Warrior Cats RPG

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4:52pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((No killing allowed in the warrior code fullmoon. Have you read the books? Just curious.))


4:52pm Oct 14 2009

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4:53pm Oct 14 2009

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4:53pm Oct 14 2009

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4:53pm Oct 14 2009

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4:56pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 706

Shadowfang glared at his leader, saying, "I would rather scrape by on crow-food then die for land I may never get! And we can still hunt in Leafclan's territory! It's not tresspas.sing when the clan is no longer there!!"


Foxtail smiled, saying, "I love having you at my side, but I'd rather have you here, where you won't get hurt."

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4:59pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((Yes I have. I amagine my char I made as Tigerstar/Tigerclaw.))


5:06pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((But Tigerstar didn't look forward to killing, he did what he needed to feed his ambition.))

"I wish the kits would be apprenticed already. I hate feeling so useless! They don't nurse anymore, so couldn't I go back to warrior duties?" pleaded Jadewhisper.

Bloodstar hissed. "Are you with me or against me?! I'm starting to regret choosing you as deputy! Deputies are supposed to be supportive of their leader!"


5:09pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 706

Shadowfang stood up, snarling, "I am neither! And Deputies are supposed to be supportive until it's costing their clanmates' lives! Regret me as you will, but you will never stop me from doubting how much you care about our clan's success, or how much you care about the cats in the clan!"


Foxtail shook his head, saying, "Their not old enough to be left on their own yet hon."

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5:17pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 5,279

"I care about the cats, I care enough to fight for what we deserve, and if you say one more word against me you can go join Stormclan for all I care! And take Leafpelt with you! That loner has more of a home there anyway!" roared Bloodstar, ready to fight Shadowfang if the need be.

Jadewhisper sighed. "I know." she said sadly. "What's Bloodstar's problem? He's yowling as if he were having kits!"

Dewdream glanced at Shadowfang worriedly. Surley he wasn't going to take this seriously and leave Darkclan like Deathfang did all those moons ago?!


5:23pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 706

"I just might if you're going to let this clan die out!" Shadowfang snarled back, "At least their doing things for their clan. Not their clan's legacy!"


Foxtail shrugged, looking up at Shadowfang and Bloodstar.

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5:29pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 5,279

"This is for our clan? Do you know how to hunt in Leafclan? I didn't think so! Here I was thinking you didn't want to starve!" shot Bloodstar.

Dewdream stepped between the two toms. "Stop. Fighting!" she yowled angrily. "Shadowfang, this is your leader! He knows how to make his own decisions! Bloodstar, with all due respect, Shadowfang is a good deputy, you can't make him leave because you got into a squabble!" she hissed.

"We leave for the battle at dawn!" Bloodstar yowled again, swerving into his den, flicking his tail in dissmisal.


5:29pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Darkrise shook his head. Take the thought out. He comanded himself. "When will we go to the battle?" He meowed, a little too anxiose.


5:33pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 706
Shadowfang hissed, leaving to hunt. He quickly ran over to the old Leafclan territory, swiftly scaling a tree. Before long, he had down several birds and a hare. With a smirk, he returned to the camp, dropping the prey outside Bloodstar's den, "Ever think that I might be half Leafclan?" he growled.

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5:40pm Oct 14 2009

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Dewdream raised an eyebrow. "Ever think no one else cares?" she mumbled, taking a scrawny mouse from the pile for herself. Maybe Bloodstar was right. He was being a little stuck-up in a wierd way.


5:41pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 706
Shadowfang glared at Dewdream, then said, "Bloodstar, Sunclan is returning." Then simply left. He did his duty to Starclan by warning them. The rest had nothing to do with him.

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5:45pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Flintkit stared at the StormClan camp entrance. Oh, how he wished he could go and explore the territory outside of the camp, to see the many trees, to escape from what he just discovered, but he knew that he could not wander from camp. He sighed heavily.


5:46pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Bloodstar blinked. "What? How can you possibly know that? Sunclan was the first one to fall!" he objected.

((Does this mean Shadowfang is leaving Darkclan?))

Cougar cocked his head. "Badger hunting?" he grinned. "Why would you want to do that?"


5:47pm Oct 14 2009

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Posts: 706

((No, he just started to leave the camp for his walks))


Shadowfang rounded on him, saying, "Maybe because I  have the blasted curse of being Starclan's messenger!"

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5:49pm Oct 14 2009

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Bloodstar was silent. "I thought medicine cats were supposed to do that, and Wolf?" he said after a while.

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