Warrior Cats RPG

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5:48pm Nov 10 2009

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Posts: 6,296
"Borage, Borage....." Spoolpaw muttered. "Used to treat fevers, it can also help Queens produce milk."


5:51pm Nov 10 2009

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Posts: 6,296
~Lp O'fy!~


5:51pm Nov 10 2009

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5:51pm Nov 10 2009

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5:52pm Nov 10 2009

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~LP~When will it end???


5:56pm Nov 10 2009

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Posts: 5,279
"Wrong! That's Honeysuckle" said Nightcloud triumphantly. (Idk if that's right or not. :P))


5:59pm Nov 10 2009

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"Darn...... Oh well, I'm only an aprentice!" She brightened up. "And I'm only practising. Now if I used it on a queen tyo help produce milk...."


6:01pm Nov 10 2009

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"There aren't any queens- yet anyways. I heard that Jadewhisper might be expecting yet again, but I think it's only a rumor." said Nightcloud.


6:04pm Nov 10 2009

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Posts: 6,296
"Is there anything we need to stock up on?" Spoolpaw's legs were dieing for even a short run.


6:09pm Nov 10 2009

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Posts: 5,279
"Ummm, catmint would be good, leaf-bare is coming and we'll need it if green-cough breaks out." said Nightcloud.


7:42pm Nov 10 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Ok, I almost forgot about Light, lol. And I joined your dragon roleplay of wonder! :DD))

Bluestone growled at the thought of betrayal-in her own Clan. "Stupid cat." She seethed under her breath.

Ravenpaw sighed. "I wonder how Dogkit's doing in StormClan. I wonder who is mentor is, if he's an apprentice already.


Cinderpaw chuckled. "Calm down, Dreamcloud! You'll be able to praise me a lot more than Crowheart!"

Blissheart smiled, licking the top of her mate's head. "Sure! I'd love to." She meowed, then stood up as she started walking out of the den. "But first, let's grab something to eat!"

((XP Oh, sorry wolf! I find it weird that I remembered that long list of mentors and apprentices, yet I forget the short one! :P))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

7:51pm Nov 10 2009

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Posts: 5,279

"Sorry Crowheart, I should respect my elders." said Dreamcloud apogetically.

Hazelfur slowed her pace to match Shadesky's feeling awkward making the first move. "Hi there." said Hazelfur, trying not to be snappy of bossy.

((Pssst! Reply to Cherryspring! Orangescortch said he had been hoping to hunt with her without Dogpaw. :) ))

"Of course." said Owlcomet. He quickly went out of the warriors den, grooming his pelt swiftly before grabbing a plump rabbit to share with Blissheart. He dropped the prey. "Maybe we should hunt a bit on our walk and make up for our rabbit." he purred, taking the first bite.

Bloodstar sighed. "We can only hope we get more kits, more warriors and apprentices." he said. "The only good news I have to report is that we're alt least better than Sunclan right now." he said.



8:00pm Nov 10 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((:D Rocketrage+Bluestone=LOVE! c: Hmmm, winter is coming...greencough, the only thing worse than it is blackcough...someone gets blackcough? Maybe Nightstar, making her lose a life or two, but I don't want everything to be based on my cats. XP Maybe one of yours, whatever. Or someone else...or more than one. XD Or none at all))

Cherryspring nodded her head respectivley, then chuckled at Dogpaw. "If you really want to. If nothing else, maybe find a patrol to tag along to or something. Maybe practice your battle moves."

Shadesky froze for one second in suprise to see Hazelfur speak so calmly-at him. "Hi, Hazelfur." He said awkwardly.

Blissheart smiled. "Of course. I've been itching to hunt again, like when I was an apprentice!"


im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

8:00pm Nov 10 2009

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Posts: 5,279


10:46am Nov 11 2009

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Posts: 6,296

"Great!" Spoolpaw darted towards the camp enterance. She headed towards the old two-leg house.  It had a garden with stuff like catmint.

((Oh, sure, everybody shun the new Clan! *Glares*))


4:19pm Nov 11 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((Owlcomet will get black cough and die. :P And Blissheart will be preggie then :D))


4:33pm Nov 11 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((Can I be one of the kits?))


4:34pm Nov 11 2009

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Posts: 6,296
((You know what would be cool.... If Spoolpaw had a forbidden love, and to make it even more hard, from another Clan.))


4:34pm Nov 11 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((You'll have to ask Nightshade.I'll be one for definite))


5:11pm Nov 12 2009 (last edited on 5:11pm Nov 12 2009)

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Posts: 6,296
~Bump~ where is nightshade? *Looks at his/her siggie*

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