7:00pm Oct 11 2009
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((Yeah...XP And speaking of BloodClan, where's whatever when you need her? Crow needs to get his butt down to the hollow and something big needs to happen. And I found out more about my neighbor's missing dog. Chris(who lives about 2 blocks away) was babysitting Bella while they were out of town and so Chris let his 2 dogs and Bella outback, and when he came to call them in, Bella was gone. The gates were all closed, and the only way Bella could've escaped was if she jumped the fence, which she's never done before. So they're thinking someone took her.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:00pm Oct 11 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:00pm Oct 11 2009
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7:01pm Oct 11 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:01pm Oct 11 2009
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Hawkstep was hungry, he smelled a mouse close by, and his mouth watered.
7:02pm Oct 11 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:05pm Oct 11 2009
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Shadeky walked through the camp entrance with his vole and squirrel, dropping the vole at the fresh-kill pile but keeping the vole so he could eat it. He padded over to the tree standing in the middle of camp and lay under it, biting into the warm squirrel.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:32pm Oct 11 2009
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((*gasp!* Puppy napper!)) "Hey Hawkstep! Do you want to go hunting with me?" asked Crowheart. "Just you and me. I want to ask you something." he said. Applekit was silent. She walked out of the nursery and stared at the moon and stars. "Father? Are you watching me?" she whispered. "Do you think I'm meant to be a medicine cat?" Dreampaw padded back into the clearing after her headache had subsided.
7:37pm Oct 11 2009
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"Sure Crowheart." Meowed Hawkstep. "What do you want to talk about?"
7:38pm Oct 11 2009
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Desired Name:Badgermask Position: Rogue Family: None, but treats his badger friends like so. Mate:No Crush:No Age: Young Adult Clan: You. Wish. Additional Info Gender: Male Appearance:White tom with black tabby markings and black eyes. Personality:Lonely. He isn't too good with other cats, and most of his behavioris badger-like. He doesn't live in a clan, he lives in a set with the badgers, who are kind to him. He lives in Stormclan territory, and has never been bothered by other cats before. He knos how to speak cat by heart, but is fluent in badger and fox language.
7:43pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 2,046
(( back. finger hurts terribly. )) Foxleap smiled slightly. She had talked. She had become flawless. She beamed at Nightstar. "Where is my apprentice. We need to start training." She said strongly. Her eyes glittered with the stars. She had the whole of Starclan on her side. ~ Wolf Smiled, then he bounded away and went back to his Guard post in the tree. Foxleap didn't need his help. Good. ~ Canis sighed with relief. He looked around for his mentor. He wanted to train.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:46pm Oct 11 2009
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Desired Name:Foxfire Position: Rogue Family: Badgermask? Mate:No Crush:No Age: Young Adult Clan: *Snort* You Wish. Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance: black tabby with white stripes. Personality:Shy and lonely, doesnt conves with badgers as much as Badgermask. Preffers foxes.
8:20pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 2,046
(( I play these charas: Wolf- Rouge; Starclan king Canis- Apprentice of Starclan; Starclan prince Foxleap- Warrior of Stormclan; Mentor ???- Loner The mystery cat will come soon enough. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:30pm Oct 11 2009
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OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:11pm Oct 11 2009
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((Hey everyone! I'm sneakin one! XD I'm not supposed to be on right now for some stupid reason. -_- So here's my little post for the night!)) Desired Name: Thunderstorm Position: Rogue Family: Rainstorm and Lighteningstrike, both deceased. Mate: Yeah right Crush: No Age: Young Adult Clan: Haha, nice try Additional Info Gender: Male Appearance: golden tom with ginger stripes and gleaming yellow eyes Personality: Out going and daring, likes to get wet during thunder storms, and is a flirt Nightstar smiled. "Tidepaw! Come over here!" She called out, waiting for Foxleap's apprentice to come.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:16pm Oct 11 2009
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Tidepaw scurried over to their leader. "Yes Nightstar?" She asked.
9:19pm Oct 11 2009
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"Your mentor wishes to see you." She replied, moving out of the way so Tidepaw could see Foxleap.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:24pm Oct 11 2009
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"Yes Foxleap?" She asked once again.
9:41pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 706
Cherrypaw smiled as the she-cat, who she would later learn was Foxleap, got up and started talking to Nightstar. She didn't know why, but watching Foxleap die seemed to make the death of her mother take full blow. She saw Canis sitting next to a strange, starry cat. They looked so much alike, she knew this was Canis' father, her step-father, Wolf. She walked over to him, and mewed, "Hello Wolf. You know me not, but I am Cherrypaw. First, and only daughter of Frostwing and Shadesky, older half-sister of Canis. I see you are his father, I wanted to let myself be known to you, for I hope to learn as much of my mother as possible from you two." Shadowfang fell asleep that night into a haunted sleep, once again. A Big, russest colored Tom walked towards him, a she-cat whose fur looked like a snow storm, with a slight blue tint to it, walked at the Tom's side. They seemed to glare at each other, then quicken their pace as they trotted towards him. The she-cat dipped her head in greeting, the Tom stared at him with a glare that showed leadership, power, and demanded respect. "I am Stormstar," the she-cat mewed in a voice that indeed sounded like a snow storm outside Shadowfang's den. "I am Darkstar," growled the Tom, not about to be out done by his sister. "Have you told anyone yet?" Stormstar asked. Shadowfang shook his head, glaring at the pair in front of him. "Not Nightcloud? Bloodstar? Your mate, Leafpelt? What about Foxtail? You trust him greatly? Or his mate, your sister, Jadewhisper?" Stormstar pressed. "No!" Snapped an annoyed and slightly scared Shadowfang. "Hey!" Snarled Darkstar. "I can scent your fear Shadowfang. We have each sent you our most trusted, and feared warriors, and yet you refuse to tell a soul. Why?" Shadowfang looked into his ancestor's eyes and said in a deep, powerful voice that showed he was not to be commanded around, "Why scare them? Bloodstar and Nightstar have their paws full of these wars they insist on fighting with one another, and Jadewhisper just had her kits, and Leafpelt is carrying ours. Why scare them?" Darkstar sighed, annoyed but happy with his brood, "Because," he started, "They need to know that the rogues are starting their own clan. Their is a reason we killed off Leafclan and Sunclan. They were weak and worthless, just taking up space and land, killing off prey that we stronger clans needed. Now Sunclan is returning, using rogues, loners, and cats from the mountain tribes. You need to warn someone!" Shadowfang sighed, saying, "If I tell Bloodstar, will I sleep in peace again?" "Yes!" a hopeful Stormstar said, her tail swaying side to side happily. "Deal," grunted Shadowfang. "Good," growled Darkstar, and with that he and his sister left, side by side, and bickering like they have since they started their clans with their brother Sunstar and their sister Leafstar. Shadowfang woke in the middle of the night, deciding to tell Bloodstar in the morning. No reason to wake him now. Foxtail walked in from hunting. All was still. He dropped his squirrel, two big hares, hawk, and vole at the fresh kill pile, taking the hawk for himself. He sighed. He ate, then went to his bed in the back of the Warrior's Den, taking away the sticks he used to hide the Fox tail he had been carrying when he was first found by Shadowfang, then Shadowpaw. They were never seen together, but they were the closest "Friends" you could find in Darkclan. Sometimes he wondered if he should be scared, did the foxes have families? Were they looking for him? Stalking him for revenge? By living here, was he puting his kits, his mate, and his clan at risk? He put it back, curling up to have a fit full dream. Foxtail was hunting, but he knew he was being hunted as well. Suddenly he hears a scream. It's Jadewhisper! Heartkit is crying, yelling, "Daddy!!" Dogkit and Ravenkit are trying to fight off what ever is hurting them. He runs for them. Suddenly he finds himself surrounded by his dead family and clan. He hears snarling and turns to see foxes closing in on him, hissing their family members' names he killed. He hears a she-cat laughing, and turns to see the outline of a cat in the shadows, though he can't see her face. Next to her is another outline of a cat, badgers behind him, laughing at Foxtail's fate. ((*Hint hint* That was a set up of Foxtail finding Foxfire and Badgermask))

10:33pm Oct 11 2009
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~Bum p~