11:37pm Oct 10 2009
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((Who were they again??))
11:37pm Oct 10 2009
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11:37pm Oct 10 2009
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11:38pm Oct 10 2009
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Duskpaw smiled widely as he heard his mentor would be deputy. "CROWHEART! CROWHEART!" He cheered along with the other, being the loudest of them all. Blisspaw, Skyshadow, Brightleaf, and Shadesky all chanted along, cheering out Crowheart's name. Shadesky was kinda depressed inside, though. He wished he could still mentor apprentices, and battle alongside his Clanmates. Maybe he could..... Slunking away towards the back of the crowd, he snook over to the camp entrance and walked out, determined to teach himself how to fight and hunt with only three legs.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:39pm Oct 10 2009
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((Oh gosh, fullmoon! So many names! How about we act like everyone called out all their names, we just don't post it to save time?))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:42pm Oct 10 2009
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Posts: 706
Cherrypaw turned to see her father leaving. She wondered if she should go after him or not....
12:00am Oct 11 2009
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Shadesky looked at his surroundings, hoping to spot out a songbird or a squirrel or something to pounce on. Mouse. He tried to get into a hunter's crouch, but failed miserably at doing so. He tilted to his bad side and fell face-first into the earth below. "Mouse-dung!" He hissed quietly at himself. He got up once more, relief flooding over him as he saw nobody around and that the mouse was still there. He tried to get into a crouch again, thiss time putting more weight on his left side so he didn't tilt over to the right and fall. It worked. He very slowly and carefully crawled foward, eyes locked onto the mouse. He was just nearly a tail-length away when he pounced, slipping as he did so. He couldn't jump as far as he could, thus making his a little bit behind. But luckily, his head squahed the mouse when it hit the ground, trapping the poor creature. He unsheathed his claws and swiped at it, killing it finally. All he had to do was practice pouncing, and he'd of taught himself how to catch land prey.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:19am Oct 11 2009
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Rippletail stood up, "Chippaw! Chippaw!" then she began cheering on all the new apprentices including Mousepaw then she sat down smiling proudly and licked at Chippaw's fur. Mousepaw grinned happily.
5:20am Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 694
((poor Shadesky))
10:21am Oct 11 2009
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After sleeping in the badger den for a while, she wandered out into the feild. She cought a rabbit, a few snakes and a hawk. Wich to her, was a very lucky catch. She came back to the hallow to put her food in. She sighed, renmembering her friend,Sky. The thought of cats made her remember her dream. Tribe of endless hunting, what do you want my to do? She sighed, knowing she will find the answer soon.
10:47am Oct 11 2009
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((*smacks fullmoon's wolf* I'm not scared of you! :P)) Crowheart blinked. Did Nightstar just pick him to be deputy?! Dazed, he scanned the camp. Did everyone want him to be deputy? Ho strange? This was only his first apprentice too. (Can't remember who) He smiled, happy yhat the clan approved of him, or at least Cherrypaw did. He couldn't tell if any of the others were cheering for him or not. For a split second, he was terrified. Having to organize patrols and train Duskpaw. But he told himself he would be able to do it, Nightstar would help.
Hazelfur smiled sadly. "Congratgualtions Crowheart!" she said, half-heartedly. She was happy for Crowheart, she really was, but she couldn't help but wish she had become deputy. Applekit purred loudly. "Yay! Crowheart!" she squeaked, barely knoowing why she was cheering. She went over to her adopted sister. Tidekit, no Tidepaw now. "I wish I was an apprentice now." she purred. "Promise to teach me some battle moves before I get outta the nursery?" she asked, looking up at Tidekit. Oragefur was glad Brightleaf was his mentor, she as pretty, smart and easy-going from what he saw of her. Perfect mentor for himself. He smiled at her, then loked over to Blisspaw, who had Hawkstep. Dreampaw felt bad for Canis. His menotr was grumpy. She looked at Hazelfur. She looked disappointed. There's a shock. At least she wasn't tearing Crowheart's fur out. Then, Dreampaw padded over to her own mentor, Skyshadow. What and honor to have such a good warrior as a mentor! ________ Owlpaw's tail twitched as Darkclan started to go to their dens for the night. He waited for his siblings, and together they went to the apprentice den. He slept far from them, so there fur didn't touch so he wouldn't disturb them as he got up to meet Blisspaw. Shadowfang would be disappointed. But it's not like he was ever trained either way. Rocketpaw was suspicious about his brother's behavior. Why was he so excited? He closed his eyes and nestled into place next to Featherpaw. Jadewhisper curled around her four kits, Dogkit, Heartkit, Ravenkit and Spoolkit. Dewdream sat in the middle of camp, tail twitching. She smiled at Bloodhowl, her crush. She closed her white eye in embarr*censored*ment as she remembered it scaring the rogue she had chased off a while ago. Bloodstar sat on the highledge, observing the camp.

10:53am Oct 11 2009
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*Wolf bites off whatevers hand*You scared now huh? Huh?)) Sun had the same dream again. When she awoke, she knew wich way to go. She padded slowly, following the river. She cought the scent of cats. Cats! She thought. She hurried forward, slowly jumping into the strange burrow. She looked strait into her dream. She stopped dead, watching them.
10:53am Oct 11 2009
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Desired Name: Cougar that Slashes Prey (Cougar) Position: Rogue Family: Sun(sister?) Mate:No Crush:No Age: Adult Clan: Rogue Additional Info Gender: Male Appearance: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Personality:He has strange markings for a cat, and is somewhat large, but not too big. Tribe rejected him because he didn't want his sister to leave, and he looked different. He left not too long after she did, and is hoping to find her, before someone else does.
10:54am Oct 11 2009
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((*grabs cattle prod and pokes wolf* No! Mwahahahaha))
11:00am Oct 11 2009
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*Wolf eats the cattle prod and pokes whatever* How about that?*Crunches Whatevers tools of destruction* "Cougar...." She said. "Where are you?" Growing up as kits, Cougar would defend Sun with his life. "I need you know...." Sun looked up at the sky, and let out a loud meow, hoping Cougar would hear.
11:07am Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Wait, hold your horses everyone! Errrrr......I mean hold your wolves! XD WHAT IF, like, Sun, Cougar, and all the other rogues(and probably some new ones) got together and brang back SunClan!?!?!?!? I would've brough back LeafClan, but the Tribe's name is the Tribe of Shining Sun.....I think.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:14am Oct 11 2009 (last edited on 11:30am Oct 11 2009)
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Nightstar leapt down from Highledge, then padded towards her newly named apprentice. "So what do you want to do today?" She asked. "Battle training or hunting?" She purred. She remembered her old mentor, Scarmask, had been a mean mentor to her. He picked out everything they did, and expected her to know everything when he taught it. If she did, then she'd be punished for no good reason, and the punishment was usually picking ticks off the elders or something like that. But she was determined to give Cherrypaw a better apprenticeship than that. Duskpaw jumped up and down excitedly around his mentor. "So what are we going to do first?" Skyshadow saw Dreampaw walk towards her, padding up right in front of her. "Let's go into the forest, where we got a piece of DarkClan's hunting grounds. We can practice hunting there, and fill up the stock pile." She nodded slightly towards the empty pile. Brightleaf let her tail gently run across Orangepaw's shoulders. "What do you want to do first? You pick."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:50am Oct 11 2009
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((Grahhhh! *grabs shotgun from super secret closet and shoots wolf* :P Mankind rules. No wonder wolves are almost extinct. ^-^)) Cougar mewed into the forest. "Sun, please tell me you didn't go in there." he said softly. He picked up her scent. "Oh Sun, what am I gonna do with you?" he sighed, padding into the strange forest where he smelled other cats, mingled with Sun's scent. Crowheart smiled. "Well, how about we do a patrol around the Darkclan border, to make sure they haven't crossed." he said. "Maybe Brightleaf, Orangepaw, and... Hawkstep will come too?" Orangepaw pricked his ears. "Crowheart just said we could go on patrol with him. That's exciting." Dreampaw nodded. "That sounds great! Can we go and hunt in the territory we got from Darkclan?" she asked.
12:00pm Oct 11 2009
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((Do you like my idea about the rogue thing?)) "Okay!" Duskpaw gleamed happily, running over to Orangepaw and tumbling over him. "Come on!" Brightleaf smiled. "Yep, I heard him. I'll go and get Hawkstep and Blisspaw, you go ahead over there." She whisked as she trotted over to Blisspaw and her mentor. "Hey, you guys wanna go on a patrol around the DarkClan border?" "Yeah! Can we please?" Blisspaw asked, making a baby face at Hawkstep, which usually always got her what she wanted. She also kinda wanted to meet Owlpaw again. He was so cute and handsome and kind......... "Yeah, I was planning on going there anyway. Why don't you go ask Chippaw and Rippletail if they'd like to come. They'll need to learn how StormClan hunt anyway." Skyshadow replied, standing up. Shadesky heard Nightstar announce the new deputy, and silently cheered for the young warrior, now deputy. They'd soon all be coming out into the forest, so he probably should get back inside. He grabbed his mouse, and quickly made his way back into camp. Walking quickly, he sat down just outside the warriors den, biting into his catch.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:00pm Oct 11 2009
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((Cougar should be in purple or pink, not brown! XD))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing