7:17pm Nov 12 2009
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((Is there anyone who has an aprentice who could get an interest in Spoolpaw?))
7:18pm Nov 12 2009
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7:18pm Nov 12 2009
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7:18pm Nov 12 2009
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7:19pm Nov 12 2009
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7:32pm Nov 12 2009
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((No one? Okay, I'll make my own.))
9:36pm Nov 12 2009
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5:20pm Nov 13 2009
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~nump~ *Growls like maniac* We need somthing to happen!
10:42pm Nov 13 2009
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9:09am Nov 14 2009
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Owlcomet stifled a cough that rose in his throat. How wierd. I hope I'm not getting sick. He thought worriedly. He shook the thought away and smiled at Blissheart. "Let's go then." he said, leading th way out of camp, excited to be part of a clan again, though he couldn't help but miss his siblings. He stopped when he heard the rustle of leaves. "That sure doesn't smell like prey." he mimbled. Light froze. When had she entered Stormclan territory? That's why she was hurting so much. Nightstar was having a heartache, Sparkfire was jealous of her already talented apprentice, Owlcomet was developing white cough, then likely green and black coughs, and Blissheart is trying to think of a way to tell her mate. (If that's okay, yeah, I'll make one. He will be Owlkit, after the father of his that he'll never know) Orangescorch purred at Cherryspring. "Should we move on?"
Dogpaw beamed at Cherryspring. "Okay then!" he purred. But he didn't really have that in mind. He missed his siblings too much. Guess who was going to make an epic return to Darkclan... Rocketrage paced around camp, trying not to be subtle about his thoughts. He was simply staring at Bluestone groom hersef the other day, and by the time he had shook himself out of it, she was staring back with a confused look. Featherstorm rubbed Rocketrage's pelt soothingly. "Rocketrage? You seem troubled today." she purred. "I'm not!" Rocketrage snapped. "Now leave me alone."

11:56am Nov 14 2009
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Spoolpaw searched the under-growth for herbs. She sniffed the air. Catmint! It might be needed, since it came around this time. She set off, and followed the scent trail.
9:11pm Nov 14 2009
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~Nightshade's bump only!~
9:17pm Nov 14 2009
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((Lol. Post coming))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:57pm Nov 14 2009
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10:01pm Nov 14 2009
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11:34pm Nov 14 2009
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Nightstar sighed, resting her head on her paws, tired of pacing restlessly around her den. She'd been coughing every now and then, but tried to keep it in as she tried despereatly to control her feelings about Bloodstar. She shouldn't feel this way towards him! But she did, and it felt as if they were inseperable. Her heart ached, and she coughed once more, this one stronger than the others. She shook her head, doing nothing except making herself dizzy somehow. She groaned, closing her eyes, as she failed as trying to fall to sleep. Blissheart looked at Owlcomet as he coughed a bit. "Are you feeling alright?" She asked, a bit worried as she started trotting towards the the middle of the forest. Cherryspring smiled at Dogpaw, then at Orangescorch. "Of course!" She meowed, her tail held high as she quickly padded towards the forest, leaving Dogpaw in the camp to do as he wished. Bluestone narrowed her eyes at Rockrage, though you could tell she was confused. Why was he looking at her like that? Ravenpaw walked around camp, wondering when Bloodstar would train him again, and when he'd see Dogpaw again.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:14pm Nov 15 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:19pm Nov 15 2009
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Owlcomet shook his head "I'm fine, but I smell a cat, she smells... familiar." he said softly. Orangescorch smiled. "Great, let's go then." Orangescorch led the way out of the Stormclan camp, beside Cherryspring. When they were out, he cleared his throat. "Cherryspring, I have something I need to tell you." he said. Dogpaw crept further and frther from Stormclan camp, now at a fll sprint towards the border. He would make it! He could be a Darkclan cat again! Spoolpaw and Heartoaw and Ravenpaw would be so happy to see him! Crowheart led the patrol back into the camp and he yawned and fell asleep. Sparkfire heard a violent cough from the leaders den. "This is bad, Applepaw, stay here, I need to check on Nightstar." she said, whisking out of the med. cat den. "Nightstar?" she called into the dark den.
4:12pm Nov 16 2009
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Cinderpaw headed back to camp, just behind Dreamcloud, when she heard her stomach growl. I wonder how stocked the fresh-kill pile is. She thought to herself, then looked up at her mentor. "Can I hunt? I'll be back at camp before sun high." She promised. Cherryspring trotted alongside Orangescorch, then paused as he spoke. "Yeah, what is it?" She asked, wrapping her tail around her paws. Nightstar tried clearing her throat, a slight burning feeling forming. "Nightstar?" She heard a voice, then instantly recognized Sparkfire. She turned her head, blinking into the darkness. "Yes?" She asked.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:14pm Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 2,046
(( Can't wait for the new rp...... ))
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