Warrior Cats RPG

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7:08pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,046

Canis did not strike the death blow. Instead, he felt a m*censored*ive force slam his side and he was sprawled in the dirt. he looked up to see his father, Wolf, standing over the cat protectively.


Wolf hissed at his son and Hazelfur. "Stay away. This rouge is free. She wandered too far from her home. Leave me too her." he hissed, his eyes threatening. 

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7:08pm Oct 16 2009 (last edited on 7:13pm Oct 16 2009)

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Hazelfur growled. "Here comes the great king of Starclan, here to save another excuse of a cat." she mumbled angrily, stalking back to camp.

Crowheart rushed into the training pit. "What's going on?!" he hissed.


7:08pm Oct 16 2009

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7:09pm Oct 16 2009

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OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

7:09pm Oct 16 2009

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OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

7:11pm Oct 16 2009

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Bloodstar laughed. "How can you be so sure? He could just be gaining Stormclan secrets, like Jadewhisper had done so long ago."

Dewdream interupted as she came out of the warrior's den. "I doubt it, if he was doing that he'd tell us." she said.

"What if there's just nothing important to report?" said Bloodstar, not even caring that the she cat was being nosy.


7:11pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((*editing late post*))


7:13pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Sun scrambled to get out of the cats tail grip. She wailed hard. "Just kill me!" She yowled, hot tears running down her cheeks.


7:17pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,046

Wolf lashed out at her. "Silence! Not another word! It is not your time to die yet!" he growled.


Bloodhowl shrugged. "Then there is nothing. But I have seen countless years of lovesick cats and Owlpaw fits the deion. if I am wrong, then I am wrong. it is just a guess, after all." he said, smiling and showing them his wicked teeth that were slightly longer than a normal cats.

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7:18pm Oct 16 2009

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Cougar lept out of the bushes to his sister's side, fur bristled and tail lashing. He pushed Wolf away and lay down next to her wounded sister. "Sun? Are... are you okay?" he said softly.


7:19pm Oct 16 2009

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Wolf snarled. "She is fine. But if you stay here, you will both die. Now leave!" he roared. he lashed his tail. He wanted them to move. He didn't want two innocent rouges hurt for straying off the path.

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7:19pm Oct 16 2009

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Bloodstar nodded. "Okay. Thank you Bloodhowl, Dewdream, go ahead and get some rest before the battle."

"Yes Bloodstar" said Dewdream.


7:20pm Oct 16 2009

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Cougar hissed at Wolf. "If you think I'm scared of you you're wrong! I'll kill you if you try to touch her!" he roared.


7:26pm Oct 16 2009

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Bloodhowl nodded and left his leader. he sat don on a sunning rock and took a short nap.


 Wolf snarled and he turned into the starclan leader. "And what would that do for you boy!" He thundered. "Besides. i don't want to hurt Sun, nor you Cougar." he said softly. 

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7:26pm Oct 16 2009

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OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

7:29pm Oct 16 2009

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Cougar, not believing in Starclan, not even knowing what Starclan was, didn't see Wolf's change. "I go when I please! Nothing you say will change my mnd! I will not move from this spot until Sun wants to go too!" he hissed defiantly.


7:38pm Oct 16 2009

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((Gotta go))


8:24pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Sun chocked. "Lets go." She said. "But first, could you tell us where the old SunClan territory is?"


9:03pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Wolf did a slight double take, then smiled. "Follow me. I know exactly where it is. My step sister used to live there." He said with a smile.

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9:04pm Oct 16 2009

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"Thank you!" Sun quikly followed, hoping the others would come out. "What are clans like?" She asked.

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