12:20pm Oct 11 2009
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((I love it Night, and did Shadesky lose a back leg or a front leg?)) Cherrypaw smiled at Nightstar, walking up to her at the end of the ceremony, "What are we learning first?" she mewed Shadowfang woke in his usual place, in the shadows, to see Bloodstar. He groaned, he needed to talk to Bloodstar, but the time needed to be right. He shook his head, Starclan's dream came to him everynight, but each night it was a new cat warning him. The confusing part was some of them weren't even from Darkclan, they were from Stormclan. Foxtail woke early that morning, gently moving Heartkit so she would be warm with her brothers and sisters. He saw Shadowfang sitting in the shadows, shaking his dark head, seeming to be confused and worried about something. Bloodstar was watching his clan. He wondered where Bloodhowl was...
12:26pm Oct 11 2009
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((oops.XD Pretend he's pink, and what's the idea?)) Sparkfire padded over to Nightstar. "Nightstar, may I talk to you? It's important." she said. Orangepaw laughed. "Okay, Okay! I'm coming!" he said, leaping at Duskpaw. "You're lucky we're not doing battle-training! I'd cream you!" he said, laughing, playfully batting his friend. (We should make them brothers) Crowheart smiled. "That's great! C'mon Hawkstep, we're leaving, Let's go, you too Blisspaw." he said in a half purr. Things were going so well. These cats respected him! He was still careful about which cards to play. Don't be bossy, and absolutly, NO pulling the whole, 'I'm your deputy' card. ___ Owlpaw snuck out of camp stealthily, placing each pawstep carefully so he wouldn't be caught. He came to theStormclan border. He was about to step over, but thought better of it, and waitied to see if Blisspaw missed him as much as he missed her. e just hoped she wouldn't bring a whole patrol with her. In case she did, he hid in the bush that they had met by. Dewdream smiled at Bluestone. "How about a hunting trip?" she asked. ___ Cougar beamed when he saw his sister, Sun. "Sun!" he mewed happily, standing tall.

12:27pm Oct 11 2009
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((Ahhh! I forgot to color code AND my post is lost!))
12:28pm Oct 11 2009
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Some lost a post!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:35pm Oct 11 2009
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((Lol! It's ok, and my idea was that all the rogues joined to gether(and some new rogues, probably Tribe cats) and they bring back SunClan! And yeah, lets make 'em brothers)) "Well, I was thinking we could start off learning how to twi-" Nightstar stopped as Sparkfire called her name. "Could you excuse me for a second, Cherrypaw? This shouldn't be long, I promise." Nightstar told her as she walked over to Sparkfire. "Yes?" Duskpaw, glared at him, but in a friendly way. "You mean I would cream you?!" He laughed, then got up as the patrol started to head out. Blisspaw ran up next to the two brothers, giggling at the two. "Sure." Bluestone replied to Dewdream. "Should we take anyone else with us?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:43pm Oct 11 2009
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Cherrypaw nodded, sitting down.
12:57pm Oct 11 2009
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"I'm sorry Nightstar, but Shadesky needs to go to the elders den. He's simply taking up space in the medicine den." said Sparkfire. "And also, I wanted to talk to you about me, taking an apprentice." Crowheart smiled. "Okay, let's get moving." said Crowheart, leading the patrol out of camp. Stormclan was growing, alot! Darkclan better kick it up if they even had a chance at beating Stormclan! He sniffed along the border. Crowheart remarked the border and moved on. "Duskpaw, tell me what you scent." he said gently, beckoning with his tail to make th apprentice come walk next to him. Orangepaw scented the air. "I can smell a Darkclan cat!" he hissed. "Is your name Duskpaw?!" hissed Crowheart. Orangepaw shifted his paws. "I guess not... Dreampaw smiled at Skyshadow. "Are we going hunting?" she asked excitedly. She was always best at hunting. Hazelfur padded through camp, searching for Canis. She snorted and sat down, waiting for him to show himself. ____ Owlpaw froze, wide eyed. Orangepaw caught him. He backed further into the bush, thorns pricking his pelt. He hoped that the scent of the roses would hide his own. Dewdream smiled. "We could take Featherpaw wih us, she doesn't get much training from Leafpelt." she said. Featherpaw was napping in the apprentice's den next to Rocketpaw.

12:58pm Oct 11 2009
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((Ooooh! That's sounds fun! And fullmoon's cat would be the best leader! Sunstar! And Cougar, her brother would be... Cougarfeather? Idk. XD))
1:07pm Oct 11 2009
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((Lol yeah and I have my rogue, Mystic, who I haven't roleplayed much, and her warrior name would be like...Mysticflame! XD And Shadesky lost his back right leg.)) Overhearing Sparkfire, Shadesky grunted, then stood up and walked over to the entrance of camp, clearly not happy with the fact of becoming an elder. If he just had the time to find out how to battle and hunt! Nightstar sighed. "I know, he just seems so young to be and elder." And then her ears pricked as the thought of having a medicine cat apprentices blew through her mind. "Who would you want for an apprentice?" Cinderkit pounced on Applekit, nipping her leg. "I should of been one with all the other apprentices!" Cinderkit mewed. "I want to be an apprentice already!" Duskpaw sniffed the air. "I smell DarkClan, and.....songbird?" He answered, taking another whiff. "And a squirrel." Blisspaw freaked out. Orangepaw's here! How would she sneak away? Skyshadow nodded. "Yep."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:09pm Oct 11 2009
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Cherrypaw straightened, growling slightly. Her father didn't belong as an elder!
1:09pm Oct 11 2009
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((I G2G))
1:19pm Oct 11 2009
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Sparkfire nodded. "Applekit. I overhear he in the nursery. She already knows what cobweb and catmint are!" she said. "She'll be an amazing medicine cat someday." Applekit laughed. "I'm okay with waiting. I'll stay a kit forever until Sparkfire's ready to take me." she said.
Crowheart smiled at Duskpaw. "Close enough, but not a songbird, it's a hawk. They often stray over here from Darkclan territory." he said. Orangepaw growled. "What about the Darkclan cat I smell?!" he hissed. "Don't you smell it? It stinks! It's hard to miss!" he growled. Crowheart groaned. "Blisspaw, go check out the bush, we'll move on with the patrol, and you can go back to camp if you don't find anything." he said. "I'll stay too! What if it's an ambush? Blisspaw can't be hurt again!" Orangepaw put in quickly. Crowheart growled. "They would have attacked by now, let's go." he said, flicking his tail to signal for the patrol to move on. After a while, he stopped. "Duskpaw, will you mark this border?" he asked. ___ When they were out of sight, Owlpaw got out of the rose bush, shaking petals off of his pelt. "That was close." he said.

1:47pm Oct 11 2009
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1:57pm Oct 11 2009
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"Well that's good to know." Nightstar meowed, looking off into the distance. Her attention was brought back to dealing with Shadesky as an elder. Did Sparkfire really want her own brother to become an elder? (I completely forgot that Nightstar was Sparkfire's mother! XD) "I'll say." Blisspaw breathed, thankful that Crowheart had asked her to examine the bush. "We got a new deputy, and every single warrior in StormClan has an apprentice, let alone that there are 4 kits in the nursery!" Blisspaw mewed. "Oh." Duskpaw mewed quietly, then ran ahead along the border. He rubbed StormClan scent all over a large maple tree, and then marked a bush just ahead. "Like that?" He asked.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:04pm Oct 11 2009
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Sparkfire smiled sadly. "I know you don't want to put Shadesky in theelders den, and I don't want to either. But if something serious comes up, he can't stay in the medicine cat's den." "Good job." purred Crowheart. "Do you think we should hunt on our way back to camp? The fresh-kill pile is sorta low." he said. Owlpaw smiled. "What do you think your warrior name will be?" he asked. "I hope mine's something cool, like Owltalon, or Owlsight" he said.
2:11pm Oct 11 2009
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((Reminds me of Foxpaw when he wanted his warrior name to be Foxcatcher. And when Lionpaw(Lionheart) wanted his warrior name to be Lionloyal or Lionbrave. XD)) Shadeky sighed, then walked out of camp and a little bit away from the entrance. He needed to train himself quickly somehow, because if not Nightstar would be forced to make him an elder and Sparkfire would kill him if she found out what he was doing, though he was sure his stster was gonna kill him anyway. A vole walked out of a nearby hazel bush, looking for seeds. Trying to perfect his hunting skills once more, he lowered down and snuck foward. This time, when he went to jump, he tilted to the left, and as he pushed off the ground, he jumped harder than usual and landed on the spot, killing the vole within a few seconds. He grinned, glad to of figured out how to catch land animals. Now for squirrels and birds. Nightstar nodded. "I just think he'll be so lonely in the elder's den. He'd be the only one in there." "I dunno. I want my warrior name to be Blisscomet!" Blisspaw meowed.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:22pm Oct 11 2009
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She meowed joyusly when she saw her brother. "Cougar!" She squealed, wrapping him in a cat embrace. "But I thought you had died with our tribe..." She said.
2:25pm Oct 11 2009
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Mystic looked up from the gr*censored*land she was on and saw a cardinal fly just above her head. She jumped up on her two hind paws and snatched the bird from the air, biting it's neck for a killing blow. This wasn't so bad. No Clan lived here, it was always ncie and warm out, the tall gr*censored* was both soft and full of prey, and a giant sycamore tree would protect her from any bad weather or animals trying to attack her.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:28pm Oct 11 2009
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((We where just talking about that the rouges and loners could make a tribe called Sunclan Nightshade. Do you like? My char Sun could be leader.))
2:33pm Oct 11 2009
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"Nah, I came to find you is all." purred Cougar. Owlapw laughed. "That's a cool name! So, has Nightstar picked a deputy for your clan yet?" asked Owlpaw. Sparkfire nodded. "Yeah, you're right. We could always look for an old kittypet or rogue in the forest to keep him company." she suggested. Bloodstar padded up to the highledge. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather around the highledge for a clan meeting!" he said. Featherpaw and Rocketpaw came out of the den, worried that someone would notice their brother's absence. Dewdream looked towards Bloodstar and sat down next to Blustone. "Why do you think Shadowfang looks so... depressed? For once, I'm wishing we still had Deathfang. At least he was a bit more energetic." she said.