4:11pm Oct 21 2009
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((Hey people! I'm gonna be on hopefully within 10 minutes! I gotta go eat some macaroni! O.o Sooooo yeah!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:16pm Oct 21 2009
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Desired Name: Lightpaw "The Lost Apprentice" Position: Loner Family: Rocketpaw, Owlpaw Mate:No Crush: No
Age: 9 moons Clan: None Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance: White with small black spots, lithe body, long tail that puffs out at the end, yellow eyes that are rimmed with black fur History: Was, like Rocketpaw and Owlpaw, sent from Starclan as the ancestors of the ancient racing cheetahs of Africa, back when they did illegal racing and breeding of cheetahs. She is unrelated to Featherpaw, and so are owlpaw and Rocketpaw. Featherpaw is a lie. Period. A rouge she-cat brought in Featherpaw as the clans slept when the three had first been sent, but Lightpaw had been snatched away and 'killed'. Though the she-cat didn't finish her job, and Lightpaw lived, remembering every bit of her torture...
Personality:Skittish and easily scared, very fast, but often forgetful and ditsy
4:16pm Oct 21 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((Oh, and your siblings are Dogkit, Heartkit (both me), Ravenkit (Night, and Spoolkit (fullmoon)))
4:16pm Oct 21 2009
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4:17pm Oct 21 2009
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4:17pm Oct 21 2009
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4:39pm Oct 21 2009 (last edited on 4:45pm Oct 21 2009)
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Posts: 1,441
((Wow that took longer than I thought. :/ Now my mom wants me to empty the dishwasher and do my homework but luckily she just left to Petco to go get meh dog. I wish PetCo was farther away, its like...5 minutes from my house. So yeah! And Bluestone is in DarkCLan, and Brightleaf is Orangepaw's mentor. Somebody should make a charry list.....who made StarClan members again? I remember some people did. Oh, snap! I made Thunderstorm, who's supposedly in SunClan! Better go get him!!! P.S. SunClan is typed in either orange or red. Oh! Cinderkit! I forgot about Cinderkit!)) Mystic flicked her tail. "Alright, then. The nursery it is. And I am *censored*uming you know how to call your Clan and where your den is, as well as Gatherings and naming ceremonies?" Thunderstorm watched the rogue from above the camp entrance, laying on the top of the wacked out tree stump. Bluestone's eyes shone in the moonlight with hunger for war. She stood up and walked over to Dewdream, anxious to attack. Ravenkit walked around the nursery, looking for something to do. He saw a small ledge on the wall, and reached for it. Almost slipping, he unsheathed his claws as he scrabbled up. Fishleap trotted towards the center of camp, sheathing and unsheathing her claws. ((Will roleplay the rest later after I empty teh dishwasher and do my stupid homework!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:55pm Oct 21 2009
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"Yes. When StarClan talked to me, I knew everything I needed to know." She flicked her tail. "This way." She padded over to the unoccupied nursery. The scent of milk was very stale. "We need a medicne cat. You could sleep there as well if you feel more comferable there."
5:47pm Oct 21 2009
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Mystic dipped her head, then meowed, "I'll sleep in the nursery." She walked towards the back, dissappearing into the darkness. Skyshadow thought over it for a moment. "I suppose so, but shouldn't go find Nightstar and ask for her approval before we actually go?" Nightstar looked down at Cherrypaw. "I want you to attack Shadesky by diving underneath his belly and scratching it, with sheathed claws." She ordered. Shadesky readied himself, getting into position from across Cherrypaw. "I wonder if DarkClan will be at the Gathering tonight." Brightleaf wondered out loud. "I doubt they will." Skyshadow seethed. Cinderkit ran out of the nursery, exploding with energy. She ran like the wind, until of course, she ran into Crowheart. "Owww." SHe complained, rubbing her cheek. "Oh, is that so?" Blisspaw asked, still brushing up against Owlpaw. "What did you hear?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:59pm Oct 21 2009
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Hawkstep looked at his aprentice, then at Nightstar. "I never get to train her." He complained. "She's either missing, or doing something else."
6:10pm Oct 21 2009
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Name:Pluskit/Minuskit Age:4 moons/4 moons Gender:Female/Male Family:Minuskit/Pluskit Rank:Kit/Kit History:Unknown to the SunClan cats, Pluskit was dropped here by a rouge, named Dawn./Same as Pluskits Clan:SunClan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pluskit huddled next to her brother, Minuskit. She squealed loudly, her pitch loud. Her eyes went frightened as a figure stepped into the nursery. "Dont touth mi bwothei!" She cried, going protectivly over Minuskit.
6:42pm Oct 21 2009
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Nightstar narrowed her eyes at Hawkstep. "A mentor's responsibility is to take control over their apprentices and train them the best they can, not whine to their leader about how their apprentice is always running off. I suggest you go find Blisspaw then, if you want to train her now." Mystic was suprised to hear a kit's tiny voice come from below. Peering down, she saw to twin kits huddled close to each other. "Do not worry, young ones, I wish anything but to harm you. What are you doing here? Where is your mother or father?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:46pm Oct 21 2009 (last edited on 7:08pm Oct 21 2009)
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Hawkstep bounded off, in search of Blisspaw. He could'nt spot her. "Blisspaw? Where are you? Im going to loose you as my aprentice if you dont start training with me!" His Vioce sounded worried. He finally spotted a scent. His head jerked up. It was heading for DarkClan territory! He bounded back to Nightstar. "Blisspaw is going into DarkClan territory!" He said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pluskit huddled closer to her brother. "Are you dantherouse?" She asked, looking at the she-cat. "Momee gone." She huddled closer to her brother.
7:04pm Oct 21 2009
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((Hawkstep shouldn't of been able to find her that easy, if not at all. She's all the way back to the DarkClan border and tries to disguise her scent. :/ And what is Pluskit saying? I can't understand her. :P))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:05pm Oct 21 2009
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Are you dangerouse. Oops, I forgot to edit it. Edits:
9:16pm Oct 21 2009
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9:29pm Oct 21 2009
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Posts: 706
((What the heck has happened? I've miss like page 140- now!))
1:19am Oct 22 2009
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Posts: 694
Chippaw looked up and said "What lesson?" Rippletail was licking her paws and also looked up. "What lesson won't Chippaw learn Sparrowfrost?" asked Mousepaw as she looked confused.
1:20am Oct 22 2009
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Posts: 694
((Its hard keeping up haha))
1:12pm Oct 22 2009
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((Oh gosh, Dashz! it was even harder for Wolfy! XD But let see, ummm, Bloodstar has declared that he's going to war with StormClan as soon as he gathers up his warriors, and it in the middle of night although everyone's up, and Nightstar just toldCherrypaw to dive under Shadesky and scratch at his belly without getting smushed. :D But now Hawkstep just smelled Blisspaw headed near the border so yeah. I don't really think there's much more. Actually, there probably is but I'm SOOOOOO brain-dead right now.)) "What?!" Nightstar asked, baffeled.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing