Warrior Cats RPG

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11:29pm Oct 30 2009

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Spoolkit looked at her dad. "But I wanted to become an aprentice with them." she sniffled. "We wanted to stay together as a family."


11:31pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Ravenkit's a male, to! XD))

"Wha-what?!?!" Ravenkit squealed, shocked. "Why! Why can't me and Dogkit stay in DarkClan!?!? StormClan are mean!"

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:34pm Oct 30 2009

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Posts: 5,279
"Nightcloud is getting old, I'm hoping Spoolkit or Heartkit want to be her apprentice, or I don't know what I'll do." he said. "Shadowfang is still deputy, but... he has had strange dreams recently. As you know, Foxtail and Jadewhisper probably aren't going to be coupled much longer, and my only hope is that their separation isn't violent, not with the kits. Things have been dramaic recently. Leafpelt has disappeared. Shadowfang and I are both worried, she was suspposed to be expecting his kits. Rocketpaw and Featherpaw are to be warriors soon. Don't ask about Owlpaw. You'll never guess what happened. He left the clans with Hawkstep's apprentice, Blisspaw." said Bloodstar. "Things are rough."


11:34pm Oct 30 2009

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11:34pm Oct 30 2009

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11:44pm Oct 30 2009

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Nightstar listened as Bloodstar spoke. He looked so handsome, with his glistening eyes and soft fur. Even his voice seemed perfect, the way he spoke. She then shook her head, bringing herself back into reality. Well, since Bloodstar had the courage to say all that, it wouldn't be that bad to talk about the apprentice problem. "Well, hopefully Foxtail and Jadewhisper don't shed any more blood. We have been having an overload of apprenticces, lately, and they seem to all be disappearing. First Duskpaw, then Chippaw and Mousepaw, and Blisspaw......" Her voice trailed off, for she had been afraid of speaking too much.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:59am Oct 31 2009

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"Things will only get worse in leaf-bare when it comes." said Bloodstar. He stuffled a laugh. Hard tobelieve that the pair were fighting to the death only minutes ago.

Jadewhisper lifted her head. "We killed Stormclan cats and they gave us territiory, so they asked for kits." said Jadewhisper.

Foxtail growled. "You're not taking them away Jadewhisper." he said coldly, drawing Ravenkit and Dogkit nearer.

"Bloodstar ordered it." she fought.

"No, he allowed it to happen, theres a difference." hissed Foxtail in response. "Give away someone else's kits."

"These are my kits." growled Jadewhisper.

"Not just yours may I remind you." he argued.

Dogkit growled. "Stop it you guys!" he hissed. "I hate it when you argue." Dogkit cast glances at his fearful siblings. "You can take me to Stormclan, but the rest have to stay." he said.

Foxtail was shocked. "Dogkit!" he said in an almost wail.

Before any of the other kits could ob
ject, Jadewhisper picked up Dogkit by the scruff and sprinted to the border.

Dogkit yelped in suprise, and squirmed to get free, but he failed.

Jadewhisper arrived at their new territory with Dogkit, whom she set down on the ground gently. "Ravenkit isn't coming." she said. "Sorry." she said, going over in her mind how much her kits probably hated her.

Bloodstar frowned. "Are you sure about this Jadewhisper?" he asked.

Jadewhisper gave a solemn nod. "Yes Bloodstar.

Dogkit stood up and walked over to Nightstar. "I'm sure Nightstar won't be as heartless as you!" he spat, standing next to Nightstar as obediently as if she were his own mother.


10:18am Oct 31 2009

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Posts: 1,441

"True." Nightstar meowed, then couldn't help but smile for the same reason Bloodstar had laughed. Moments later, she could see Jadewhisper and a small body hanging from her mouth. She looked down at the little kit, her smile a bit bigger. She couldn't help but think, I'm not careless to my Clan, but I am to the warrior code! I've broken it way too many times and nobody even knows it!

"Dogkit! No!" Ravenkit yowled, trying to run after him but failed as his mother was too fast.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

10:47am Oct 31 2009

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Posts: 6,296
"LET HIM GO!" Screamed Spoolkit. "I don't want him to leave." She started to cry. "Not know, not ever."


10:52am Oct 31 2009

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Posts: 1,441
Ravenkit looked at the entrance, tears starting to well out of his eyes. He looked back at his father, as well as his siblings, then darted towards the entrance. He squirmed through it, then made his way out as he tried to follow his mother's and Dogkit's scent.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:01am Oct 31 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Spoolkit darted after Ravenkit silently. "I'm coming with you too!" She hissed. Spoolkit silently crept farther away from camp.


11:07am Oct 31 2009

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Ravenkit didn't hear Spoolkit, for he was already too far ahead of his sibling. He ran on, going as far as his tiny legs could carry him.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:09am Oct 31 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Spoolkit did'nt mind if Ravenkit was ahead of her. She ran fast, and kept going. She gritted her teeth. "I don't care what they say... I'm staying with Dogkit forever!"


11:09am Oct 31 2009

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Drala looked at her paws, not daring to look at Sunstar. "There's nowhere else to dare go. My family is gone, even the survivors." She shivered thinking about her dear brother. How could he just wander off to join onef those Clans without vtelling me. I could've come with him.


11:14am Oct 31 2009

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Posts: 6,296

Sunstar felt slightly simpathetic, but had to protect her clan. "Why don't you go into StormClan territory, they'll get rid of you." She growled again.

((You need Drala to gain trust with Sunstar.))


11:21am Oct 31 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Foxtail easily caught up with Spoolkit, grabbing her and setting her in Nightcloud's den before going after Ravenkit again.

Nightcloud stood at the entrance. "You should know better then to leave camp." she said calmly.

Bloodstar nodded. "You should go before trouble arises." he said. "Good-bye Dogkit." he said, beckopning his tail for Jadewhisper to lead back to camp. He cast an anxious glance back at Nightstr before leaving. Why didn't he want to leave?

Dogkit snorted. "Good ridance." he said, kneading the dirt with anxiety.

Jadewhisper heard small pawsteps thudding on the earth, and was suprised when Ravenkit bumped ino her. "Ravenkit! What are you doing here?!" she demanded.


11:22am Oct 31 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Spoolkit growled. "When i get aprenticed....." She muttered. "The first thing I'm gunna do is run away."


11:23am Oct 31 2009

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Posts: 5,279
Nightcloud frowned. "Why is that?" she said, still calm.


11:25am Oct 31 2009

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Posts: 1,441

"I'm not leaving Dogkit!" He meowed fiercly, standing his ground. "He's my brother, and I'm not leaving him!"

Nightstar chuckled at the kit, but then was suprised to feel something tugging at her heart. WHy didn't she want to leave? WHy was she feeling this way towards Bloodstar?

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

11:25am Oct 31 2009

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Posts: 6,296
"Because," Spoolkit said. "I wan't to stay with Dogkit."

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