Warrior Cats RPG

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12:53pm Oct 24 2009

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((Sorry Nightshade. *Bows at master*))



12:55pm Oct 24 2009

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"Blisspaw,you are gonna get it." Hawkstep muttered. "Too bad we have no elders." Hawkstep growled. He just HAD to have an aprentice that thought she could do anything she wanted!


12:55pm Oct 24 2009 (last edited on 12:57pm Oct 24 2009)

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12:55pm Oct 24 2009 (last edited on 12:57pm Oct 24 2009)

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12:56pm Oct 24 2009 (last edited on 12:56pm Oct 24 2009)

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1:18pm Oct 24 2009

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Posts: 4,848
((*Has no idea what to do* D:))


1:49pm Oct 24 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Yeah, I can see that, ribunny. If whatever could just post on here, then I might be able to tell you what's going on. because all that's happening right now is...nothing. DarkClan's planning an attack and Nightstar's out to find Blisspaw.))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

2:00pm Oct 24 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((Someones gonna have to play Whatever's chars, or this rp is going to die.))


5:13pm Oct 24 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((If whatever doesn't post by 10:00PM tonight, Res time, I'll start to roleplay her charries, or else this rolplay is going to die, and there's no way I'm letting that happen.))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:23pm Oct 24 2009

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Posts: 694

((Can i kill Mousepaw please! She is like a pointless character.))

Rippletail and Chippaw were sitting underneath a tree eating some food and Mousepaw walked around calling for Sparrowfrost. 


9:41pm Oct 24 2009 (last edited on 9:41pm Oct 24 2009)

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Posts: 694

Desired Name: Snowtail

Position: is a rouge

Family: none, he was suspected of killing his kits in his kittypet home

Mate: none

Crush: none

Age: 7 years

Clan: rouge

Additional Info

Gender: male


Personality: Mysterious, he seems to be evil but really inside he just wants to be love. Good at fighting, has sharp claws, he will defend anything he thinks is his territory (might not be a good thing if he chooses another clans territory). He is stubborn and misunderstand, was thought to have killed his family when really it was his male human. He misses his three kits and doesnt know how to get over his grief. He wishes his kits were with him, he especially misses his daughter Mouse who had run away to live with wild cats. (Mousepaw is his daughter but doesnt remember and he doesnt know she is still alive). He also loved Rippletail whom he thinks was killed by a wild fox.


9:41pm Oct 24 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Okayz, you can now roleplay Snowtail!))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:45pm Oct 24 2009

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Posts: 694

Snowtail walked through some land and said "This shall be my territory" and made home in a hollow log and waited for some prey to attack. His mysterious yellow eyes that fitted into his black coat dratted across his newly chosen home, where it was he wasn't too sure.

Chippaw was playing with Mousepaw showing her some skills while Rippletail rested and smiled and said "That's my kits." she went over and played too, she hoped she didn't get in trouble but it had been a while since she played with both her apprentice and her daughter. 


10:11pm Oct 24 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((All right, that's it. It's past 10:00PM Res time. I'm roleplaying whatever's charry's now.))

Bloodstar lept up onto Highledge, yowling out to his Clan. "Attention, all DarkClan warriors and apprentices! The time has come that we take back what is our, and fight for out territory back! Now come with me, and may the best Clan win!" He called, then leapt down and dashed towards the StormClan border, with Rocketpaw, Fishleap, Bluestoen, Dewdream, and the rest just behind him as they ran towards the border.

"Crowheart! Get a patrol ready! Blisspaw's scent has lead to the DarkClan border, and Nightstar's already gone!" Shadesky told Crowheart.

Crowheart blinked, then nodded. "StormClan! We're all going to DarkClan border to investigate the disappearance is Blisspaw! Duskpaw, Orangepaw, Mousepaw, Chippaw, Dreampaw, Skyshadow, Hazelfur, and everyone else that is eligable to fight! Come one!" He  howled, then turned tail and ran towards the entrance, with his Clanmates flooding out.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

10:20pm Oct 24 2009

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Posts: 694
Mousepaw, Chippaw and Rippletail run after Crowheart ready to fight. "Lets fight." They all three said.


9:22am Oct 25 2009

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Posts: 2,046

Wolf raced to the clearing where they would fight. He must stop this battle before it began! he thought angrily as he ran. he turned into his full starclan king form. His fur glimmered with the stars and he grew several times larger.


Foxleap lept up, running after them, determined to kill Bloodhowl. She hissed and unsheathed her claws as she ran. "Lets show them who's boss!" She yowled loudly.

Canis ran as well, rnning in a strange and silent determined way. he ran in the shadows, watching the clan rush to their fate. Did war always have to be this sad? He thought as he ran.


Bloodhowl lept to his feet, his eyes glemaing with blood lusts and his talons already unsheathed. "TONIGHT! WE SHOW STORMCLAN WHO IS TRULY BOSS! Who is truly the heart of this forest!" He yowled loudly.

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

11:07am Oct 25 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((LOL, I get online, and heres an alert that I have: ERlover90 stares at you with an evil glimmer in her eyes, and snaps her finger. With a gleeful squeal, a monster jumps out of the shadows, and begins tickling you mercilessly!))

Featherpaw raised her hackles. "You shouldn't be together in the first place!" she shot back. "Owlpaw, we have to get back to camp, Bloodstar should lead the attack on Stormclan soon!" she said. "We can't miss it."

"I have to miss it Featherpaw!" Owlpaw hissed. "Believe it or not, but I think I love Blisspaw! more than I love Darkclan, or even you!"

Featherpaw was stunned. "What do you mean?"

Owlpaw growled. "I'm either leaving to go to Stormclan with her, or I'll be a rogue. Get it now?"

Rocketpaw cast worried glances around the camp. Where were  Featherpaw and Owlpaw? "Bloodstar!" he said, catching up to hi and keeping pace. "Owlpaw and Featherpaw are missing!" he cried.

Bloodstar stopped, feeling Dewdream ram into his back. "What?!"

"Look around! They're no where!" said Rocketpaw. "We have to find them.

Bloodstar sighed. "It'll have to wait until after the battle Rocketpaw, don't worry, they're probably just fine." he said.

Rocketpaw gaped. "What do you mean they're fine?! They're gone! They could be dead and you probably wouldn't care!" screeched Rocketpaw.

Bloodstar cuffed Rocketpaw's ears. "Stop this nonsense." he hissed. "We'll find them after the battle." he growled.

Rocketpaw retreated to the back of the crowd, near Bloodhowl.

Bloodstar turned around. They were at the Stormclan border. "Tonight, we ignore the warrior code! Stormclan are too big for balance of the forest. Many will die, we will remain!" he yowled triumphantly.

Dewdream joined in with all the excited yowls.

Jadewhisper licked Spoolkit's head and curled around her tightly, leaving the other kits farther from her body.

Crowheart stopped and perked his ears. "I can hear something. It sounds almost like... cats." he said with a grave shiver. "They're yowling! What has Blisspaw gotten herself into now?"

Hazelfur stood by Canis. "Okay Canis, whatever happens, if I tell you to run, do it. Don't question me. Lives could be at stake here, and I don't need Wolf's wrath on my head." she said sternly.

Dreampaw shivered. She was scared. She couldn't believe herself. She was scared for the loss of Blisspaw. Maybe she did love her sister. She looked over to Cherrypaw, wondering if she felt the same about her adopted sister.

Orangepaw felt fierce protection over Blisspaw overwhelming him. He dug his claws into the earth to keep himself from pelting into what would become a war. 

Lightpaw squirmed in her sleep. She saw cats. She didn't know their names. She was among them, yowling sadly, but no one heard. A dark shape crept into the nursery and snatched her, leaving a fluffy cat behind. She bobbed up and down in the rogue's mouth, making no sound, paralyzed in fear. Then she felt it. She was dropped roughly to the ground. Her neck stung and she felt herself bleeding out. She cried out in pain, and the she-cat disappeared... but then. A larger cat appeared. Glowing with stars. 'Let me help you." said the soothing voice. 'I am Wolf'  And Lightpaw woke up, alone in the shelter of a hollow tree.

((I hope you don't mind WolfMoon, I thought it was appropriate:)))


11:37am Oct 25 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Yay, you're FINALLY back! We've been waiting FOREVER! Wonder what Bloodstar's gonna think when Blisspaw's still alive.))

Nightstar slowed down her pace a bit, allowing the rest of her Clan to catch up. Turning around, she could see all the apprentices and probably all the warriors. It would be a battle no one would forget. Now she could just see the border, covered with cats of DarkClan.

Duskpaw ran alongside Orangepaw, his legs starting to sting a bit from running. "I wonder what Blisspaw's doing up there!" He meowed.

Brightleaf and Skyshadow both ran next to each other, with apprentices on either side of them.

Bluestone yowled along with Bloodstar and Dewdream, unsheathing her claws at the same time.

Fishleap looked out into the forest ahead of her. It would be theirs, soon. Or at least most of it.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:42am Oct 25 2009

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Posts: 1,299

Good. Lynxbloom flexed her claws. Just what I needed. Her sprang up and ran out of camp, puffing. Venomleaf looked as the cats went away longing to fight again. She glanced around for her kits, afraid of them straying away out of camp, into the fight.

Flintkit stared at the camp entrance. He couldn't stand being cooped up here where there is nothing to do. The excitement was beyond the camp, the battles, the wars. He flicked his tail, red eyes gleaming, thinking about being far away from this old camp.


12:20pm Oct 25 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Soulfire stumbled out of the warriors den. He wondered if he should bothered going to the fight too. It's a matter of life and death, and I shall choose to fight without the aid of my sight for now. Thaqt is my decision. Soulfire ran off following the DarkClan scents out of the camp.

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