6:26pm Oct 16 2009
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Wolf Rolled his eyes slightly and he jumped away from his son and into the trees, returning to his scouting duties as protector of the forest. If there was another battle, would that be where he fell? he had always dreamed of dying while trying to stop two clans fighting each other. ~ Canis sighed and began t groom himself. He took care of himself and stood, glimmering. If there was a battle, he would be ready. He flexed his claws at the thought. ~ Bloodhowl watched his leader with calm eyes, hiding his strength and urge to rush to battle instantly. "Bloodstar." he called, trotting a few feet forward. He nodded with satisfaction that he was slightly taller than their leader.
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6:26pm Oct 16 2009
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6:26pm Oct 16 2009
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6:26pm Oct 16 2009
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6:26pm Oct 16 2009
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6:32pm Oct 16 2009
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"Yes Bloodhowl?" said Bloodstar, turning his gaze to the newest warrior. ((We should ahve Rocketpaw kill Wolf. :3 LOL)) Hazelfur nodded and padded up to Canis. "C'mon, it's time for battle training." she announced, waving her tail.
6:40pm Oct 16 2009 (last edited on 6:40pm Oct 16 2009)
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(( ha ha. But I plan for it too be like this. The two clans get ready to clash in the clearing. Stormclan on the brink of the southern wood and Darkclan on the Northern wood. Hisses and growls occasionally escape. But the only reason the battle hasn't begun, his because of the large starry cat in the middle. His fur bristling and his lip raised in a snarl, Wolf yowls loudly for the fighting to stop. "THIS SHOULDN'T BE! YOU ARE CLANS OF PEACE! Protect your clan! Defend the weak. But nowhere does it say to fight!" He shouts at them, whipping his head from side to side. Canis watches, frozen with fear. Then like some stupid cat could yowl with rage and attack wolf with a kill bite. The rest i shall not spoil. But that is my general plan for Wolf's death. He will die how he has always dreamed of dying. )) Canis smiled and flicked his tail. He stepped forward and walked toward the training clearing. ~ Bloodhowl hopped onto the rock so he was closer to Bloodstar and stared at him. "We should launch the battle. We have stayed weak under Nightstar's rein for too long. They have left us with no prey, stealing it from us with our backs turned. It's time to turn and show them that we mean no mercy. It's time to strike fear in the hearts of the clans once more. It's time to prove that we are the dark heart, the center, of the forest. That we are Darkclan and will stop at nothing to remain the living core." he said fiercely, his eyes gleaming. He kneaded the ground with his claws. (( pretty speech. Lol))
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6:41pm Oct 16 2009
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Spoolkit moaned. "But MOM!" She sighed, knowing she could not fight her mother. She padded towards the medicne cats den obediently. "You there?" She called out.
6:43pm Oct 16 2009
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((It's be epic if Canis killed Wolf. 0.o)) Hazelfur flicked her tail and turned to face her apprentice. "And don't try any of that dumb Starclan magic crap on me or I may have to request to Nightstar to have a normal apprentice." she hissed, openly hostile towards the young cat. ":Let's find out what you know, attack me like you would a Darkclan cat."
6:51pm Oct 16 2009
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"I agree with Cougar." Sun and Jinx came to stand beside her brother.
6:53pm Oct 16 2009
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6:54pm Oct 16 2009
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Nightcloud growled when she awoke. "This had better be good. I'm old and it's almost moonhigh" she hissed. Jadewhisper growled. "Spoolkit is sick! Treat her!" she ordered fiercly. Nightcloud cuffed Jadewhisper's ear frustratedly and grabbed the kit in her jaws, holding the scruff harder than necessary, but not enough to draw blood. She sether down in the rear of the den, sniffing her over. "She's fine Jadewhisper, go back to bed." growled Nightcloud, brushing Spoolkit towards her mother again and curling up in the nest. Jadewhisper snorted. "C'mon Spoolkit." she said angrily, walking back to the nursey to lay down next to Foxtail, who was so kindly spending the night with her. "Go ahead and suckle deary, you must be tired and I want you to sleep well." she purred lovingly to Spoolkit. Spoolkit had always been her facorite. The roundest eyes, the cutest nose, the happiest little mews. Heartkit slept by Foxtail's head, purring softly in her sleep. Dogkit sighed. "Let me guess, it was nothing." he said. Jadewhisper growled at her son. "Go to sleep Dogkit." she ordered. Bloodstar smiled. "So you think so?" he said softly. "You're right, Nightstar's time has come to go to Starclan. I'm not sure how many lives she has left, so if she's not dead for good this time, we'll try again until she's dead. I'm sure whoever she chose as deputy will be a better leader, kinder and more understanding of Darkclan's needs and interests." he said. "Hear any good rumors around camp lately? It's always good to know what's going on in camp. Take a liking to any good she-cats?" he pressed. Dewdream padded into camp, jaws holding nothing more than a scrawny mouse. "None of the falcons were hunting, and all the owls are on our old territory." she explianed softly, taking a plumper kill to Bloodstar. "Here Bloodstar, maybe it'll help your decision." she said quickly before bounding into the warriors den for a swift rest before the battle, if it would come. Bloodstar smiled at Dewdrea as she left, then looked back to Bloodhowl. "Let's share, after all, we share half of our name."

6:56pm Oct 16 2009 (last edited on 7:00pm Oct 16 2009)
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Canis felt slightly hurt by that comment. Why would he attack a fellow clan member? Even if she was a bossy furball. he shook his head, crouched and he sprung at her. Instead of landing on her back and latching on though, he rolled over and dive underneath her belly, raking her stomach, his claws sheathed. Then he twisted into the air and flipped onto her back. He swiftly delivered fake kill bite. ~ Bloodowl smiled, revealing his sharper canines. "Lets." He lied down and he leaned away to let Bloodstar take the first bite, being respectful. "So far, the camp seems pretty restless. Owlpaw seems to be sneaking off somewhere. the kits seem fine and as eager as always to become apprentices. The queens are as beautiful and tender as ever and the elders are just as grouchy. The prey is getting scarcer and I've noticed that not many cats are eating. They all seem too distracted to try. Stormclan has once again, also manage to survive and I bet they are as fat as those silly stupid sheep in the two leg field. As for me, I have duties other than a mate, but it has made me think a few times." he said truthfully. He finished by taking a swift bite of the prey.
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6:58pm Oct 16 2009
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Spoolkit lapped the milk greedily. "When will I be aprenticed momma?" She asked, her vioce like tinkling bells.
7:01pm Oct 16 2009
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"And who tought you that? Some dead leader of Sunclan?" mocked Hazelfur, knowing that Sunclan were the worst fighters before they died out. She leapt upwards easily, despite Canis' weight on her back, throwing him off and quickly getting out of the way so he would land on the ground.
7:03pm Oct 16 2009
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Sun pricked her ears. "I think I heard something." She snuck through the brambles, slowly moving forward. She pounced, exspecting a rabbit. Instead, it was a CAT.(Hazelfur) Sun flattened her ears, and went into defence.
7:04pm Oct 16 2009
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Canis shook his head and stood up. He was getting irritated. "No." he snapped. "The only starclan cats I see are that stupid Swiftstar and Wolf." He spat. he knew he wasn't being respectful, but Hazelfur was really raking beneath his fur and it hurt his chest. He licked his chest fur and crouched, baring his teeth. "Again." he mutterd. "But this time, you attack me." His eyes flashed.
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7:04pm Oct 16 2009
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Bloodstar gave a nod. "Interesting. Any idea where Owlpaw is going? I knew he hasn't been up to par during the day." he said, taking the second bite from the juicy thigh of the rabbit. Jadewhisper smiled. "Not for a long time." she purred, curling around Spoolkit lovingly, licking her forehead soothingly so she would ease into a sleep.
7:05pm Oct 16 2009 (last edited on 7:06pm Oct 16 2009)
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Canis leaped with shock, then he raced forward and lunged at the cat, releasing his claws. he hissed and pinned Sun. He growld angrily. ~ Bloodhowl thought for a minute. "He seems pretty down. I guess our little apprentice has found a loved one that's not in the clan. Young and traitorous love." He purred sarcastically.
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7:06pm Oct 16 2009
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Sun despratly scrabbled on the ground. Being a prey hunter, she could not fight. "Help!" She said loudly, knowing that she was going to die. She curled up, waiting for the cat to kill her.