Warrior Cats RPG

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11:15pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 5,279
"I dunno. Fishleap told me that me and my siblings just appeared in the nursery one day, as if we were encouragment from Starclan to start having kits again. And then Jadewhisper's kits, and now there's rumors of  Leafpelt expecting." said Owlpaw. "How's Venomleaf? I didnt see her in the battle, is she in the nursery?"


11:19pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 5,279


11:19pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 694
"Elders? who are Elders?" Mousekit asked as she played with a stone and accidentally rolled it against another cat and she said "Opps"


11:21pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 706
((Hahaha ya))

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11:26pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 1,441

(( XD Yupz. But sadly, now I'm going brain-dead.))

"Oh. And Venomleaf is in the nursery. She just gave birth to a litter of kits; Flintkit, Applekit, and Cinderkit. I think Applekit wants to be a medicine cat when she grows up, and Cinderkit is growing into a strong warrior. They'll both be nice editions to the Clan. I'm not so sure about Flintkit, though. Haven't seen him much." Blisspaw answered.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:28pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 1,441
"Elders are cats who are too old to fight or hunt anymore, so they retire from their position and become elders. They usually look out for the kits and tell us all kinda of cool stories." Cinderkit replied.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:29pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 694

((I'm brain dead and currently on art searches and is Shadesky an elder? I'm confused))

Mousekit went to play and stumbled into the elder den and accidently fall onto one of the elders,

"Opps owwwww." Mousekit whimpered as she tried to stand up but fall down again. 


11:35pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Well, he's still pretty darn young, a young adult, actually, but he has to be forced into retirement because he can no longer hunt or fight since he only has 3 legs. Nightstar's just to heart-broken to announce it. Unless he teaches himself how to hunt and fight a whole different way, he's an elder. Leafcloud is also and elder, but nobody plays her. She just...there.))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:38pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Applekit stretched and yawned before falling asleep.

Owlpaw smiled. "Jadewhisper has three kits, Dogkit, Heartkit and Ravenkit. I don't go and see the kits. Foxtail is too protective and no cat wants to irk Jadewhisper." he said. "I hope i have kits someday." he said.


11:41pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 1,441

"Me to...." Blisspaw meowed as her voice trailed off.

((Lol Blisspaw's love drunk. XD))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:51pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 5,279
"So... I'll see you here tomorrow?" asked Owlpaw.


11:53pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 1,441

"Yeah, tomorrow." Blisspaw promised. Without thinking, she ran up and kissed Owlpaw, then sprinted away into the forest, embarra$$ed.

((Ahh, it's like just yesterday Frostwing and Shadesky fell for each other. Good times, good times. XD))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:54pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 694
Mousekit walked into the elders and looked around and said "Hey there, I am Mousekit," she trotted over to one elder, "I'm new and the other kits said Elders teach kits about the life in clans." she curled up tired.


11:58pm Oct 9 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((I guess I'll go act out an elder.))

A purr rumbled in Leafcloud's worn throat as Mousekit spoke. "That is true, young one."

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

12:04am Oct 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 694

((sounds interesting))

Mousekit said "I'm nervous, what if I am not clan fit? I never had been around any cats but my mum Rippletail and her apprentice Chippaw." she looked to Leafcloud and she cuddled to her. 


12:04am Oct 10 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((Shadesky is the only elder and he's in the med. cat den with 3 legs))

Owlpaw purred and trotted back to camp, heart set on tomorrow's meeting with Blisspaw.


12:11am Oct 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 706
((hahahaha. I know right?))

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12:12am Oct 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,441
((Lol yup! Well, I'm off for the night, getting tired. See whatever, I do sleep! 8D))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

12:45am Oct 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 694
((I wish i could draw i would love a pic of all my cats together))


9:34am Oct 10 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((I actually fell asleep at the computer... LOL I'm awake nao. :)))

Orangepaw returned to camp with a vole and two mice. He padded over to the apprentice's den and curled up in his nest.

Dreampaw yawned. "It's to late to go hunting, Maybe tomorrow, after the dawn patrol?" she said.

Applekit nestled next to Tidekit like she had the night before and fell asleep, purring softly. Her purr faded away as a nightmare crept into her thoughts. She squealed softly in her sleep and the ex
pression on her face was scared. Her paws twitched.

"Hahahaha! You? A medicine cat? You must be joking! You'reuseless! You can't be a medicine cat, and you can't fight! You should just die!" taunted Applekit's clanmates.

Applekit squirmed unhappily. "I can be a medicine cat! I'll show you!" she mumbled in her sleep before jolting awake, eyes wide and terrified.

Hazelfur looked up at the moon, high in the sky. "I suppose the deputy ceremony will have to wait." she mumbled, padding into the warriors den.

Crowheart stretched and yawned, his black pelt seemingly invisible in the dark, cloudy night.

((Here's how I plan on this going, Orangepaw realizes Blisspaw doesn't like him, so he gets mad, but he cools down eventually and will settle with Dreampaw, who has a crush on him, and they'll have one kit, but it won't work out because Dreampaw realizes she likes Duskpaw more than Orangepaw. Orangepaw will feel like no one likes him, and possibly leave Stormclan for one of the cute Darkclan chicks.))

Owlpaw purred in in his sleep that night, dreamig of Blisspaw. Did she actually like him? His heart twittered like a hyper active bird.

Rocketpaw growled. "Owlpaw, will you keep it down? Some cats are trying to sleep." he hissed.

Owlpaw stopped purring. "Sorry." he whispered back.

"What were you thinking about anyway?" questioned Featherpaw.

"Nothing." lied Owlpaw, pushing away the thought of Blisspaw. She was from another clan! They couldn't be together! Then, a thought hit Owlpaw. We can be together as much as we want as long as no cat knows. Not even Rocketpaw and Featherpaw can know.

Jadewhisper curled around Dogkit, Heartkit and Ravenkit protectively as she fell asleep.

Heartkit whined softly. She wanted Foxtail. (Daddy's little girl. :3)

Dewdream stretched and yawned. "Hunting will have to wait until dawn, I'll see you in the morning Bluestone." she mewed, jumping into the warriors den.

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