5:18pm Oct 18 2009
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((NightShade, you kind of stretched the page... Can we skip to a gathering so we can introduce SunClan?))
5:18pm Oct 18 2009
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5:18pm Oct 18 2009
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5:19pm Oct 18 2009
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5:19pm Oct 18 2009
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5:27pm Oct 18 2009
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((Yeah, I noticed that. But stretching the page is okayz when I come back and everyone comes out and is liek: "ZOMG NIGHTSHADE'S BACK SHE LIKE MY BEST FRIEND SHE'S SO AWESOME AND NEEDS TO POST!" Lol!!! And uh, I'd rather you not advertise another roleplay, especially one that's not yours! I'll be joining though, just to let ya know. And I might have to rMail Crimmy to let her know that she can join this roleplay...but I'm laaazy. XD And I dunno about skipping, I'll have to ask whatever about that since she is leader of DarkClan. And DarkClan was planning on attacking StormClan, sooo.......and it's Moonfall, not Moonpool! It's a waterfall with a cave in back of it with a small poolish thing of water.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:56pm Oct 18 2009
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((Hawkstep should really be taking his apprentice along with him, fullmoon. Otherwise I'll have to change Blisspaw's mentor to Lynxbloom! And by the way, I love your idea about Rocketpaw's and Owlpaw's decendents, whatever! Nice twist! And zomg it's the hunt for Rippletail and Chippaw!)) Shadesky was about to speak to Cherrypaw when Nightstar appeared. Nightstar trotted out and into the forest, spotting out Cherrypaw's and Shadesky's pelts. "Hey, Cherrypaw. Ready to do some battle training today? Maybe afterwards we can go on a patrol or something, if we're not too tired." "Dreampaw, come on! We're going to go hunting! Nighttime is the best time to hunt!" Skyshadow meowed to her apprentice, her tail twitching anxiously. She jsut loved hunting at night! She was trained by her mother to do so! AT least, when she was a rogue. Brightleaf wandered around camp, looking for Orangepaw. Blisspaw looked up at the coming full moon, rising above her head. She'd almost forgot about her meeting with Owlpaw! She looked back down and sprinted out of camp, hoping she wouldn't be late. Mystic walked around, gazing up at the moon every so often. She was in the old SunClan territory, whom were now extinct. (She doesn't know that Sun, Ace, and Cougar are bringing SunClan back) She skipped around the territory, her pelt black with an ominous pruple wave, glowing on her shining pelt. Eventually she approached a large abandoned tree trunk (http://www.planetware.com/i/photo/sequoia-national-park-big-stump-california-ca380.jpg) which was the entrance to the old Clan's camp. It really wasn't much of a camp, though. The ground dipped down a bit, and the gr*censored* wasn't as tall in camp as the rest, A large, climbable tree stood in the center, which was basically where all the cats of SunClan lived. There was suprisingly a hollow undernesth the tree trunk, which was quite large and the elders den and the nursery were down there. The fresh-kill pile was usually stocked up in the center, and an extremely thick thicket of brambles surrounded the elder's den. In the elders den, flattened out soft, green gr*censored* lay with pretty and soft bird feathers scattered around. And moss was layed out through the den, making it cozy. There was no top to the den, but there was no need. the tree cave them plenty of prtection, and it also gave the den a wall. Across the large tree trunk, was the nursery. Large amounts of ferns grew there, and moss completely covered the ground. Bird feathers and rabbit hair lay about, creating a firm yet soft bedding for queens and kits of SunClan.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:07pm Oct 18 2009
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Hawkstep spotted Blisspaw. "Hey Blisspaw!" He called. "Want to do some training at the hallow?" Tidewave stiffened. He smelled another cat. He looked at the camp entrance and saw a cat. He yowled a alrm. The other cats jumped up and hissed. "What are you doing here?" He spat to the cat who was at the entrance (Mystic)
1:40am Oct 19 2009 (last edited on 2:22am Oct 19 2009)
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Posts: 694
(Okay okay I will make Rippletail do something to make Mousepaw hate her) Rippletail looked at Mousepaw and said "Mousepaw, now you are a big apprentice, you will have to start acting like one, no calling me mummy and being so close" before walking away. Mousepaw began to cry and screamed at Rippletail, "I hate you." before running to the Stormclan and to the apprentice den.
2:47pm Oct 19 2009
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Posts: 507
(( Where had NightShade gone? ))
4:16pm Oct 19 2009
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Sparrowfrost watched her apprentice sob as she sat at the corner of the apprentice's den. "Rippletail's right you know." she said gently. "This is what it means to be an apprentice. You don't call her mother or mummy anymore, it's not what apprentices do. They train to become warriors. They prove that they aren't kits anymore, they prove they can fend for themself and need no one except their clan as a whole. When you've accepted this, then you can be my apprentice again, I'll be in the warriors den." she said. She knew she was being a bit harsh, but this is what Mousepaw needed. She had been babied too long, and it had to end. She padded over to Rippletail. "You are truly a good cat Rippletail, if I ever had kits, I would never have had the heart to say that to them, but you did, and I admire you somewhat for that." she said. Crowheart called out. "Are all the cats prepared for the gathering? We're going to sort this out with Darkclan tonight." he said. Hazelfur put her head up in suprise. A gathering? Was he insane? Darkclan would shred them without hesitation! The warrior code was disdained more and more often these days, and the bloodthirsty Darkclan cats, may stop at nothing to get revenge. Did he even ask Nightstar? Dreampaw's fur ruffled, sharing many of Hazelfur's thoughts. Most of all, she was scared. For her sister. She saw Blisspaw go out sometimes every once in a while, and Dreampaw had a strong idea that she was seeing a Darkclan cat. If there was going to be a battle, would Blisspaw have to fight her loved one? Whoever that may be? Orangepaw paid no attention. He had been feeling a bit depressed recently. He picked up that Blisspaw wasn't interested in him, leaving him confused, angry, jealous, and depressed. He didn't even want to go to the gathering. Unless there would be a battle where he would surly get killed, he didn't pay much attention to battle training anymore... Courgarheart padded into his sister's den. "Sunstar, may I ask you something?" he asked.

4:39pm Oct 19 2009
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Owlpaw stirred in his sleep. (Insert dramatic meeting with sphinx here) Owlpaw jolted awake and he glanced at the moon. Blisspaw! He sprinted out of the apprentice den, careful not to make noise to the meeting place. "Blisspaw? Are you there?" he whispered. Little did Owlpaw know, Featherpaw had followed Owlpaw out that night and was watching hisfrom the rose bush. Rocketpaw was sound asleep, dreaming peacefully about cathcing a giant rabbit that fed his clan for moons. Bloodstar had made him deputy, even as an apprentice! What a dream!
4:41pm Oct 19 2009
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"Yes Cougarfeather?" Said SunStar. They were almost at moon-fall. Where she would get her lives.
4:48pm Oct 19 2009
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"Are you scared to become a leader?" Cougarfeather asked. "After all, you were a prey hunter. And I haven't even tought you how to fight. I was hoping you'd let me, and then you'd teach me how to hunt, so we could have a balanced tribe... I mean Clan."
4:49pm Oct 19 2009
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4:58pm Oct 19 2009
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((eh... you reply fullmoon...))
5:04pm Oct 19 2009
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((Im here. One sec...))
5:06pm Oct 19 2009
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"Yes. I do need help." She addmited. "Thats one reason I chose you as deputy." Sunstar explained. "Lets rest." They were the furthest from Moonfall, so it took awhile. "Teach me a little fighting now." She suggested. "We have plenty of time."
5:10pm Oct 19 2009
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"Okay, it's probably different in the clans, but I'm sure it'll work. To defend against eagles, we bent down low to make ourselves look small, like this." said Cougarfeather, crouching down so that his belly pressed down. "Then the eagle swoops at us, thinking we're prey of some sort. And right before they get us,we roll out of the wal and leap onto it's back." said Cougarfeather demonstrating in the air.
5:12pm Oct 19 2009
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"That might work on cats...." She said. She tried, and she managed to get onto Cougarfeathers back.