9:23pm Nov 6 2009
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"Is it okay if Blissheart comes back.. with her mate, Owlcomet? They named themselves when they left." panted Sparkfire.
9:24pm Nov 6 2009
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((I just replied back, but it's an LP......))
9:24pm Nov 6 2009
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9:24pm Nov 6 2009
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9:24pm Nov 6 2009
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4:59pm Nov 7 2009
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((I'm going to poof all the med. cats home, mkay? And Owlcomet and Blissheart too, an everyone else who was out of camp, I don't want my favorite roleplay to die. DX)) Owlcomet woke up beside Blissheart, and purred to himself. It was a warm morning suprisingly, considering leaf-bare was drawing near. He opened his eyes and almost paniced before rememberig that he was in Stormclan camp, his new home. He sighed and looked at Blissheart, still asleep. He didn't move, as not to disturb her, even as most of the other warriors left the den. Crowheart yawned and shivered in the slight breeze, colder than the temperature. He scanned the camp and decided on a dawn patrol. "Hazelfur, Sparrowfrost, Dreamcloud and Shadesky can come on dawn patrol today." he said. He knew that Shadesky was disabled somewhat, but felt that he was too young, and might as well be able to go on a dawn patrol and enjoy it while it lasted. Hazelfur heard her name called by Crowheart and eagerly sat in front of him in wait for the other cats. Sparrowfrost emerged from the medicine cat's den with a smile, her tortiseshell pelt almost hidden in the terrain of brightly colored leaves. Shadesky was at her side(hope you don't mind, it's been awhile since you've been on), easily keeping stride with her , his head held high in confidence, as if he were standing on all fours, not threes. Dreamcloud swiftly finished her mouse and buried the remains to join Crowheart for patrol. She looked around the camp. "Cinderpaw!" she called.
Orangescratch was a bit disappointed that he hadn't been called, but was over it when he decided to go and talk to Cherryspring. She was a nice she-cat, and maybe she liked him, after Blissheart came back, he just... didn't feel the love he used to for her anymore. He simply smiled at her and went past her to see Cherryspring.

11:33pm Nov 7 2009
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((Awww thanks for keepin the roleplay up! :D I've been like...busy lately. I'm getting addicted to iscribble.net and am getting more and more homework. :L And of course I don't mind, sounds just like Shadesky, lol. And hahaha, it was Orangescorch, but whatever.)) Nightstar looked up thoughtfully for a moment, then nodded. "Of course. Just keep an eye on them." SHe mewed. Blissheart moaned, then sleepily blinked one eye open, not able to feel her body. She was barely awake, and she could just see Owlcomet's pelt. Shadesky walked up to Crowheart, secretly watching Hazelfur as she walked up. Cinderpaw walked out of the apprentices den, feeling kinda peppy.((Love that word, lol)) She flicked her ears just as her mentor had called her. "Coming!" She mewed, then as fast as possible cleaned her ruffled pelt. Cherryspring yawned, blinking the last of the sleepiness out of her. She turned her head, just enough to see Orangescorch headed towards her. "Oh, hey Orangescorch! What's up?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:41am Nov 8 2009
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((oops. XD I screwed that up.)) "I was just about to go hunting, and I was hoping you'd come with me." said Orangescorch. Dreamcloud chuckled and waited for Cinderpaw. "You don't need to clean your pelt right now, we're only going for a quick patrol." she laughed. Crowheart nodded at his group. "Come on Cinderpaw, let's go." he said as he started towards the camp entrance. Hazelfur followed Crowfeather, oblivious to Shadesky's stare burning into her back. Sparrowfrost followed Crowheart out the camp entrance indifferently, tail held high with confidence. Dogpaw panted as he sprinted out of te apprentice's den. "What'd I miss?" he asked, as if he had slept until sunhigh.
9:38pm Nov 8 2009
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Blissheart twitched her whiskers, just before opening her eyes and purring as Owlcomet came in sight of her, his soft pelt brushing up against hers. Shadesky shook his head, smiling slightly inside. Was he really crushing over Hazelfur? Now he felt the exact same way he felt when he was with Frostwing for the first time. But did Hazelfur love him back? They were both tempermental(>:D) and had a lot in common, but that just brang the odds down, especially since he was handicapped. Cinderpaw blushed, then nodded as she ran up beside her mentor and Crowheart. "It was really messy." She tried gleefully. (Cherryspring was Dogpaw's mentor, right?) Cherryspring's face lit up, then briefly meowed, "Sure!" Soon after that, she chuckled as her apprentice sprinted out. "Nothing, Dogpaw. We were just about to go hunting. Join us, will you? You should probably see around StormClan's territory." ((And I'll try to make that new warriors roleplay I promised sometime this week. :D I've been busy, otherwise I woulda made it this weekend. >P))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:02pm Nov 9 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:42pm Nov 9 2009
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Spoolpaw yawned. She was as bored as ever. She sat up, and began batting a leaf. "Can you quiz me on the different types of herbs?" She asked her mentor.
6:57pm Nov 9 2009
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((I'm gonna go with yes for the mentor question. XD)) Dogpaw drew in a breath to reply, only to be interupted by Orangescorch. "Actually Cherryspring, I was hoping we could go, just the two of us." he said nervously. Dogpaw breathed out and shrugged. "I can always go another time Cherryspring." he said. "It's your decisiion, after all, I'm sure some of the elders would appreciate new bedding." Crowheart chuckled, sniffing along the new Stormclan border, minus the hunting grounds given up. "Darkclan have proven trustworthy, they are keeping to the deal." he said,remarking the border and moving further along the border until they reached Sunclan. He paused. "Why is our scent on their side of the border?" he asked. Hazelfur tilted her head, padding beside Crowheart and sniffing. "I'll bet the wind just blew it over, or it was Blissheart on her way out a while ago." she said. She cast a furtive glance back at Shadesky, a faint smile foring at her jaws. She shook her head to clear her head. What was that?! It was like she had no control of her emotions! Shadesky had three legs, and was the second bossiest cat in Stormclan, second only to herself! Did she actually like him?! Crowheart smelled again. "What's your opinion Cinderpaw?" he asked. Dreamcloud nodded in support of Crowheart. Owlcomet nuzzled Blissheart. "Good morning." he purred. "Did you sleep well?" he asked. ~ Nightcloud purred. "Of course Spoolpaw. Tell me about... marigold." she said Bloodstar sniffed the ground outside his den casually before sitting on the highledge(*is consistent XD*). "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highrock for a clan meeting!" he yowled. Rocketrage and Featherstorm appeared from the warriors den, their pelts shining. They had obviously been grooming eachother, because their scents were closly knit and almost identical. Dewdream dropped the falcon she had just caught and stared up and Bloodstar. Heartpaw sat next to her father, Foxtail, pelt presed to his.

7:07pm Nov 9 2009
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((hahaha okay)) Cinderpaw thought for a moment, staring into the sunny territory as she sniffed the air. "I think it was Blissheart." She mewed. (Gosh, I need to make Shadesky more bossy. XD Ever since he knew about Cherryspring, he wasn't so tempermental) Shadesky blinked as he saw a faint smile coming across Hazelfur's face, then quickly disappearing. Did he really see that? He shrugged the thought off as best he could, focusing back on patrolling. "I think it was the wind." Blissheart smiled brightly, then meowed, "Good as ever. You?" Shadowfang pricked his ears, hearing Bloodstar's call, then stalked across the clearing as he sat down, watching as Bluestone, Fishleap, and Ravenpaw all came out, Ravenpaw following closely behind Heartpaw and Foxtail.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:17pm Nov 9 2009
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"Nightcloud has just told me that Owlpaw, formerly of Darkclan has run away to Stormclan, and has taken the warrior name, Owlcomet." announced Bloodstar. Featherstorm sighed, and Rocketstorm growled. "Traitor" he managed to mumble, his head filling with blood and claws unsheathing. "I'm begining to think that Stormclan is a heck of alot better than here." said Heartpaw. "Dogpaw left, and now Owlcomet left too?" she said. Foxtail gently cuffed his daughter's ear. "Don't say things like that Heartpaw! Darkclan is your clan, and is the best there is!" "Perfect." purred Owlcomet, licking Blissheart's cheek affectionatly. "Want to go on a walk?" he asked. (I'm planning on making them find Light, huddled in a tree hollow in the pheetle position, trying to ignore the pain., In case you didn't knowm, she has the power to absorb the pain and misery of others, like a sponge.) "Good!" said Crowheart and Dreamcloud in unison. Dreamcloud glared at Crowheart. "My apprentice, not yours." she growled through gritted teeth. Crowheart's ears flattened in embarr*censored*ment. "Sorry, I'm still recovering from Duskpaw's death." he whispered, leading the patrol onwards.

7:49pm Nov 9 2009
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Gotta go))
3:58pm Nov 10 2009
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((Err... Flintpaw's mentor was Cherryspring actually.)) Threacherous, love sick traitor! Tornpaw bristled as he heard this announcement from his own clan leader. Flintpaw was still asleep. He rolled onto his side hitting it against the wall of the apprentice den. He woke up with a jolt when he felt his fur brush up against it. "What," Flintpaw mumbled thinking that it was some warrior waking him up for training or something else.
5:00pm Nov 10 2009
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"Hmmmm.... Marigold..." It took a second for Spoolpaw to find the answer. "I know! Marigold is Good for dressing wounds and healing infections!"
5:04pm Nov 10 2009
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"Good Spoolpaw!" purred Nightclou. "What about... Horsetail?"
5:18pm Nov 10 2009
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"Horsetail, thats easy.... You can use the sap of Horsetail to make Cobweb stick to wounds and help the bleeding." Spoolpaw had hung on to every word about herbs she had been tought.
5:40pm Nov 10 2009
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"Borage!" said Nightcloud.