4:34pm Oct 31 2009
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"We have two new warriors today." said Bloodstar, he paused. "Rocketpaw and Featherpaw, please step forward." Rocketpaw and Featherpaw exchanged excited glances as they stepped away from the crowd to be recognized. "Featherpaw, will you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?" asked Bloodstar. "I do." replied Featherpaw, teaming with excitement "Rocketpaw?" "Yes sir, I do." he said solemnly. "Then from this day forward, Featherpaw, you will now be known as Featherstorm. Rocketpaw, you will be known as Rocketrage." said Bloodstar. "Rocketrage! Featherstorm!" yowled Jadewhisper in congratgulations, begining the chorus. Nightcloud and Bloodstar exchanged aglances, and Nightcloud nodded. Bloodstar knew what to do. "Heartkit, Spoolkit, and Ravenkit, please come forward." Bloodstar yowled as the cries of congratulations died down. Heartkit trotted out of the nursery, allowing her tail to drag. Dogkit should be here. But he's not. Dogkit smiled at Cinderkit. "Thanks. I'm Dogkit by the way." he growled at Flintkit. "Just for the record, all your siblings were alot nicer than you are." he said under his breath as he followed Cinderkit. Applkit rubbed against Flintkit. "Do you think we'll be named as apprentices today?" she asked.

4:35pm Oct 31 2009
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((I was Trick-or-treating on Thursday. Stupid community. They moved Trick-or Treating because 'It would interfere with week-end activities'. How dumb is that?!))
4:35pm Oct 31 2009
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4:35pm Oct 31 2009
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4:36pm Oct 31 2009
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4:49pm Oct 31 2009
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Spoolkit stepped forward and looked at Nightcloud.
11:20am Nov 1 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Wow........O.o This weekend-activity IS Halloween!!! What better is there to do than give kids free stuff? I went through my neighborhood, and some rich people neighborhood and got like...5 POUNDS OF CANDY, not kidding))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:27am Nov 1 2009
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Nightstar looked down at her Clanmates. "We have a new member of StormClan, whom is named Dogkit. He was previously from DarkClan, but has joined our Clan. And before you little kits run off," Nightstar purred, glancing towards the running kits, "I'd like for Cinderkit, Applekit, Flintkkit, Moonkit, and Dogkit to step foward please. From this day on, you shall be known as Cinderpaw, Applepaw, Flintpaw, Moonpaw, and Dogpaw. And, I'd also like for Orangepaw and Dreampaw to come forward." Cinderkit's eyes shone as she puffed out her chest with pride as Nightstar named her an apprentice. "Wow, sun-drown place looks so pretty at night!" Blissheart mewed, her eyes shining against the reflecting moonlight on the blue water. "Sunstar, I found these two kits in your nursery. I just thought you'd like to know." Mystic mewed, pushing foward the two kits. Ravenkit frowned. Dogkit should be here with him. Or he should be with Dogkit. It just didn't feel right. But deciding to not show it, he smiled.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:58am Nov 1 2009
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Pluskit squirmed as she waspushed forward. Sunstar frowned. "We have no queen's with milk." She commented.
12:43pm Nov 1 2009
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"I'd also like for Cherrypaw and Tidepaw to step foward, please." Nightstar remembered. Mystic nodded. "The only queens in the forest are those in Clans." She commented. "The kits will die of starvation if nothing is done."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:54pm Nov 1 2009
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Dreampaw smiled as she stepped away from the crowd so she could be recognized, along with Orangepaw, though he didn;t smile. Likely because blisspaw would be with them too if she had been more impressed by Orangepaw. Applepaw purred with happiness, excited to start her training with Sparkfire. Dogpaw smiled, and found himself asking. "Who are our mentors?" "Spoolkit, from this day forward you will be called Spoolpaw, and your mentor will be Nightcloud, you will train as a medicine cat apprentice" said Bloodstar. "Heartkit, you will now be known as Heartpaw, and your mentor will be Fishleap." he continued. "Last but definetly not least, Ravenkit, you will now be known as Ravenpaw, and I will be your mentor." he said. "Spoolpaw! Heartpaw! Ravenpaw!" yowled Featherstorm and Rocketrage in unison, begginging the congratgulation chant, shortly followed by Jadewhisper and Foxtail, Foxtail being the loudest. Bloodstar hopped down from the rock and searched the area for Ravenpaw among the flurry of pelts.

3:28pm Nov 1 2009
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Flintpaw blinked when he heard his new name, an apprentice name. He twitched his whiskers. Venomleaf watched her kits in motherly pride.
3:35pm Nov 1 2009
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Tidepaw slowly stepped forward.
3:38pm Nov 1 2009
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"Thank you Bloodstar. I know that StarClan has chosen a path for me." Spoolkit stepped forward to stand in front of Nightcloud. "What will you teach me?" She asked.
3:38pm Nov 1 2009
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"Tidepaw, Cherrypaw, Dreampaw, and Orangepaw, you've all fought bravely during the battle, and you've successfully completed your warrior training. From this day foward, you shall be known as Tidewave, Cherryspring, Dreamcloud, and Orangescorch." Nightstar purred happily. "And, Applekit will be the new medicine cat apprentice. And Now I'd like to challenge the new warriors. Dreamcloud, you will mentor Cinderpaw, Orangescorch, you will mentor Dogpaw, Cherryspring, you will mentor Flintpaw, and Tidewave, you will mentor Moonpaw. Sparkfire will mentor Applepaw."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:40pm Nov 1 2009
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Nightcloud smiled at her apprentice. "First, I will teach you some important herbs that I know." she said. "The most important remedy, is cobweb, used for wounds of all shaes and sizes to help stop the bleeding. If the wound is big, it's important to change the cobweb every day to prevent infection, whitch marigold is for."
3:42pm Nov 1 2009
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Pluskit yowled. She was hungry..... And de-hidrated..... Minuskit made a small cough. Sunstar's eyes clouded. "They probably won't survive the next moon-fall if they don't have milk." She grabbed the kits in her mouth. Pluskit protested violently. "Stop squirming." Muttered Sunstar. She padded to the medicen den. "I know what I need....." She grabbed a stem, and handed it to Mystic. "Make them chew on these." She told her.
3:42pm Nov 1 2009
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Ravenpaw's eyes tingled with excitement. He was going to be Bloodstar's apprentice! He ran up to him, looking up at the tall, powerful leader.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:43pm Nov 1 2009
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Flintpaw's eyes flashed. He glanced at the new warrior, and his mentor Cherryspring. Lynxbloom, padded a bit over to Venomleaf. "Flintpaw, seems to look like a good apprentice, a natural warrior," she whispered to Venomleaf. "Yes. I hope he is just like his father, Stripedfeather. So handsome, isn't he?"
3:46pm Nov 1 2009
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Spoolpaw's eyes widened. "I have a lot to learn." She smiled. "I've seen cob-web before. I did'nt know it served a medical purose. I thought it was just some Icky stuff that got in your way." Tidewave blushed proudly. She was a StormClan warrior! She stepped towards Moonpaw. Moonpaw stood proudly to touch noses with her mentor.