4:31pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 706
"I'm not arguing with you!" Cherrypaw mewed, turning to Sparkfire, saying, "Where's the mouse bile?" Then she turned to Hawkstep and said, "I know nothing. I've been here to learn that Shadesky is my father, that's all!"
4:31pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 706
4:31pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Nightstar growled, whipping around. "She my apprentice, and I can hear her! We don't even HAVE elders! And if anything, it should be you who gets punished, because you were supposed to be out patrolling with Crowheart, Duskpaw, Brightleaf, Orangepaw, and Blisspaw!" Nightstar growled. "Now go catch up with the patrol!" She glared at Hawkstep.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:32pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 706
((LP2 to the rescue!!))
4:32pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 1,441
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:32pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 706
Cherrypaw dipped her head at Nightstar, saying, "And I don't think Shadesky deserves to be one now."
4:33pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Zomg we had LPs at the same time
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:34pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 6,296
Hawkstep sighed, and cought up to the patrol. "Sorry i'm late!" He panted. "Nightstar didnt tell me untill just now!"
4:37pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 706
((Hahahaha. Weird))
4:42pm Oct 11 2009
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((Lol)) Nightstar smiled half way. "Either do I. He's too young to be an elder, and that would just make him more upset. I can already tell that he's disapointed he didn't get to mentor an apprentice. Why don't you go find him; he couldn't of gone too far." Shadesky peered up. A squirrel was clinging onto the bark of a large ironwood tree. Thank goodness Nightstar was his mother; some of her ancestors were once LeafClan, giving her and her kits strong hind legs. Which really helped Shadesky when it comes down to this. He prowled up to the squirrel, thinking over how he would manage to snatch it.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:44pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 6,296
"Couger why do you always do this?" Meowed Sun. "Your giving me the silent treatment!"
4:48pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 706
Cherrypaw nodded, quickly and quietly found him. She silently watched him stalking the squirrel. ((OMG!! My cat is so cute right now!!))
4:50pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 1,299
Ace lifted his nose to scent the air, trying to seek out some prey to kill, so he could have a nice meal. For once he regretted leaving his kittypet life, but he shook the troublesome thought away. Venomleaf critically eyed Flintkit's tangled tabbt pelt. "You need to be groomed," she meowed, licking at the little tom's pelt.
4:57pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((You got a cat!?!?!? Lucky! My first cat died of some disease in his legs, and then we got a cat that looked exactly the same and named him the same name (Riley) but my mom made us give him away because after a couple years, he never used the litterbox and just kept pooping all over the floor! The store owner ended up keeping Riley....XP ANd then of course the store wen tout of business. And wolf, you should make Ace be in SunClan territory)) A twig snapped in half from somewhere in the forest, making the squirrel run up the tree. Not so fast! Shadesky bunched his muscles and then leapt up, his claws digging into the squirrel chest, killing it instantly. He slid back down the tree trunk, putting it over by where his vole was. But his ears were pricked, because he had no clue what made that twig snap.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:59pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 706
Cherrypaw squealed in delight, running back to Nightstar, mewing, "He can hunt! Shadesky can hunt!!"
5:01pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 706
((Yeah, we got her from an 8 year old girl, who loved her, but learned she was allergic to cat hair. So we got her. Her name is Bookitty.))
5:02pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 2,046
(( My god guys..... *slaps forehead* You guys will be the death of me... )) Canis looked around for his mentor with glazed eyes. His fur was unkept and his claws were too sharp for safety. He winced slightly. He had taken his mother's death hard. ~ Wolf watched his son with sad eyes. His heart had been ripped in half and the only thing that kept it alive was the fact that his son still lived. ~ Foxleap looked around for her apprentice, heard Nightstar,and she sighed with relief. Suddenly her heart lurched and she gasped with pain. She dropped to her knees. ~ Swiftstar gasped with fright. he spun in a full circle. "WOLF!" He cried, his eyes wide with fright. ~ Wolf jumped from the trees and raced to Foxleap. "Foxleap!" He cried in dismay. The poison had reached her heart. ~ Bloodhowl yawned slightly. ~ Foxleap's vision swam and she opened her mouth. "Nightst-" She cried, but was cut off as she became mute, once more.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
5:03pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Shadesky jumped when he heard a squeal. He turned to face the camp just in time to see Cherrypaw's tail disappear through the tunnel entrance. So now all he had to do was figure out how to catch birds. Probably the most daring stunt to do, because it would be hard to keep balance on a branch, let alone pouncing and regaing momentum while the branch shook. Well, he could do that some other day. He picked up both his catches and walked back towards camp. "What?" Nightstar asked, not sure she heard Cherrypaw correctly.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:04pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 2,046
(( Sorry I've been gone. I slammed the door on my finger yesterday and now have become handicapped because I cannot use my left hand to do much of anything. Typing is really hard right now. It's my middle finger and it looks like I painted the nail black. It's terrible and hurts loads. Just thought I would let you know if you sw any typing errors in my text. ^_^ ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
5:04pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((fullmoon, t's unfair to post something about my charrie when I'm gone. :( I'm just gonna ignore that post)) Cougar smiled at her. "I really mean that much to you?" he asked. Crowheart brought the patrol into camp. "Did I miss something?" he asked. He hated being out of the loop of all the clan gossip. Orangepaw looked around camp. Where was Blisspaw? Maybe she was still looking for the scent he had traced. Dreampaw shifted her paws. "So... we're going hunting?" she asked Skyshadow nervously. Hazelfur growled to herself. She must look like a fool, not even being able to find her own apprentice. She got up and padded over to the nursery. "Hi Venomleaf, have you seen Canis?" she asked. "I can't find him anywhere." she said. Owlpaw smiled. "That's good. Shadowfang's been acting strange recently. I hope he doesn't leave the deputy position. I can't think of any other cat in Darkclan who'd be a good deputy, except Rocketpaw, but apprentices can't be deputies." he said. Bloodstar flicked his tail to dismiss the clan meeting. He was in an indecisive mood today. Part of him wanted to launch an attack on Stormclan, while the other part knew they didn't have enough warriors. But he knew a few of them were worth two. Bloodhowl was a good fighter, Foxtail would kill to protect his family, Rocketpaw was a very good fighter, and Owlpaw was cunning. And he had seven lives to loose. But who knows how many Nightstar has? She could have as many as eight for all he knew! Featherpaw padded up to Bluestone and Dewdrop. "I heard my name, are you gonna take me battle training?" she asked excitedly. Dewdrop laaughed. "We were planning on hunting, but if it's alright with Bluestone, I'm sure we could."
