Warrior Cats RPG

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6:34pm Oct 27 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Sunstar growled. "Well first;He's being a total mouse brain and is provoking it. Two; He thinks he's so smart that he can out-run my best teqniuck. Wich I hav'nt used yet. And three;That attack was a stupid move. I could have easily nocked him on the ground. making you fall flat on his face."


6:35pm Oct 27 2009

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6:35pm Oct 27 2009

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~LP-ify! ~


6:36pm Oct 27 2009

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6:36pm Oct 27 2009

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6:47pm Oct 27 2009

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Jadewhisper raked her face again. "I don't care. You were acting like a hypocrite! Now, Nightstar, I'm tired, I have kits to be fed and my mate is starving, so can we please just have this territory back and get home, where we belong?" There was a pause. "And your losses... to make up for them..." she looked at Bloodstar and Foxtail. "I'd like to give all my kits, except Spoolkit to Stormclan."

((g2g- I hate leaving at an EPICAL part. DX))


6:51pm Oct 27 2009

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((Yay! Spoolkit gets to stay! *Spoolkit says a sad good-bye to his litter-mates.*))

"I know I know." Sunstar sighed. "Could you please stop raking my face?" She then heard the comment about her kits. "Now your the one who's being a Fur-brain! Your giving away your kits??????"


6:55pm Oct 27 2009

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Posts: 1,441
Nightstar was about to speak, but her fur began to bristle before she could think. "Fine, I'll give back your territory, if it gets Sunstar to get outta here!" She hissed, not trying to hiss at Jadewhisper, but at Sunstar. Then she blinked. "Y-your kits?" She asked.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

7:02pm Oct 27 2009

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Posts: 6,296
"I will leave now. But the gathering is still broken." Sunstar padded away, eyeing the group.


7:04pm Oct 27 2009

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Spoolkit played  in the nursery, Unaware that their crule heartless mother was about to give her siblings away. playing with a scrap of moss. "I hate the waiting." She sighed. "I just want to become an aprentice with my brothers and sisters. Us all sleeping in the aprentice den together......"


7:06pm Oct 27 2009

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Posts: 1,441
Nightstar glared at the SunClan leader, watching until Sunstar was out of view.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:39pm Oct 27 2009

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Desired Name: Drala (Warpaw)

Position: Loner, then SunClan apprentice

Family: Tornpaw (living brother)

Mate: None

Crush: None

Age: 6 moons

Clan: None, will be sunClan

Additional Info

Gender: Female

Appearance: Drala is golden brown with black patches along her spine and on her ears. She has shining hazel eyes and long slender legs.

Personality: Drala, born into a small family, was very normal and kind. After a fox attacked her home, her family was destroyed and only Drala and her brother survived. Thhey took care of each other. Drala became lonely and sad afterwards when her brother abandoned her to join DarkClan. She hopes that he managed to reach the Clan and is living a good life now.


Desired Name: Tornpaw

Position: Apprentice

Family: Drala (sister)

Mate: None

Crush: None

Age: 7 moons

Clan: DarkClan

Additional Info

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tornpaw is a  scrawny dark brown tom with a black and gray chest. His eyes are a deep amber color. 

Personality: Tornpaw has always been proud and caring for his family. It was a hard decision for him to leave Drala but he knew he must do so in order to survive and become a skilled cat.



3:06pm Oct 28 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((K. You can roleplay 'em now))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

3:08pm Oct 28 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Jadewhisper bowed her head to the Stormclan leader. "Yes. All five of my kits except my beloved Spoolkit." she said shakily. "Too much Stormclan blood has been spilled, and Darkclan has to pay. The bonds between the clans must rise again."

Foxtail looked on, utter horror stirring beneath his pelt. How could Jadewhisper do such a thing?! They weren't just her kits!

Bloodstar growled. "Jadewhisper, are you out of your mind?! These are our future apprentices! You can't give them up like you would a mouse tail!" he hissed.

Jadewhisper's gaze rested upon her leader, eyes glazed with anger. "Watch me." she said, speaking her personality in those two words.

Foxtail looked away from Jadewhisper, rage almost towering over the love and admiration he felt for his mate. He admired her for giving up her kits, but rage that he had had no say in the decision. He had one hope: Nightstar. If she rejected this offer, he was half tempted to bow to the Stormclan leader and shower her with the best praises one cat could give another. Half tempted.

Crowheart blinked. "But your kits are almost ready to become apprentices, we don't have enough warriors to mentor them all." he put in. "Unless we were to make Blisspaw, Orangepaw and Cherrypaw warriors.

Featherpaw raised an eyebrow. "You do realize that Owlpaw left the clans with Blisspaw, right?" she said, as if it were obvious information every cat should know.

Bloodstar cursed. "Now we have even less apprentices." he hissed under his breath. He couldn't let Jadewhisper give up his clan's future!

Dogkit nuzzled Spoolkit. "I'm excited to be an apprentice. I hope Rocketpaw becomes my mentor! Last time he came home from battle, he was covered in scratches! That means he's good right? Who do you want for a mentor?" he asked.

Heartkit replied for Dogkit. "I want Nightcloud to be my mentor." she said.

"Are you mouse-brained?" said Dogkit, "She's a medicine cat! You'd never be able to take a mate or have kits! That's a terrible fate for any she-cat. I wish I could have kits someday." said Dogkit.

Heartkit looked to Ravenkit, ignoring her brrother's rude comment. "What about you Ravenkit?" she asked.

Owlpaw thought for a second. "I think your name should be... Blissheart" he said, "Because you're sweet, loving, and loyal too. I doubt any other she-cat in the universe would gie up their clan for me." he said with a laugh.

Applekit sat in the nursery. "Momma?" she asked, looking around. She was alone. She didn't mind. She should get used to it, almost being an apprentice. She would be Sparkfire's apprentice. Excitement teamed through her paws at the thought.

Hazelfur stood behind her leader, tensed to fight, even though it was evident that the battle was over. She was shocked at Jadewhisper's offer. She hoped Nightstar accepted. Maybe She would make Canis a warrior and she'd get a normal apprentice.


3:16pm Oct 28 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Spoolkit opened her eyes wide. Why is'nt momma back yet? She shivered. Did she die? Was she okay?


3:18pm Oct 28 2009

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Posts: 5,279

"She'll be fine" *censored*ured Heartkit. "Momma is strong and lclever, she can get out of almost anything." she said.

Dogkit rolled his eyes. "She's lying to make you feel better, I'll bet Darkclan lost, and they're all dead." he said pessimistically.


3:20pm Oct 28 2009

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Spoolkit scratched Dogkit's face. "You are so mean!" She hissed. "You say bad things even about our own mother!"


3:23pm Oct 28 2009

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Dogkit hissed and lashed out at Spoolkit, taking away fur from her right foreleg. "I only say what I think!" he hissed.

Heartkit stood next to Raven kit, pelt pressed to hers.


3:26pm Oct 28 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Spoolkit sighed. "True.... It would only make it worse if you lied."


3:27pm Oct 28 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((I'm bored rping kits. Where's Night?))

Dogkit snorted. "Don't feel too bad. Lying is okay sometimes. momma said so once whn you and Heartkit were asleep. She thought I was too, she was talking to Foxtail."

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