10:08pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
"I'm Chippaw. I'm new here, this is my mentor Rippletail." Chippaw said nodding to Rippletail who smiled at Duskpaw. Rippletail said "Chippaw is nervous about sleeping in the apprentice den because she has always slept next to me and my kit."
10:09pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
((sounds good, how is mousekit doing/ I never played Mousekit before)
10:09pm Oct 9 2009
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Cinderkit purred. "Pick me! If I die, so will all the Clans!" SHe mewed.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:09pm Oct 9 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:10pm Oct 9 2009
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Tidekit moved away, as qiet as a wisp, away from the other kits. She snuggled up to her foster mom and fell asleep. Tear-stains rolled down her cheek.
10:11pm Oct 9 2009 (last edited on 10:12pm Oct 9 2009)
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Posts: 694
Chippaw smiled as she said "So do you think it be okay to go hunting?" as she smiled to Duskpaw. Mousekit giggled as she laid next to Cinderkit and yawned but said "Mummy not here.'
10:12pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Lol Mouskit's doin real good. And I love the pic of Mouskit! It's so cute! XD)) "Do you wanna go on a border patrol with me?" She asked Hawkstep, seeing as he was bored to death. "I wanna make sure those furballs don't try to steal back their land again! Maybe that new warrior could come with us, too." Skyshadow asked.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:14pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
While Mousekit slept, Rippletail taught Chippaw some more moves and Chippaw smirked as she jumped onto Skyshadow giggling with cheekiness. "You did well Chippaw." Rippletail smiled at her apprentice.
10:14pm Oct 9 2009
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Duskpaw nodded. "Sure! I'll ask Dreampaw if she wants to come, too. She looked kinda lonely last time I saw her." He replied as he whisked away and off to find Dreampaw, which wasn't that hard. "Hey Dreampaw!" He called out. "Wanna go hunting with me and Chippaw?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:16pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
Chippaw smiled happily and jumped up happily as she waited for Duskpaw to come back. Rippletail walked over to Skyshadow, "How old does a Apprentice must be before them become a warrior?" with curious, "And how old does Mousekit be before she becomes an apprentice?"
10:16pm Oct 9 2009
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Oomf! Was all Skyshadow could think as her old apprentice tackled her. Not sure who in the name of StarClan it was, she whipped around and rammed into the cat, knocking it down. She quickly pinned it down, just to realize that it was Chippaw.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:17pm Oct 9 2009
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Dewdream's tail curled around her paws as she sat beneath the highledge, water dripping from the roots that filtered into the underground burrows of Darkclan camp. The fluids in her white eye swirled around as the other eye stared blankly into space. She could see through both eyes, unlike the Stormclan leader, Nightstar, whom she had heard was blinded in battle. She narrowed her eyes as Foxtail pushed Bloodhowl hastily out of camp. What would Foxtail want with him? she shook away her suspicion as she saw bluestone padding around camp. "Hey Bluestone, you want to go hunting with me?" she yelled accross camp. Bloodstar yawned. He saw Featherpaw and Rocketpaw. "Where's Owlpaw?" he asked curiously. "He went out hunting earlier. He'll be back soon." said Featherpaw. Rocketpaw nodded. Owlpaw was begginging to worry. Did Blisspaw remember? Was she able to get away from camp? A dark thought crept into Owlpaw's mind. Did she die?
10:17pm Oct 9 2009
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((Working on Flintkit's pic...)) Flintkit stepped into the sunlight, the light shimmering on his tabby pelt. "Whatcha doin'?" he asked.
10:17pm Oct 9 2009
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"A uh...an apprentice has to be 6 moons old to become an apprentice. How old is Mousekit?" She asked, letting go of CHippaw.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:18pm Oct 9 2009
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"Sure i'll come." He meowed.
10:20pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 694
"She is 6 months." Rippletail said and Chippaw grinned cheekily at Skyshadow as she sat beside Rippletail, she loved pouncing on another cats as her training. (I edited mousekit's profile and made her 6 months)
10:20pm Oct 9 2009
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Posts: 706
"I... I need to talk to you, in your den," Cherrypaw stuttered, not sure if she should tell Nightstar, but feeling like it was the right thing to do. Foxtail looked at him and said, "It's your choice son."
10:20pm Oct 9 2009
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Dreampaw shrugged. "I've got nothing other to do." she said dully, stretching and padding up to Chippaw and Duskpaw. Applekit smiled. "I suppose Mousekit's not playing." she said. "Maybe Flintkit will play with us?"
10:21pm Oct 9 2009
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"I'm going to go over near the Owl Tree to look for prey. You look over by the tall pines." Blisspaw told Orangepaw as she sped down into the forest, hoping Orangepaw would listen. She had almost forgotten about her meeting with Owlpaw! Bluestone turned to see Dewdream. "Sure!" She replied happily, padding over to her old littermate.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:22pm Oct 9 2009
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((:O Wouldn't Foxtail want his own son to be leader? Dogstar? Or his daughter? Ravenstar or Heartstar?))