3:47pm Nov 1 2009
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Drala stood a little ways behind sunstar, not wanting to interfere.
3:48pm Nov 1 2009
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((Lp, ugh.))
3:48pm Nov 1 2009
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Dreamcloud dipped her head, tail twitching with excitement. "Thank you Nightstar! i'll do my best for Cinderpaw." she said. "And I'll do the same for Dogpaw." said Orangescorch. "You'll like Stormclan alot better than Darkclan Dogpaw! I just know it!" he said, touching his nose to Dogpaw's head. "Can we do battle training first?" asked Dogpaw excitedly. Orangescorch laughed. "I don't think you're ready for that yet, you still have kit fur behind your ears. We'll hunt first. I *censored*ume you already know the hunter's crouch?" he asked. Dogpaw dropped to the ground, thudding softly. "Is this right?" he asked, looking up at Orangescorch. "Almost, but that would have scared away anything you scented, it was too loud, come out into the forest with me and I'll show you." said Orangescorch. Sparkfire smiled at Applepaw from accross the clearing. As her apprentice padded over excitedly, she gave her a swift lick on the head. "About time I got an apprentice, what do you want to learn about first Applepaw?" she asked. "I want to learn about..." Applepaw paused, not for sure kowing the perfect topic to start with. "How about I tell you about the Moonfalls?" asked Sparkfire. "Isn't that where Medicine cats share tongues with Starclan?" asked Applepaw. "Right! And we're going there tonight to properly name you as a medicine cat apprentice." said Sparkfire.

3:48pm Nov 1 2009
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((LP 2))
3:53pm Nov 1 2009
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Nightcloud nodded. "Right, and also there's the Moonfalls, the place where we're going tonight to share tongues with starclan, did you know that? Surley you've heard the nursery tale about how Berryleaf found it when the clans came to this territory." she said. Bloodstar smiled. "What do you want to do first Ravenpaw?" he asked, proudl, it was about time he had a new apprentice.
3:55pm Nov 1 2009
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"Yes, I do." She broke into a wide smile. "It sounds magical there." She remembered the stories that her mother and others had told her.
4:15pm Nov 1 2009
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((Sorry I got off. I have a really loose tooth but I can't get it out and it HURTS. :()) Ravenpaw thought for about a split second before he said, "Battle training!" ((...O.o I got it out..but I'm bleeding! Ahhhhhhhh, it tastes HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:17pm Nov 1 2009
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4:44pm Nov 1 2009
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((Hahaha. You know what? They should really make some flavored cotton balls. And I laugh at this: It been like...1-5 days in the warriors world and the apprentices are already warriors. XDD)) Cherryspring smiled brightly. "What would you like to do first, Flintpaw?" Nightstar smiled. "I'm sure you will, Dreamcloud. And enjoy the life of a warrior!" She sparked, leaping down from the Highbranch.((Hahaha, I changed it again!)) Cinderpaw glanced up at Dreamcloud.(I hope you like these warrior names, by the way) "Can we go hunting?" She asked hopefully. "And then battle-training?" Mystic pickind up a kit, setting Minuskit down right in front of her. She pawed open the kit's mouth, then tore a piece of the stem off as she shoved it down his tiny mouth.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:44pm Nov 1 2009
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Fishleap purred loudly. Yes! An apprentice! She looked around, searching for Heartkit.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:48pm Nov 1 2009
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Minuskit protested as the stem was shoved down her throat. But then, she got a milky tast in her mouth. She opened her mouth for more.
4:51pm Nov 1 2009
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Flintpaw's heart quickened but then slowed down as he realized he had no idea what he should do. He looked down at his paws in uncertainty. "Uh, maybe we should, do somethig like..." his voice trailed off for a long time.
6:37pm Nov 1 2009
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Bloodstar laughed. "Okay, we'll do battle training first, let' see if Heartpaw and Fishleap want to come too" meowed Bloodstar. Heartpaw padded up to her mentor. "What are we doing for training?" she asked excitedly. "I think I heard that Ravenpaw get's to go battle training." se said. Dreamcloud nodded (Alot better than the one I had in mind XD, and Dreamcloud fits her pelt color too! Black and white(black spots)) "We can go with Orangescorch and Dogpaw if you want to." she said. The long-haired orange tabby tom looked up upong hearing his name. "We were actually just about to head out hunting. That sounds great!" he said. He finally realized that he was over Blisspaw... and was sort of starting to like Dreamcloud... Dogpaw smiled. "Then, I can cream Cinderpaw in battle-training!" he said playfully. "Okay Spoolpaw, it's time to become the official medicine cat apprentice, lets head to the Moonfalls now." said Nightcloud. "Follow me, close behind, it's getting dark."she said Sparkfire shifted, and was tired after running through half of the herbs with Applepaw, she doubted that she would remember any of them. "I've lost track of time!" she hissed to herself before describing the affects of yarrow. "We need to get to the Moonfalls so you can be an official medicine cat apprentice!" she said. Applepaw nodded and swiftly followed her mentor into the leader's den. "Nightstar, I need to get to the Moonfalls so Applepaw can become my apprentice properly." she heard Sparkfire say. Her own tail twitched anxiously, would the Starclan ats approve of her? What if they didn't? It didn't matter! She told herself. I'm going to be the best medicine cat ever! Starclan will be so proud, they'll give her her own nine lives! ((That's just what Applepaw thinks.............lol))

6:51pm Nov 1 2009
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((XDD Lol. And just curious, but what did you want Orangescorch and Dreamcloud's name to be?)) Ravenpaw nodded, then bounded over to his sister. "Can you come battle-training with me and Bloodstar?" He asked. Fishleap chuckled at the two apprentices. "Do you want to, Heartpaw? Otherwise we can go hunting." "Come on, Heartpaw! Then I can pound you battling!" Ravenpaw joked. "Ugh!" Cinderkit mewed playfully. "In your dreams!" She told Dogkit, running towards the camp entrance. Cherryspring smiled, then meowed, "How about a border patrol?" Nightstar shook her pelt, then turned to see her daughter and Applepaw. "Sure, just make sure a badger doesn't snatch you!" She purred, flicking her tail. Shadesky curled his tail around his paws, sighing. He was growing older, let alone Nightstar. Cherrypaw-Cherryspring was all grown up, which made him an old adult and Nightstar a grandmother, even though she was still pretty darn young. He lay down, sunning himself as Skyshadow came by and sat down next to him.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:55pm Nov 1 2009
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Flintpaw flicked his tail. "Good idea!" he meowed. His red eyes brimmed with excitement. Tornpaw stalked to over to an empty corner of the camp and sat down. He started to groom himself. I wonder how Drala is now?
7:04pm Nov 1 2009
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((I was gonna have Orangescorch Orangefur, and Dreamcloud was going to be Dreamspeak.)) "Battle training sounds great!" said Heartpaw. She growled playfully as she sprinted after Ravenpaw. Bloodstar laughed. "I suppose that means we go to the training hollow then." he said. ((And ~poof~ They're in the training hollow. ^-^)) Heartpaw skidded to a stop as the sand sprayed in her face due to the wind. "What's the first thing we learn?" she panted. Bloodstar looked at Ravenpaw and Heartpaw. "Fishleap and I are going to demonstrate the simplest move, and the most important." (You pick.) ((Ooooh! We should have Owlcomet and Blissheart meet the med. cats when they're hunting. Nightcloud will attack Blissheart and then Owlcomet will defend her and such) Nightcloud shook off her exhaustion when they reached the mouth of the cave where the Moonfalls lay, the soft trickle of water could already be heard. "Are you ready Spoolpaw?" she asked. Sparkfire blinked when they got to the Moonfalls. "Nightcloud? What are you doing here?" Nightcloud bristled and whipped around. Her fur lay flat again. "I got an apprentice, meet Spoolpaw." she said. Sparkfire smiled. "Me too! This is Applepaw!" she said. Applepaw smiled at Spoolpaw. "Hi Spoolpaw! I'm Applepaw!" she said. She paused. "Wait a second... is Dogpaw your littermate?" she asked curiously.

8:15pm Nov 1 2009
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9:17pm Nov 1 2009 (last edited on 9:19pm Nov 1 2009)
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Spoolpaw nodded. 'He is....." She broke off. "Our mother.... Gave him away..." A lump formed in her thraot.
10:09pm Nov 1 2009
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Applepaw smiled sadly. "It's okay, he's actually doing pretty well. You'll see him fro gatherings." she said. Nightcloud nodded. "well, let's get this show on the road." She perked her ears. "Do you hear that." she asked Sparkfire and the apprentices. Owlcomet licked Blissheart's ear. "I'm going hunting, you stay here." he said, creeping into the forest near the moonfalls. He dropped into the hunter's crouch and targeted the mouse...
10:12pm Nov 1 2009
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"I hear it, and I smell it." Spoolpaw sniffed the air. "And its right..... There!" Spoolpaw growled as she saw another cat in a hunters crouch. "What are you doing here?" She growled.