7:11pm Oct 10 2009
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((Lol, Bob. And how do you cross out words like that? I never figured out how. XP)) "I would *censored*ume she would. And if not, I'm sure I can find a way to convince her. After all, she was a rogue, me and my sister were rogues, Frostwing was a rogue, Wolf's a rogue, Foxleap and Sparrowfrost were rogues, Chippaw, Rippletail, and Mousekit were rogues, you and Canis are half'rogues, and it goes on." Shadesky answered.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:19pm Oct 10 2009 (last edited on 10:14pm Oct 10 2009)
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((How do you cross out words like that, Dashz? Jus' curious)) "I'm sure she'll let you, and if not, I'm pretty sure I can convince her to let you visit him. After all, a mojority of the Clan was previously a rogue. Nightstar, Chippaw, Skyshadow, Sparrowfrost, me, Foxleap, Rippletail, Frostwing, and Mousekit were all once rogues. And you and Canis are both part rogue. Possibly some other cats here are part rogue as well, it just depends on their family tree." Shadesky answered. ((Did I miss any apprentices from this list? Tell me if I did!: Chippaw-Rippletail Mousepaw-Sparrowfrost Dreampaw-Skyshadow Blisspaw-Hawkstep Orangepaw-Brightleaf Cherrypaw-Nightstar Tidepaw-Foxleap Duskpaw-Crowheart Canis-Hazelfur And I'll make Nightstar start talking again as soon as whatever posts! And as soon as I get on later! XD))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:20pm Oct 10 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:20pm Oct 10 2009
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((Oh sorry.))
7:21pm Oct 10 2009
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:/ LP2
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:32pm Oct 10 2009
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Posts: 706
((There is a button that looks like ABC that is to the right of the U button.))
8:17pm Oct 10 2009
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((Anything important happen while I was gone? I saw that Sparrowfrost has Mousepaw as an apprentice, good choicem they seem to match, and Hazelfur has Canis. Uh-oh. Canis is in trouble if he thinks being the prince of Starcllan means having special treatment, because Hazelfur will kill him if he tries to order anyone else around.))
8:21pm Oct 10 2009
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((Nightstar is going to choose a deputy.))
8:40pm Oct 10 2009
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((Oooooh! I hope it's one of my charries!)) Hazelfur returned from her hunt with a mouse in her jaws. Prey was hard to find that day. She groomed her pelt to look nice for the deputy naming ceremony. She had decided that she would look nice if she were to be deputy, but still congraygulate whoever was chosen. She looked towards her apprentice, Canis. She wished he had a warrior name, then maybe the rest of the clan wouldn't be scared of him. She knew for a fact that Crowheart was scared of him. And she was. Dreampaw buried her head in her paws. Headaches were no fun. Why did she get them so often, so badly? She stayed to the corner of the apprentice den, trying not to be noticed. Orangepaw smiled at Blisspaaw. "Hi Blisspaw!" he said cheerily. He stopped by the fresh kill pile and grabbed a fat sparrow for them to share. "Are you hungry?" he mumbles between the feathery creature. Crowheart padded over to Duskpaw. "Do you want to do some battle-training Duskpaw?" he asked. Sparkfire was worried as she looked over at Shadesky. He couldn't stay in the medicine cat's den forever! Why couldn't Nightstar just let him go? It'll happen to every warrior eventually! She shook the thought away. There was a more important matter for her to discuss with Nightstar. She peered out of the den and scanned the clearing for her mother. Applekit smiled at Tidekit. "Hi Tidekit! Do you want to play with me?" she asked. ____ Rocketpaw and Featherpaw trotted into camp, side by side, each carrying a scrawny piece of fresh kill. "This is all we could find without our old hunting grounds." said Featherpaw sadly. Bloodstar growled. "We have to get that land back!" he hissed to himself. "Where's Shadowfang?" he asked, looking around camp. Dogkit tumbled out of the nursery, gigling happily. "I ate my fresh kill before you!" he tauntd Heartkit. "No you didn't!" was Heartkit's fierce reply. "Just because you swallowed it whole doesn't mean you ate it first!" "Yes it does!" "No it doesn't!" Jadewhisper growled angrily. "Dogkit, Heartkit, stop bickering. You're bothering everyone else." she hissed. "Yes mama." said Heartkit obediently, padding back into the nursery. Dogkit snorted. He sat at the nursery entrance, hoping Bloodhowl would come by and play with him again. That had been fun, he didn't care what his father said. Owlpaw padded out of the apprentice den, eyes darting towards the camp exit, eager for night to fall so he could meet Blisspaw again. He had'nt done much today exept go on a failed hunting trip and search the imaginary elders for ticks or fleas. Dewdream yawned. She smiled at Bloodhowl, her strange white eye blinking as if she were wining at him, but the truth was, the eye often discouraged other cats from wanting to come near her, no exeptions. Even her own father didn't like to stare at her eye.

8:42pm Oct 10 2009
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((O.o That is one of the longest posts I've ever posted on this rp...))
8:45pm Oct 10 2009
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((fullmoon- you should join as one of Jadewhisper's kits, she had six, but only three are roleplayed currently. Plus you don't have any other cats in Darkclan, so it'd be cool.))
8:46pm Oct 10 2009
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8:51pm Oct 10 2009
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Posts: 706
Shadowfang appeared, saying, "You called Bloodstar?"
8:53pm Oct 10 2009
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Bloodstar nodded. "Didn't you say you wanted to talk to me?" he asked.
9:06pm Oct 10 2009
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Desired Name: Spoolkit Position: Kit Family: ? Mate: Too young Crush:Your kidding right? Age: 5 moons? Clan: Darklan Additional Info None Gender: Female Appearance: Coming... Personality: You'll see
9:10pm Oct 10 2009
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((I'm back on everyone! Just gimme a sec to read what everyone postedd, including whatever's longest post! XD And whatever, the 3 warriors I narrowed down to be deputy were Hazelfur, Sparrowfrost, or Crowheart so no matter what your gonna be deputy!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:11pm Oct 10 2009
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9:24pm Oct 10 2009
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((Oh yeah, and whatever, Nightstar just called a Clan meeting because she's naming off all the mentors and apprentices, and the new deputy!)) "Shhh!" Blisspaw insisted. "Nightstar's about to say something important!" But then of course she tunred and greatfully bit in to the bird. Who could resist a nice breakfast? Nightstar cleared her throat as everyone in camp came into the clearing. "I have some important news to share. First of all, I'd like to congratulate all of us on winning the battle with DarkClan. Our prize was a well-earned piece or land that seems to be filled with prey. I'm sure they'll battle for it sooner or later, so I'm happy to announce two new apprentices. Tidekit and Mousekit, please come forward." She flicked her tail as she looked down at the tw young cats. "From this day on, until you earn your warrior names, you shall be known as Tidepaw and Mousepaw. Mousepaw, your mentor will be Sparrowfrost. She's been taught well and I hope she p*censored*es on all her mentor taught her to you. And Tidepaw, your mentor will be Foxleap. She's grown into a fine warrior, so she'll be a good match for you." She paused for a minute, then spoke once again. "Dreampaw, Cherrypaw, Blisspaw, Orangepaw, Duskpaw, Chippaw, and Canis, come on down."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:29pm Oct 10 2009 (last edited on 9:29pm Oct 10 2009)
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Chippaw walked up to the leader and sat down and smiled at Mousepaw and nuzzled her, "Congrats Mousepaw." Mousepaw smiled and touched Sparrowfrost's nose. Chippaw looked to Rippletail as she listened to Nightstar, she hoped that she won't be taken from Rippletail's mentorship. (Thx Nightshade. Its annoying with timezones lol.)
9:31pm Oct 10 2009 (last edited on 9:42pm Oct 10 2009)
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((Uh-oh. I made Skyshadow have two apprentices! Shoot! Hang on, I'll go make a warrior!)) Name: Brightleaf Age: 34 Moons Gender: Female Family: I dunno Appearence:Looks like Spottedleaf from the warriors series, so she's a pretty brown tortoise-shell she-cat with emerald green eyes. Crush: Crowheart And that's all you need to know! "Skyshadow, you will mentor Dreampaw, Hawkstep will mentor Blisspaw, Brightleaf will mentor Orangepaw, I will mentor Cherrypaw, Crowheart will mentor Duskpaw, Rippletail will mentor Chippaw, and Hazelfur will mentor Canis." Nightstar smiled. "And before this Clan meeting ends, I'd like to announce the new deputy for StormClan.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing