Warrior Cats RPG

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9:15pm Oct 16 2009

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Wolf took one glance at the Stormclan cats and he disappeared through the bushes, praying that Sun and Cougar would follow him. "Clans are very complicated. I will explain on the way. For now, let us leave Stormclan territory. They wouldn't dare attack you with me around." he said, a slight threat in his voice.


Canis shook his head angrily. His father was such a mouse brained idiot! He hissed slightly and stalked after Hazelfur. 

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9:15pm Oct 16 2009

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9:15pm Oct 16 2009

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9:15pm Oct 16 2009

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9:15pm Oct 16 2009

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9:18pm Oct 16 2009

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Sun listned about the clans. "Wow." She said. "I wish I was in Sunclan..."


9:19pm Oct 16 2009

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Wolf smiled slightly. "Let's just hope it's still there." He said calmly.

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9:22pm Oct 16 2009

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"Its not." Said Sun suddenly. "Is it possible to start a clan?" She meowed.


9:27pm Oct 16 2009

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Wolf Smiled. "Of course! It would be great if YOU started it! Is cougar here your mate? If so you can just have kits and start raising a clan. It's probably better that way." he said gently.

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9:29pm Oct 16 2009

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Sun looked at Cougar. "Hes my brother. But other rouges are here." She pointed  to the other rouges.


9:33pm Oct 16 2009

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Wolf nodded. "I know. I am one. But I'm also Starclan leader. Starclan is the ancient clan of dead leaders that watch over us, you, anyone. They send the leaders and Medicine Cat's dreams and signs to warn us ahead of time about danger. Sometimes they extend that courtesy to someone else. We look up to them." And I lead them from earth. he added silently inside his head. "I watch over the clans. Keeping them safe and from breaking out in a war. I lead them to prey when it is scarce. Water when it runs dry. Medicine when it is needed. And many other things."

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9:37pm Oct 16 2009

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"Amazing...." Sun said. She smelled a very old borderr. SunClan scent. She p*censored*ed the border. She was surprised at all the cats. One even hissed: "Get off sunClan territory!" "Desendants?" She asked questionly.


9:39pm Oct 16 2009

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Wolf nodded and he hissed loudly. "SUNCLAN ALL YOU MAY HEAR AND HUNT! LISTEN! WE ARE HERE TO INTRODUCE TWO NEW SUNCLAN WARRIORS! WILL YOU TAKE THEM IN AS ONE OF YOUR OWN? OR WILL YOU HAVE TO SUFFER MY WRATH?" he yowled. He winked slightly at Sun. He wouldn't hurt anyone, but it was fun to say it.

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9:51pm Oct 16 2009

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Mousepaw looked up and walked over to Sparrowfrost and sat down, "Yes Sparrowfrost."

Rippletail looked down and she and Chippaw walked away, Rippletail didn't know what was wrong. 


9:53pm Oct 16 2009

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Desired Name:Gailpelt





Age:Doesnt matter

Clan:Formerly of SunClan.

Additional InfoNone


Appearance:Doesnt matter. But has grey pelt.

Personality:You'll see


Desired Name:Shadetail





Clan:Formerly of SunClan.

Additional InfoNone


Appearance:Doesnt matter. But has red pelt.

Personality:You'll see


Desired Name:Tawnyfur






Clan:Formerly of SunClan

Additional InfoNone


Appearance:Blue pelt.

Personality:You'll see


The cats stared at Sun for a long time. One stepped through the crowd. "The one who shines and has mud in her pelt will restore the clan." She whispered, bwing at Suns feet. It was true, Suns coat was matted with mud.. Because where they live, they do it for camoflage.  "You got the wrong cat!" She stammered. "It must be my brother!" The other cats didnt listn. They started chanting. "SunStar! SunStar!" Over and over again. She looked at Wolf for guidance.


9:55pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Wolf just smiled and backed into the shadows. "Later is when my wisdom will be needed." he whispered. Then, he disappeared.

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

9:59pm Oct 16 2009

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Posts: 6,296

Sun stared at the cats in dismay. She looked at her brother. "Help." She squeaked, then turned back to the SunClan cats. It was a small group of only 6 cats, then counting them it would be 10. She sighed. "Where do you live?" She asked. They led her to a rocky out-cropping. "Here." They said. They already had a bed for her. Sun laid down slowly. They gave her water. "Thank you!" She said

((Could you make some Warriors for SunClan Wolf?))


10:24pm Oct 16 2009

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10:43pm Oct 16 2009

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Sun looked at thecats again in astonishment. They think she, of all people was leader??? Sun looked at Cougar again. "If what Wolf told me is true,,," She stepped  up to the rockface in front of her den. "Cats please asemble in front of the rock-ledge!" She yowled. Cats came pouring out, obaying her orders. "I have heard about deputys and leaders." She cleared her throat. "And I have desided that Cougar will be my deputy." She came towards Cougar and gently touched him. "And from now on he shall be called Cougarheart." To her surprise, the audiance burst into cheers. "And after the moon of thinking ive had Insert warriors name here Will be the medicne cat." 


10:48pm Oct 16 2009

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