Warrior Cats RPG

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9:25pm Oct 9 2009

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Tidekit looked up at Mousekit. "No!" She screamed, pushing the other kit away. "Its just.... Its just...." Tidekit crumpled,pulling to the other kit.


9:25pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Hawkstep could crush on Skyshadow or something. And I'll make another DarkClan charry just for the heck of it. Fishleap has nothing to do, so it's pretty boring))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:27pm Oct 9 2009

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9:27pm Oct 9 2009

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9:32pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Desired Name: Dewdream

Position: Warrior

Family: Lilypetal of Starclan, Tigerscratch of Starclan


Crush: No

Age: 20 moons

Clan: DarkClan

Additional Info

Gender: Female

Appearance: A silver-gray she cat with black fleacks and a white patch over her left eye and ear. One white eye, but she isn't half blind

Personality:Shy and secretive, but hardly ever scared of anything. Hates to be stared at and will always shirk away from the hostile gazes of other cats. Prefers not to make eye contact with anyone.



Desired Name: Lilypetal

Position: Starclan Queen

Family: Daughter: Dewdream


Crush: No

Age: 45 moons (Died 20 moons ago)

Clan: Starclan (Was Darkclan)

Additional Info

Gender: Female

Appearance: Stunning silvery-blue she cat with amber eyes. Her eyes were said to "Ruin her beauty"

Personality:Was completly devoted to Tigerscratch and had one kit with him, dying when she gave birth to Dewdream.


Desired Name: Tigerscratch

Position: Starclan Warrior

Family: Dewdream: daughter


Crush: no

Age: 40 moons (Died 25 moons)

Clan: Was Darkclan

Additional Info

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark Tabby with White splotches, green eyes, muscle-man

Personality:Devoted to lilypetal, and when she died, it tore him apart. He cherished Dewdream too closley, and was ultimatly wiped out protecting her as an apprentice from an angry badger.


9:34pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 694

Mousekit run straight to Rippletail and burst into tears, Chippaw picked up the kit and the three cats walked outside. 

"They don't like me-" Mousekit wailed and Rippletail nuzzled her.

(How do i do a profile for a kit, this is my first kit i made) 


9:34pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 706

((I can might make a cat for Bloodstar))


Cherrypaw nodded, walking up to Nightstar. "Nightstar? May I speak to you?" she asked.


Shadowfang sighed. He'd talk to Bloodstar later. Let him fantasize having his own kits for a bit...


Foxtail traced his tail over his mate's flank, saying, "Honey, I know you only want to protect them, but they will have everything being told to them when their apprentices. How to hunt, how to fight, who to respect, how to do apprentice duties. Let them have fun as Kits. I'll watch them and I'm sure Bloodstar, Fishleap, Shadowfang, and Nightcloud will too if they leave the nursery. They just won't be allowed the camp walls." Then he dipped his head respectfully to Bloodstar, before turning to look at Bloodhowl, who had asked one of his kits to play. Foxtail snarled slightly. Bloodhowl reminded him of himself when he first joined Darkclan. Mean, cruel, heartless, a readiness to kill, and enjoyment in pain. Foxtail was fine with Bloodhowl being like that, for it made him a great warrior, but he wouldn't stand for it near his kits. "No," he said, stepping over his son, in front of Bloodhowl. "You're coming hunting with me."


((Don't you love how Foxtail went from an evil cat to an overprotective father??))

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9:35pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Flintkit stirred finally, from his dreams. He blinked his lime green eyes, that reminded Venomleaf so much of her mate Stripedfeather.


9:36pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 6,296
 ((Im with ya whatever.))

Desired Name: Saildreams

Position: Warrior

Family: None


Crush: No

Age: anceint (Died who knows when.)


Additional Info

Gender: Female

Appearance: A silver tabby with one spot on her hind leg, the other on her ear.

Personality:Misteriuse, likes making riddles


9:38pm Oct 9 2009 (last edited on 9:43pm Oct 9 2009)

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Posts: 5,279

Applekit frowned and walked over to Tidekit, forgetting her game. "Tidekit! There was no reason to be so mean to Mousekit! Just because you're miserable doesn't mean everyone else has to be!" she hissed, for the first time, Applekit scared herself. She had never hissed at any cat before, especially not one she respected and loved more than her own mother! She brushed pelts with Mousekit.

Heartkit looked skeptical. "I dunno..."

Dogkit purred and without hesitation, tackled Bloodhowl with a playful yowl, biting the warrior's paw gently. He ignored his fathers command.

Jadewhisper chuckled and cast a glance towards Foxtail, as if saying "Who's the frightened parent now?"

Orangepaw shifted his paws. "Careful..." he repeated, still softly.

Dreampaw growled to herself. She didn't get why she had to be so moody. It would help if everyone stopped acting like kits. She growled to herself. When would she be a warrior? Maybe then someone would like her, respect her for who she is, accept her. Maybe someone would even love her... She pushed the idea away almost as quickly as it came. Lots of she-cats died lonely. Why should she have what they didn't?


9:41pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 2,046
(( Wait. Whatever. There is only one Starclan king. Wolf. So how can Lilypetal be queen? I'm just confuzzled. Maybe there can be a king and queen for each clan. ))

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

9:42pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 706
Foxtail snarled again, louder, taking Heartkit and Dogkit into the nursery. He set Heartkit next to her mother, taking Dogkit to the back of the nursery. "Listen," he growled, trying to control himself, "Bloodhowl may seem cool and a friend you want to have, but until you are an apprentice, you are to reply to him when he asks you something, but you may not play, hunt, wrestle or anything else with him. He is dangerous for a kit like you to be around! I won't have you killed because of him!"

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9:42pm Oct 9 2009 (last edited on 9:43pm Oct 9 2009)

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Posts: 2,046
Bloodhowl glared slightly at the cat. He stood up stiffly and left the nursery. When he was a several feet away and the cat's scent had faded, he let out a breath and he kneaded the ground with his claws. "I'm not dangerous. Just stronger." he muttered to himself.

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

9:42pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 6,296

((Tidekit said sorry and beed nice to Mousekit.))


9:42pm Oct 9 2009 (last edited on 10:19pm Oct 9 2009)

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Posts: 694

Desired Name: Mousekit

Position: kit

Family: Her mother Rippletail

Mate: too young

Crush: too young

Age: 6 months

Clan: Storm clan

Additional Info

Gender: female


Personality: Shy and outgoing, is sad when another kit doesnt want to play, has problems with making friends, close to Chippaw and Rippletail


9:43pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Let me reapet this carfully.Tidekit looked up at Mousekit."Its just.... Its just...." Tidekit crumpled,pulling to the other kit.


9:44pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 706
((i think they meant queen like nursery queen because she died having a kit))

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9:45pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Venomleaf said,"Good morning Flintkit." Flintkit stared at his mother. When he had been born he had not seen his mother's face, but now he could see it in clesr detail. She was dappled and had kind eyes. Flintkit felt comfortable under her gaze.


9:45pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 694

Mousekit looked unsure so she kneeled down and pretend to pounce on a leaf. She looked at her mother and said "I dont know mummy, I don't know really, I don't know how to be friends."

"Don't worry Mousekit, I'm sure the kits in here can teach you." Rippletail purred as she pushed Mousekit to the others and Chippaw nodded to Mousekit, "Go on sweetie." Chippaw told Mousekit. 


9:45pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 2,046
(( Right. Okay. That works. Thanks Dashz. ))

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n
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