7:58pm Oct 26 2009
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Bloodstar growled. "Stay out of this Sunstar, before you drag your own warriors into an uneeded battle that will surely involve death." he threatened, unshecthing his claws, showing that he meant buissness.
7:58pm Oct 26 2009
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7:58pm Oct 26 2009
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Crowheart padded up to Nightstar. "May I put something in." he asked, still cooling down from Duskpaw's tragic ending.
7:58pm Oct 26 2009
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7:59pm Oct 26 2009
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(9I forgot the color! *sobs*))
7:59pm Oct 26 2009
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8:01pm Oct 26 2009
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Sunstar sat down and blinked at Bloodstar. "I guess you have a grudge against StormClan? StarClan told me you have been fighting since the begining of time."
8:03pm Oct 26 2009
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Bloodstar curled his lips into a fearsome snarl. "Insult me again, I dare you." he hissed, claws stretched to their limits. Cougarfeather's eyes were stretched wide with terror. "Sunstar!" he said nervously, backing up. "I'm sorry, but I'm leaving if things get bloody." he said quietly.
8:04pm Oct 26 2009
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8:07pm Oct 26 2009
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"Fine then, go. If it takes my blood to stop this already bloody battle, so be it." She pressed forward. "You have lost an aprentice. Soon out of fighting, your clans will die. Just like FlowerClan. That's what happened to them."
3:40pm Oct 27 2009
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((Eh, full, Niether Bloodstar nor Sunstar or even Nightstar have any way of knowing that Owlpaw and Blisspaw left, unless you're referring to Duskpaw, which Nightstar hasn't seemed to notice.)) "Sorry to interrupt, but I have an idea that will support all of our clans. I think we should give Darkclan their territory back, we have plenty, and then go to the Gathering Place and have Sunclan's first Gathering." said Crowheart. Bloodstar growled. He didn't say anything, but he sheathed his claws. Sunstar had nine lives, he had seven, if she even knew how to fight, it was evident who had better chances. Jadewhisper shrugged. "I suppose it could work, but I'd prefer the continuation of the battle." Foxtail had stopped fighting by now, joining his mate beside Bloodstar, pressing his pelt to hers in support. Rocketpaw looked around. The blur of battle had stilled. Blood stained his pelt and claws, and he looked around. Why wasn't anyone fighting anymore? He let his neck fur flatten and his emotions calm as he went to Featherpaw, gasping for air as she pulled herself away from Dreampaw, who had stopped fighting to listen to the leaders. Both cats watching the other from the corner of their eyes. Rocketpaw groomed himself Featherpaw, and she did likewise. "Looks to me like this battle's over now." he said. Feather paw nodded. Dreampaw walked away fro the Darkclan apprentices and sat down next to Duskpaw's body. Orangepaw would be suicidal when he found out. She looked around and sighed. She knew Blisspaw had been meeting someone, and figured it was a Darkclan cat, so she was gone too. She felt bad for Orangepaw. She looked over to Mousepaw, Chippaw and Rippletail's bodies also. So many lives were lost, and, as it had once been, only Dreampaw, Orangepaw and Cherrypaw were apprentices, though soon, she was confident, they would be warriors.

4:00pm Oct 27 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((I ish online. gimme a sec to post))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:07pm Oct 27 2009
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((And Tidepaw)) Nightstar glared at the new SunClan leader. She wanted only revenge on DarkClan, now. She'd looked around to see Duskpaw, Mousepaw, Chippaw, and Rippetail all slain and dead, lifeless on the ground. Her claws were itching to get at Bloodstar's throat, to get back for the lives he'd cost her and the dead warriors and apprentices, but something in her heart told her not to attack him while the other half did. It felt like it was going to burst, but she tried to ignore it. But now she was dizzy, not sure what to say. Now since 4 StormClan cats had died, there were less bellies to feed, and there was no reason to keep the extra land. But it would make StormClan look weak, and she didn't want that.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:25pm Oct 27 2009
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Crowheart sighed. "C'mon Nightstar, Darkclan need the territory more than we do, Darkclan could pay another time, another day. Not the full moon." he said.
4:49pm Oct 27 2009
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Sunstar flicked her tail. "If your douting me, I have perfect fighting abilitys. So dont think i'm weak." Sunstar sheathed and un-sheathed her claws.
5:38pm Oct 27 2009
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"Please. You come from the Tribes. Sun the Shines on Rocks." growled Bloodstar. "You wouldn't lay a claw on a clan cat."
6:03pm Oct 27 2009
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"Oh really?" Sunstar raised her eyebrows. "I told you nothing about my heratige. How do you know about it? And why do you know my name?"
6:14pm Oct 27 2009
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Bloodstar rolled his eyes. "I saw you flee rom the mountains into our forest, a patrol reported it to me, and I guessed." growled Bloodstar. He waited for an excuse to launch into battle with the annoying leader of Sunclan.
6:17pm Oct 27 2009
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Sunstar narrowed her eyes again. "Well smart aleck mr.macho leader, can you dance?" Sunstar jumped onto Bloodstar. She wound around him and scraped his belly.
6:26pm Oct 27 2009
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Bloodstar dodged both attacks easily, whirring around to face Sunstar again. "Care to test my patience further?" he hissed, leaping on the under-skilled Sunclan leader, nipping just below the area that would have killed her, to show how much trouble she was in. Jadewhisper raked both leaders accross the face as she stepped between them. "Stop it!" she yowled, her confidence never failed. "You accuse him and Nightstar of being no better than kits when you do the same yourself?!" she roared at Sunstar. "Attacking another leader without reason?! Nightstar was one thing, fighting for territory, but Sunstar?!" she hissed. Foxtail's eyes were wide and panic-stricken.