Warrior Cats RPG

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9:15pm Oct 19 2009

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"We are decendants of SunClan!" They hissed at Mystic, they calmed a little, seeing that the rouge was not a threat.


9:17pm Oct 19 2009

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9:18pm Oct 19 2009

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9:19pm Oct 19 2009

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"Our leader is getting her lives." They added. "Cougarfeather is with them."


9:19pm Oct 19 2009

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3:25pm Oct 20 2009

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Magmasight (Ace) started heading back to camp. He had decided that he had no purpose to be going the rest of the way to the Moonpool with Sunstar a minute ago. His tail swished in the air, as Magmasight tried to follow his trail back to SunClan's camp.


5:32pm Oct 20 2009

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The SunClan cats surrounded Mystic. They pounced. All five cats were clawing at Mystic


5:35pm Oct 20 2009

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Magmasight as quiet as he could stepped through some Stormclan territory. He skittered off, wanting to be away from the threat of other Clans. Twelve minutes or so later he had arrived at the camp entrance, looking tired.


5:40pm Oct 20 2009

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Posts: 6,296

Sunstar had come back to camp. Her paws heavy. When she saw the rucuss in camp, she called; "Stop this right now!" The SunClan cats got off Mystic, who now had a scratched up nose and a slight limp. (If you dont mind) "We where onl-" "No exuses!" She roared. She looked at the she-cat. "I am sorry." She said. "If thease cats have offended you."


5:45pm Oct 20 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Magmasight who had lurked at the entrance of the camp in the shadows watching, dipped his head to Mystic. "We are only defending our camp just as any Clan cat would do," he said an opologetic tone. "We have rebuilt the Clan, Sunclan and we are getting used to Clan ways."


9:56pm Oct 20 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Mystic's pretty frickin' swift, and she's like, not normal, though she isn't really part of anything. And ER, did ya catch on?))

Mystic ducked down low as cats launched themselves at her. After untangling themselves, she'd only gotten a few small scratches on her back. But or course they attacked her again, this time aiming for her legs. She rolled her eyes, then jumped up, leaving two cats to run into each other. Landing, another cat had come up and managed to bite her leg, though quickly released when Mystic cuffed the cat's ears. Her claws were still sheathed, and her hair lay flat on her pelt. "I mean no harm, by any means. I used to live here, until...the returned SunClan came back. And congratulations on becoming leader." Mystic replied, dipping her head politley at Sunstar. "If you wish for me to leave, I shall do so, though I won't be off your territory completely, for that is just hoq I get around. I mean no harm to any of the 3 still-standing Clans, and hope to keep it that way until I p*censored* away."

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:58pm Oct 20 2009

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Posts: 6,296
"You may stay if you want, but you will have to stay in the nursery." Sunstar responded. "My warriors would feel uncomfterble with you in their quarters."


10:02pm Oct 20 2009

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"So I've seen." Mystic replied, thinking back to the attack just seconds ago. A small grin wiped across her face as she saw Magmasight, though she knew him as Ace. "You're the one from the Gathering, am I right?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows enthusiastically. "I recall your name being Ace, though I'm sure that name has changed.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

10:05pm Oct 20 2009

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Posts: 6,296

"That is Magmasight. He is one of my best warriors." She smiled slightly. "You have good moves." She commented politely.


5:45am Oct 21 2009

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Posts: 694
Mousepaw was walking outside and she bit Rippletail's tail who yelped and tried to bat off Mousepaw


3:28pm Oct 21 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Sparrowfrost looked at Mousepaw, her tail curled around her paws, her cold green eyes looking over the apprentice. "No. You don't have to forget her, it is okay to love her, but treat her just as well as you would another senior warrior." She looked over to Chippaw. "I'm nervous that Chippaw will never learn the lesson you just did though." she said softly, not to anyone specificaly.

((Can we say Crowheart told Nightstar that he had a dream about Sunclan?))

Crowheart dug his claws into the earth. "I just have a feeling we should go. Starclan needn't be upset with us. If we attend the gathering and Darkclan don't, that's on their shoulders, not ours."

Hazelfur saw wisdom in Crowheart's choice. Maybe he was meant to be deputy after all...

Dreampaw groomed her paws, not wanting to speak out and give her opinion, for fear of looking stupid in front of everyone else.

Orangepaw rested his head on his paws and tried to sleep.

((I thought Brightleaf was in Darkclan?))

Bloodstar looked at the moon and smiled. Full. Stormclan would never expect an attack now! He didn't care what Starclan thought, for revenge and will to serve the clan clouded his thoughts. This territory was important! And now Stormclan was benefitting from it! He growled softly. Shadowfang wouldn't like it, but he knew that many of the other warriors had his back. He crept into the warriors den and prodded Bloodhowl gently. "Gather all able-bodied warriors, we're attacking tonight" he said quietly, so no one else awoke. "Bring the apprentices too."

(I think I want to make Rocketpaw kill Wolf. *grins evilly* If it's okay with WolfMoon however.)

Rocketpaw's pelt rose and fell in the pattern of sleep.

Featherpaw was confused. Blisspaw? Owlpaw? Together? They were from different clans! Owlpaw was in trouble now...

Owlpaw nuzzled Blisspaw. "It wasn't too hard to slip away from camp. My clan isn't going to the Gathering... but I heard something else."

Dewdream perked her ears, almost having drifted to sleep when he heard Bloodstar. What great timing! She got onto her paws and padded stealthily out of the den, sitting in the clearing to wait for the rest.

((You gave Sunstar her lives without me. :( Awwwww. Ima gonna rp it anywayz. :3 I'll type them in light blue))

The nine cats fell silent when Sunstar's body arose. None of them were cats she would have known, but rather, they were the nine leaders of Sunclan. The original Sunstar. Flarestar, Brightstar, Mintstar, Redstar, Feralstar, Heatherstar, Lightstar, and even the last, and most short-lived, Brokenstar. The one who ended the clan.

Sunstar (1st) padded forward towards the new leader. He bowed his head and four cats gathered at each of his sides. "Greetings. My name is Sunstar, like yours is now. I was the first leader of Sunclan. I am disappointed to a small degree that one of my decendents weren't chosen as leader, but, I approve of you nevertheless." Sunstar paused, his shoulder muscles rippling as he turned to address the other cats. "The other cats are Flarestar, Brightstar, Mintstar, Redstar, Feralstar, Heatherstar, Lightstar and Brokenstar." The cats all bowed when their name was spoken. Sunstar looked down at the she-cat leader, the first she-cat leader. "Sunstar, I give you your first extra life. I grant it to you for you strong will and desire to revive my lost clan." Sunstar touched his nose to her head, and stepped back before fading.

Flarestar's orange tabby pelt glinted as he took a short step foward, looking twitchy and nervous. "I- I am Flarestar." he stuttered. "I give you this life, for your understanding and comp*censored*ion of all cats, kits and rouges alike." he said, disappearing quickly as Brightstar came forth.

"I give you this life for fairness and equality, for treating every cat the same way, whether it is your kin or another clan member." said Brightstar, his starry pelt revealing a missing ear, with a story to tell. But there wasn't time, and Brightstar turned tail and ran to disappear.

Mintstar was next. "I give you this life for trust. Trust that you have in every clan member, and trust that they have in you." he said quietly, so even Sunstar may have had trouble hearing.

Redstar dipped her head and brushed her pelt against Sunstar's. "This life is for love. None of it. You are never to fall in love or have kits, for this, I paid with my life." he said, though it was known that male cats could take mates as leader, which held an even darker secret.

Feralstar walked forward. "This life is for speed and endurance, to give you the power to run all the way to the sun-drown place and back for the sake of your clan." he said, in an almost hissing voice, disappearing as he pelted past Sunstar and away.

Heatherstar smiled as she padded forward. "This life is for fearlessness, so you can belive in what you can do, and try your best at what you can't."

"This life, is for wisdom. Wisdom that you have the power to use, for the good of your clan... or the worse." whispered Lightstar.

Now Brokenstar was the only one who remained. "I was the last of the Sunclan leaders. My name was Brokenstar. I'll give you a life, and a warning. I give you a life for strength in battle and purity of heart. I give you a warning, that the path that is most obvious, isn't always the one that's right. And the path that's right, isn't always one you'll like." Brokenstar gave out a loud yowl. "Now return to your clan Sunstar! Leader of Sunclan!"


3:28pm Oct 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((Now THAT's the longest post ever. x.x))


3:53pm Oct 21 2009

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Posts: 4,848

((Are your hands gonna fall off now?  XD

Hmmm mabey thats how Handy lost his hands....

.... Sorry I forgot about this roleplay... *Looks at poor neglected Mysterykit*))


3:56pm Oct 21 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((Just make a new chara. Make one of Jadewhisper's kits! My kitteh from Darkclan! She had six, but two aren't roleplayed yet. If you do, your father would be Foxtail, also of Darkclan. It won't be long until you catch on when you're in the action.))


4:03pm Oct 21 2009

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Posts: 4,848

((ok :3))

Desired Name: Rainkit

Position: kit

Family: Jadewhisper and Foxtail.

Mate: none

Crush: none

Age: kit

Clan: Darkclan

Additional Info

Gender: female

Appearance: Black fur and green eyes

Personality: Curious, adventurious, a bit mean


Desired Name: Thunderkit

Position: kit

Family: jadewhisper and foxtail

Mate: none


Age: kit

Clan: Darkclan

Additional Info

Gender: female

Appearance: Black fur with lightning-collored eyes.

Personality: energectick, jumpy

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