Warrior Cats RPG

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10:56pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((Owlcomet and Blissheart should have kits. Not now, but you know.... When they get older.))


10:57pm Oct 30 2009

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10:57pm Oct 30 2009

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10:58pm Oct 30 2009

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Introducing! *Drumroll!* The next page!


10:58pm Oct 30 2009

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*Stamps foot* I said 'Next page!'


10:59pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((Then they return and create their own clan after one of the dies maybe?))


11:00pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((I like that idea. ))


11:01pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((Cool, you gonna say something to Bloodstar?))


11:11pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Ok I'm here! Gimme a sec!))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:13pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 1,441
Nightstar nodded her head, still not knowing about which kits Jadewhisper had. "Dogkit and Ravenkit it is, then." She replied sternly. Then turnined around, she faced Crowheart and Hazelfur. "You two, round up the rest of StormClan and head home. This fight is over. For now, at least. I'll be back shortly as soon as I'm done here." She mewed.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:15pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 6,296
hawkstep sighed. "This day has coased much bloo-shed. Lets pray StarClan will forgive us." He bowed his head, and went to stand beside Nightstar. "I don't deserve an aprentice." He muttered.


11:17pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Hawksteps apprentice was Blisspaw, shes gone now, lol!))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:18pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((Exactly! That's why he does'nt deserve another one.))


11:20pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Crowheart and Hazelfur nodded at the same time as if they shared the deputy position andherded Stormclan out, Orangepaw, Dreampaw, Brightleaf... and the rest.

Jadewhisper arrived in camp, stopping briefly to stare up at the full moon, clear in the sky. She sighed and went into the nursery. "Wake up my kits." she said softly in a motherly tone.

Dogkit stretched. "What is it mama? Are you and Foxtail okay?" he said in a yawn.

"Dogkit was telling Spoolkit depressing stories about you all dying," reported Heartkit. "I was scared a bit, but I knew you were good like that, so you'd be okay.

Jadewhisper looked down, fighting back tears. "Say your good-byes to Dogkit and Ravenkit." she said softly.

Dogkit was stunned. "Wha? Where am I going?" he stuttered, half hoping for something that would be fun, like a special first hunt, or exclusive training. But the pit of his mind, told him he was dead wrong...

Bloodstar sighed. "Well, I suppose now is the time for the Gathering right? How are things faring in Stormclan? Did you choose a deputy to replace Frostwing yet?"


11:23pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 6,296
"Don't you dare take Ravenkit away from me!" Screamed Spoolkit. "I don't want him to leave!" She bared her claws, and her fur was on end. "They will not go..." Spoolkit crumpled. "What will happen??" She muttered. "What will happen??' Her body was in a tight circle. "THEY WON'T LEAVE!" She screamed.


11:24pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Zomg, who woulda known that whatever's first charry was Sparrowpaw, was first a rogue, but Wolf brang her to StormClan, her original warrior name was supposed to be Sparrowfeather, and she was shy at first! So much back into history! Page 39! Around where Dashz came back for the first time! Yes, Dashz quit around when Frostwing had become deputy but came back after seeing what me and Wolfy wrote. And now Wolfy AND Dashz have gone))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:27pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((Ahhh..... Sweet memories.....))


11:27pm Oct 30 2009 (last edited on 11:28pm Oct 30 2009)

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Posts: 5,279

Jadewhisper felt that Spoolkit was over-reacting, she had to toughen up eventually. "They are going to Stormclan." she said sternly.

Foxtail walked into the nursery and licked Spoolkit. "It's okay, none of them are actually leaving." he said softly. "I promise." he said softly, cradling Spoolkit, Heartkit right next to her between his paws.

Dogkit was speechless. He padded over to where his sisters huddled against Foxtail. How could he be given up like a piece of prey? He was the only male in the litter!


11:28pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((Wow..... Leafstar died soooo long ago...))


11:28pm Oct 30 2009 (last edited on 11:29pm Oct 30 2009)

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Posts: 1,441

"What's happening, Mama?" Ravenkit asked, curiosity getting to his head. "Where are we going? I don't wanna leave Heartkit or Spoolkit!" He whined. LATE POST

Nightstra looked up, then nodded. "I chose Crowheart to be deputy. Though Hazelfur was a close second." She wanted to talk to someone right now, just about trying to deal with StormClan. The Clan was growing WAY too big, and apprentices and kits were coming by the second. StormCLan was low on warriors, and Sparkfire would soon need an apprentice. "So how are things in DarkClan? Going well?"

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
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