5:06pm Oct 28 2009
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6:18pm Oct 28 2009
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6:21pm Oct 28 2009
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1:21pm Oct 29 2009
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Tornpaw stared at the two Clans. He thought that was plain old mouse-brained to give up kits to another Clan. He hissed furiously, lashing his tail back and forth. Drala sat in the high branches of a tree, looking over the land stretching out before her. She sighed. She would never see her brother again but she didn't admit so to herself.
1:28pm Oct 29 2009
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4:41pm Oct 29 2009
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9:31pm Oct 29 2009
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((Hey everyone, can't really post right now, but.........just wanted to say sorry for not getting on! Today was my school dance, which of course it just HAD to start pouring down rain, so traffic was EXTREMELY bad. And then of course I had to empty the dishwasher and shower and what not, so yeah. And school has been holding me back from the computer as well. SO, in order to keep this roleplay going, if I haven't roleplayed in at least 2 days, you ARE ALLOWED to ROLEPLAY my CHARRIES. Yup/ But don't kill any of 'em off! That's my job. >D SO in this case, you CAN roleplay my charries right now if needed. So until I post, you have permission to roleplay Nightstar, Shadesky, and every other character I have, INCLUDING SHADOWFANG!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:37pm Oct 29 2009
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((I'll roleplay Nightstar.))
9:54pm Oct 29 2009
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((Are you still here Whatever? We need to make the decition about the kits, and I'm role-playing Nightstar for the time being.))
10:00pm Oct 29 2009 (last edited on 10:02pm Oct 29 2009)
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Posts: 6,296
"Your kits??" Growled Nightstar.She thought for a second. "Why?" She meowed. "Why?" She stared into ___________'s eye's "You are giving up your kin." She then turned to bloodstar. "I know it is mouse-brained, but I might just take up on it. We need kits." ((Who was it that was offering her kit's?))
3:15pm Oct 30 2009
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((fullmoon, I think you shouldn't play Nightstar if you don't even know who she's talking to. I'll give you a hint. Defiant, Rebellious, Cunning enough to outwit any fox on any day. Any names come into mind?))
3:17pm Oct 30 2009
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((plus, you have her personality all wrong! That's Sunstar's personality. Your personality. She'd most likely accept them, a little dazed, and ask if Jadewhisper was sure a few times, then ask Bloodstar and then possibly Foxtail before being escorted to Darkclan Camp))
4:13pm Oct 30 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Yeah, whatever is right about Nightstar. fullmoon, you sound like SUnstar, but I can understand why since you roleplay 'em. I've roleplayed with whatever longer so she probably knows more about how to rolepllay Nightstar as well. And before I post, can someone remind me who I need to roleplay? It was kinda a lot to read, and got me confused. >P))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:37pm Oct 30 2009
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((Okay. Sorry, I wont be Nightstar. I did get it wrong....))
4:44pm Oct 30 2009
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((You need to reply with Nightstar about Jadewhisper's kits and such, then you need Blisspaw too, Owlpaw suggested Blissheart as a name for her.))
5:20pm Oct 30 2009
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((Niiiiiiigggghhhhtttt! Why'd u leave?))
5:21pm Oct 30 2009
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((Okaaaaay gimme a minute!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:24pm Oct 30 2009
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Sunstar checked the border since she was out on her territory. She walked around, looking for any other cats. She then saqw a cat eaning on a tree. "What are you doing in SunClan territory?" She growled at the stranger. (Drala)
5:24pm Oct 30 2009
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((  tle="Laughing" /> Yay!!! ))
5:27pm Oct 30 2009
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Posts: 1,441
"Are you positivley sure, Jadewhisper?! Aren't they your first litter of kits?!" Nightstar rechecked, making sure she was hearing things correctly. She'd love to have more kits in the Clan, but the Clan itself had problems. More apprentice than warriors, and more kits becoming apprentices just around the corner, let alone her own love problems! Why did she feel this way about Bloodstar, and why was she always so aggressive around Sunstar? Blisspaw smiled. "I like it! You name should be....Owlcomet! Unless you don't like it." Cinderkit yawned. -XP saw something about Applekit, so I just had to do this to make sure. XD- Ravenkit pressed against his sister, then mewed, "I want Bloodstar to be my mentor!"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing