, and we're back to using the color code again. Forgot to mention that. XP brown is DarkClan, blue is StormClan, and purple or pink is rogue/loner. Though Wolf could be blue if ya want. *^-^*)) Cinderkit's ear pricked up at she heard Applekit say, 'play medicine cat.' "You wanna play medicine cat?" She asked, her eyes narrowed. Nightstar sighed, then walked back out of her den and to the low-stocked fresh-kill pile. She grabbed a sparrow and sat down, ravenously tearing into it. Ravenkit stood up, shaking scraps of moss off his ruffled pelt. He then ran towards the entrance of the nursery, anxious to see what the camp would look like.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:35pm Oct 9 2009
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Blisspaw blushed as Orangepaw rubbed up against her. Is this really the cat I want to be my mate? She didn't know whether she wanted him to be her mate or not. Owlpaw was kinda cute. But wait a econd! He was from DarkClan! She couldn't live happily ever after with a DarkClan tom! Shaking her head, she leapt up onto a tree And stalked down a starling that had just landed.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:38pm Oct 9 2009
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"Yeah! I like the smell of catmint the best." purred Applekit. "Do you wanna play with me? You can be my sick patient." she said excitedly. Dogkit got off of Foxtail and pounced on his brother, Ravenkit. "I got you!" he mewled loudly. Owlpaw stood by the bushes where he and Blisspaw had met last time. He hoped she could come. Though he couldn't admit it, he sort of liked Blisspaw..
8:40pm Oct 9 2009
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"Can I play?" asked tidekit, purring and moving towards Applekit.
8:41pm Oct 9 2009
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Orangepaw purred to himself as he caught a fat mouse, blood oozing from his deep bite marks. He dropped the kill in front of himself. "Be careful Blisspaw." he said, too soft to scare the bird, but loud enough for her to hear it. ((Sorry about the color coding thing, Firefox is major lagging, Ima gonna have to switch all my bookmarks to internet plorer))
8:43pm Oct 9 2009
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Applekit beamed at Tidekit. "This'll be fun! you and Cinderkit could play battle and then pretend to be really hurt and I can save you!" she mewled happily.
8:46pm Oct 9 2009 (last edited on 8:47pm Oct 9 2009)
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Posts: 6,296
Tidekit giggled. "I wish you could be my sister!" She then tackled Cinderkit, claws sheathed. She padded Cinderkit gently. They started rolling slowly down the hill, they sped up and they were going out of control towards the river. "Help!!!" Wailed Tidekit, major urgency in her voice.
8:50pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Ok it's fine. Res is lagging on IE, at least for me. But for some reason I don't really like FireFox. XP I never use it. Only when the internet is bein stupid. What if some warrior cat's name was Firefox! XDD)) "Er, well, sure, I guess." Cinderkit mewed. "What should be wrong with me?" Blisspaw made a short nod, then moved in for the kill. (Muhahahaha!) Just as the sparling opened it's wings, Blisspaw pounced on it, making a cracking sounds as she snapped the birds neck. The branch wobbled a bit, so she had to cling onto it for a moment, but soon regained momentum. She jumped down with her catch, kicking earth over it. "Nice mouse." SHe commented. Ravenkit laughed as Dogkit mauled him over. She spun around and playfully nipped his brother's leg. "And now I got you!"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing