Warrior Cats RPG

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4:11pm Oct 13 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((ER! It's unfair to do something including my charries WHEN I'M NOT ONLNE!! Please edit or I'll NEVER rp Sparrowfrost. *growls menacngly*))


4:12pm Oct 13 2009

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Posts: 5,279


4:12pm Oct 13 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((*noms LP*))


4:13pm Oct 13 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((Oh,  welcome BrokenSpirit, sorry to burst your bubble, but Crowheart is already the deputy of Stormclan. XD))


4:13pm Oct 13 2009

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Posts: 5,279


4:45pm Oct 13 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((:( I gotta go nao. I'll be on from 5:00 res time to 6:00 res time tomorrow. :( This really sucks.))


4:49pm Oct 13 2009

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Posts: 6,296


5:04pm Oct 13 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Jeez, whatever always goes offline when I go online. -_- And without a post! :())

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

5:10pm Oct 13 2009

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Posts: 6,296

((Should I just randomly pop  in?))

Sun yawned, sunlight in her face. She looked at Cougar and said, "Come on Cougar! Lets go Badger hunting!"


10:48pm Oct 13 2009

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Posts: 694
Mousepaw lied down in front of Rippletail, she knew she was in trouble and Rippletail kneeled down and picked her up and carried her off to a tree. She sat her down, "Timeout time." Rippletail purred


10:49pm Oct 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 694
(Can cats even have timeout.....))


3:22pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 1,441

Shadesky nodded, then turned around as he padded towards the entrance, leaving Cherrypaw to catch up. He glared ahead at nothing, trying to keep his fur down from the burning anger inside him aimed towards Wolf.

((Wowz Dashz, nice long post.))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

4:11pm Oct 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((Hi, I'm on secretly right now. :( Pretending to do HW.))


4:15pm Oct 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 706

((I know, right?))


Cherrypaw quickly caught up with her father, "What up?" she asked

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4:26pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Sparrowfrost padded over to Rippletail. "Rippletail, I know she's your daughter, but she's not a kit anymore, actually, she's my apprentice. So, excuse my rudeness, but butt out." she said gently, waving a tail to Mousepaw. "C'mon Mousepaw, let me answer your question." she purred, sitting down.

Crowheart smiled at Duskpaw. "Hi Duskpaw! Are you up for battle training today?" he asked. "I already did the dawn patrol and stuff, so I'm free, and the fresh kill pile is well stocked."

Hazelfur looked down upon Canis. "Hello Canis." she said, stiffling a grimace at his not-warrior name, but not saying anything. "What would you like to do? Hunting training?"


Bloodstar finally made up his mind. He was going to lanch an attack on Stormclan to get their territory back! His clan was hungry! He couldn't let them disappear again! What would hppen to Jadewhisper's kits without those hunting grounds?! "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the highledge for a clan meeting!" he yowled, and without waiting for everyone. "We will attack Stormclan at midnight!" he announced. "I expect every warrior and apprentice to be battle-ready by then!"

Rocketpaw's claws unsheathed excitedly. A battle! Maybe he could earn his warrior name! He was so excited. He imagined himself tearing at some helpless warriors fur, giving them a name to remember. Rocketpaw! No cat would dare challenge him! Not in a million moons!

Owlpaw drowsily walked out of the apprentice's den, his meetings with Blisspaw taking a toll on his sleep patterns. His fur bristled hearing of the battle, his only though being a hope not to have to battle Blisspaw.

Featherpaw sighed, wishing she had had more battle training. She glanced towards her brother, Rocketpaw and sighed. Why did he have to be such a good battler? She simply didn't belong. She was much better at hunting. If there was ever anything to hunt at least...

Jadewhisper sighed sadly, longing to be on the battle grounds, protecting the cats she loved with every hair on her pelt. She knew she couldn't leave her kits though. She chuckled when she saw Dogkit and Heartkit playing in the corner of the nursery. What healthy kits! She wondered where Foxtail was.


4:30pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 706

Foxtail ran into the nursery, saying, "Jadewhisper?? Dogkit? Ravenkit? Heartkit? Are you okay?" His fur on end, still scared from his dream.


Shadowfang snarled, getting up and walking to Bloodstar's side, saying, "Is that wise?"

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4:39pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Bloodstar hissed. "Of course Shadowfang! Take a look around you, Jadewhisper and a few others are the only ones who have been eating! The warriors are starving without that territory!"

Jadewhisper smiled sadly. "Yes Foxtail, I'm fine, and so are the kits. And Spoolkit too. She had the hiccups this morning though." she said.


4:41pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 706

Foxtail sighed. Why did that dream bug him so much?


Shadowfang stood his ground, saying, "And killing them off in a war will help us?"

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4:47pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 5,279

"Are you questioning your leader?" hissed Bloodstar angrily. "We're only winning back what's ours, nothing more!" he said furiously.

Jadewhisper nuzzled him. "I wish I could battle with you. I feel bad taking all the clans prey for me and our kits, and fighting for it would make me feel more like I earned it." she said.


4:50pm Oct 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,296

((Um Sun is'nt a tom...))

Desired Name: Darkrise

Position: Warrior

Family: None

Mate: None, looking


Age: 28 moons

Clan: Darkclan

Additional Info None

Gender: Male

Appearance, Not my art!: 768695.png

Personality: Has a sertain blood-lust. The rest of the clan is hoping someone will be able to help him...

Darkrise licked his lips. A battle! He could tast the blood. The wailing of cats, draining out peacfull noises. And most of all, killing.

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