12:33pm Oct 25 2009
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((Just to let everyone know, it saddens me to say that Dashz will no longer be roleplaying Cherrypaw, Foxtail, or Shadowfang and has quit. Someone willd need to take Cherrypaw's place, and I can take either Foxtail or Shadowfang, or both. You will need to be quite active, though)) Cinderkit stared out to the camp's entrance. She wanted to go, to! Maybe Applekit would go with her. Or Moonkit or Flintkit,
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:33pm Oct 25 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:33pm Oct 25 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:34pm Oct 25 2009
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LP3! Don't fail on me!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:34pm Oct 25 2009
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LP3 failed and is now LP4
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:37pm Oct 25 2009
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The thought of leaving camp, hung in Flintkit's mind until he just had to go outside. Tensing his shoulders for a minute as if he were about to attack a flood of oncoming enemies, he started to strode through the entrance towardss to what he thought was the wonderful forest beyond.
1:32pm Oct 25 2009
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Cinderkit smiled, then ran after Flintkit, being as quiet as possible. She unsheathed her tiny little claws while she did so. The forest could be THAT big, and some of the apprentices had taught her moves, so she wouldbe able to fight!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:21pm Oct 25 2009
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((I'll play Foxtail. I wish Dashz could stay though. :( )) Applekit looked up at Venomleaf. "Momma? Can I help Sparkfire with the battle herbs?" she asked, eyes wide and pleading. Owlpaw turned to Blisspaw. "What are we going to do? We can't go on, now that Featherpaw knows. We have to either leave our clans, or I'll try and go to Stormclan. Their's no way Darkclan would let you in, thinking you're dead and all." Featherpaw growled. "You'll both be dead when Bloodstar finds out." hissed Featherpaw, leaping away before the cats could protest. It was easy enough to find Darkclan, what with their yowls. Rocketpaw saw his sister. "Featherpaw! Where's Owlpaw?" he asked panicy. "He's with Blisspaw." she growled. Rocketpaw was stunned. "Why?!" he finally wailed. Foxtail padded in between the two apprentices. "Is there a problem?" he said in a growling voice. Rocketpaw blinked. "Your apprentice, Owlpaw has been sneaking around with Blisspaw." he said. "What? Impossible? The cat you speak of is dead! You killed her yourself... wait a second... You didn't kill her, did you?" Featherpaw and Rocketpaw hung their heads. "It was Owlpaw's idea. We figured we could get clan secrets out of her." they said sadly. Foxtail sighed. "Go and tell Bloodstar." he ordered. Featherpaw and Rocketpaw nodded and set off to the front of the crowd. "Bloodstar. We figured out what happened to Owlpaw..." they said, launching into the story. Bloodstar nodded solemnly. "You two did the right thing, it's okay. Owlpaw will not return to our clan. Now this battle needs to happen soon, I can see a Stormclan patrol." he said. As the apprentices scurried away. He cast a last glance at his battle-hungry warriors. "Darkclan! Attack!" he yowled, pelting forward and bowling into Crowheart. Crowheart was about to address the clan when he was tackled by Bloodstar. He yowled and pushed upwards with clawed hind legs, digging deep into the corrupted leader's belly fur. He managed to throw the bigger cat off. "Stormclan! Attack!" he spat. That was enough for Hazelfur. With a battle screech, she charged into Bluestone, watching the apprentices charge out of the corner of her eye, especially Canis. Dreampaw didn't know what to do when Featherpaw ran into her, call claws and teeth. Her training hit her in an instant and she side stepped out of the way and lept onto her back, scratching at the long fur. Orangepaw dodged cats all around, scanning the area for Blisspaw. "Blisspaw!" he called out, hoping she would hear. "Blisspaw!" he raised his voice to a yowl.

2:24pm Oct 25 2009
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Flintkit emerged out of the entrance. He blinked at the vast StormClan territory. Flintkit couldn't help but think, Wow! Everything was better than he had imagined. The strong kit saw a squirrel nibbling on a nut. Inexperienced with hunting he leapt at it. Though Flintkit had managed to grasp the tail, the squirrel escaped. He shook his head in dismay. I'll be cway better when I'm an apprentice. Then he saw a red-orange pelt flash past. He looked around, warily. Was there an enemy cat somewhere. No, it wasn't. Then something burst out of the trees, fangs bared. Soon a clawed paw pinned Flintkit down, and felt hot breath against his neck. Fox!
2:25pm Oct 25 2009
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Venomleaf shook her head. "You're not old enough yet to go out of the camp, even to collect herbs." She regretted not letting her kit, but there were certain dangers.
2:30pm Oct 25 2009
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"I just wanna go into the medicine cat den and help Sparkfire chew them up!" wailed Applekit. "And Flintkit and Cinderkit got to leave! I don't see them!"
2:33pm Oct 25 2009
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Venomleaf pricked her ears. "They left?" she asked. This is not good, this is not good! They'll be all alone out there, and there is the battle going on!
2:34pm Oct 25 2009
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((Alright. I'll play Shadowfang, then. Someone needs to take over Cherrypaw, though. It'd be stupid if I did.)) Cinderkit's eyes widened with horror as she saw the fox emerge and pin her brother down. Not knowing what else to do, she jumped onto the fox's back, dlawing at the thing, though it didn't do much. Nightstar burst out of the undergrouwth, charging at Dewdream. Now she had to reply on her instinct as well as her memory, since she was going half blind. At least She wasn't fighting Bloodstar again. They always got into nasty fights. She unsheathed her claws and ripped down Dewdream's back. Duskpaw's eyes gleamed in the moonlight as he ran towards Rocketpaw, bowling him over. "Uh-oh!" Blisspaw cried as she heard Orangepaw's call. "We need to go now, if we're ever going to!" She meowed. Bluestone spit furiously as Hazelfur rammed into her. She kicked at Hazelfur's legs, trying to trip her.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:39pm Oct 25 2009
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The fox for a heartbeat turned and looked at the kit on its back. It gave a gruesome snarl. Flintkit felt claws sinking into his neck. Blood could be seen spilling onto the ground. He felt almost sick seeing his own blood. I must survive, he thought trying to gather his strength. Giving a brave yowl he reared up, tossing the fox off his back, for it was a young fox. The fox lunged again at Flintkit, to the tom's horror.
2:43pm Oct 25 2009
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Cinderkit yelped as she was throw off the back and to the ground, with a Crack! She tried to stand back up, but failed at doing so when her front right leg gave in, literally. It felt as if it was on fire. "Flintkit!" She mewed helplessly. Then she miserably tried to crawl towards camp once more.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:52pm Oct 25 2009
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Owlpaw nodded. "You lead." he said. Hazelfur fell to the ground on her sid but quickly dashed around behind Bluestone before more damage could be done. She lept upwards and twisted in mid-air to land on Bluestone's back with all her claws stretched to their limits. Rocketpaw yowled and raked Duskpaw's face. Power surged through his limbs as he kicked with all four paws to send Duskpaw skyward, but not to far up. He dashed out from underneath the Stormclan apprentice and lept onto his back after he hit the ground, standing on his back with claws hooked into his back. He remembered what Bloodstar had said. Some cats will die tonight, but we will remain. Does that mean he had to kill the cat's he cought. His thoughs threw him offguard and he was thrown off by Duskpaw, sending him on his side to the ground. Feathepaw fought back, but she was no match for Dreampaw. She yowled, trying to get free. Dreampaw let her go so she could flee, and she pretended to retreat. And when Dreampaw turned around, she pelted back and pinned the she cat to the ground, pinning her with her belly to the ground. Dreampaw was strong. She pushed up, and despite Featherpaw's claws, managed to get her off. Dreampaw lashed out, tearing a notch in her ear before running off. Foxtail tackled Orangepaw with ease, pinning the helpless apprentice to the ground. He let out a triumphant yowl and was about to deal the killing blow when Dreampaw plowed into his side, knocking away his breath. Dreampaw tore at Foxtail's side mercilessly. He was about to kill Orangepaw! Orangepaw shook himself off and pelted into the forest. His eyes were widened as he met Owlpaw and Blisspaw. He was speechless. "Blisspaw! Why aren't you attacking him?!" Dewdream dropped to the ground and made her body limp, and then crawled out from under Nightstar, tearing at the already injured eye. Crowheart felt pain sear his face when Bloodstar raked him with his claws. He could feel the blood flow. Bloodstar yowled and bit into Crowheart's foreleg. Such a young warrior, always a shame when they had to die.

2:54pm Oct 25 2009
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Sparkfire heard Flintkit at the camp barrier. She rushed out and saw a young fox. She snarled and raked it's face, throwing it off ofthe kit. ((gotta go, someone play my charras))
3:04pm Oct 25 2009
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The fox, pretty dumbly, rushed at the medicine catnow after it had been scratched. Flintkit shivered looking at the blood-splashed ground. The forest now seemed cold and uninviting.
3:05pm Oct 25 2009
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Soulfire rushed into the tide of battle, yowling at the top of his lungs. Lynxbloom instantly pounced on the warrior Soulfire. "Nice of you to come back again, mouse-brain. Do you want an ear torn off now?"
3:19pm Oct 25 2009
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