5:07pm Nov 16 2009
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Spoolpaw turned around to look at her mentor. "Are you okay? I got some Catmint, so if we have any Green or ___ cough, we're ready."
5:08pm Nov 16 2009
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5:08pm Nov 16 2009
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5:08pm Nov 16 2009
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5:08pm Nov 16 2009
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5:08pm Nov 16 2009
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5:10pm Nov 16 2009
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"I'm okay, but Nightcloud sure isn't, did you not just see her cough?" said Heartpaw. "Niether is Nightstar, I've heard she is getting black cough, Applepaw told me, she's the medicine cat apprentice in Stormclan" said Dogpaw.
5:29pm Nov 16 2009
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Nightstar looked hard at her daughter, trying not to believe it. "I can't be sick. I've been feeling fine all day. It was just a little cough." She protested. (Don't ya just love how all the leaders in the books say that they aren't sick? XD) Cherryspring looked in awe at Orangescorch. She hadn't expected this! It didn't seem like he had had any interest in her...well, until now of course! She twitched her whiskers, thinking deeply about her feelings. "Erm...well, I've been through so much training with you, and you've kinda always been there for me......" She paused for a moment, then looked up into Orangescorche's bright eyes, her own eyes twinkling, "Yes, I do like you." Cinderpaw nodded happily, then turned to Flintpaw. "Come one!" She meowed, rushing back into the forest, many different scents swarming her as she picked out one close enough. ((Wait, what about Light?))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:35pm Nov 16 2009 (last edited on 5:38pm Nov 16 2009)
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Desired Name: Fox Position:Rouge Family: Nope Mate:Nope Age: Kit/ 6 moons Clan: Nope, soon will be StormClan, once found. Additional Info: Nope Gender: Female Appearance: One second.... Personality: You'll see
5:37pm Nov 16 2009
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((...You DO know that Duskpaw is dead, right? Rocketrage-then Rocketpaw, killed him. Though I might make him walk around StormClan territory as a ghost or something, because I miss 'em. But we needed someone to die!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:38pm Nov 16 2009
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Orangescorch's face lit up for the first time since Blissheart left for Owlcomet. "That's great!" he purred. "I was so nervous." Sparkfire raised her eyebrow. "It doesn't work for you Nightstar, your den reeks of sickness, and you're eyes are dull." she said. "Applepaw could have figured it out." Owlcomet followe the scent. "Hello?" he said cautiously, sticking his nose in the tree trunk, leaping back. "Who are you?!" he yowled in suprise. Light sighed. She came out of hiding smoothly. "I am Light." she said. (Permission for plot twist? I plan on making her Wolf's chosen decendant since both him and his son died.)
5:38pm Nov 16 2009
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((Oh, crap...... forgot about that.))
5:39pm Nov 16 2009
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((Make Duskpaw go to Crowfeather! His much loved mentor. :'( He is missed))
6:04pm Nov 16 2009
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((Hahaha, mayble I'll do that!)) Duskpaw laid down in StarClan territory, resting his head on his paws as he sadly looked down at StormClan territory below. All the other cats of StarClan had understood that they were dead, and were now fine with it and acting as if nothing had ever happened. But he still couldn't get over it. He missed his mentor, and the she-cat he loved most.(Yha, he was crushing on someone!!!) He jumped as another cat walked up behind him. He breathed out as he realized it was the cat who'd shown him StarClan's territory, Brightpetal. "I could teach you how to walk the earth again." She meowed, flicking her tail for Duskpaw to follow. He brightened up as he ran behind her, stopping over a hill as she taught him how to see his Clan again, though still dead. Nightstar sighed. "Well, the worst it can get is green cough. No cat in any Clan has gotten black cough in over 70 years." SHe sighed once more. ((gotta go. Might be on later))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:54pm Nov 16 2009
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Cherryspring chuckled a bit. "I could see that, the way you were shaking!" She mewed, making her tail float past Orangescorch's shoulders. ((Mmk, plottwist accepted! c:)) Blissheart stared down at Light, suprised to see a rogue in StormClan territory. "Where'd you come from?" She asked, no hesitation in her voice at all.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:55pm Nov 16 2009
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((Who's Light?))
7:03pm Nov 16 2009
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(9Owlcomet, Featherstorm and Rocketrage's long lost sibling, actually, Featherstorm is an imposter, smuggled in at birth by a rogue and then Light was taken half-killed and saved by Wolf, now chosen to take her place. :) )) Light winced at Nightstar's faint pain in the distance, and the suprise radiating from Darkclan camp. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." she said softly. "I am... gifted enough to know." she said. "Try me." demanded Owlcomet. Light looked up at her brother with lost eyes. "I am your real sister, Owlcomet, I'm Rocketrage's too." she said. "Impossible." snorted Owlcomet. "See, I told you you wouldn't believe me." she chuckled. Sparkfire narrowed her eyes. "Years don't stop disease, follow me, you need catmint as soon as possible. You can't give up these few lives you have left." Orangescortch purred. "Right, do you smell... Owlcomet? and Blissheart?" he asked after sniffing the air. His nose was super-sensitive, but semi-innacurate.
7:13pm Nov 16 2009
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((Awwwwww why'd you make your mom ground you??????? :'( Poo))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:15pm Nov 16 2009
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((I feel bad... I want to bump the RP 'BloodClan shall rule the world!' But I cannot find it. :())
7:21pm Nov 16 2009
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Blissheart meowed, "How could you possibly be his sister? Featherpaw is his sister!" "Catmint is for greencough, and last time I was in that den, you were a bit low on it. Besides, I couldn't possibly have green cough yet." Nightstar argued. ((I kinda find this funny. You spell Orangescorch Orangescortch, and I spell is Orangescorch. Lol)) Cherryspring sniffed the air, getting a good whiff. Wrinkling her nose, she said, "Barely. It's hard to tell. We can go check, if you want." "Dogpaw!" Ravenpaw widened his eyes as his brother came rushing into camp. "You're back!" Shadowfang watched as Dogpaw raced back into camp, already busy with his sister. He could just hear Dogpaw talking about StormClan before he rushed over. "Welcome back." He meowed gruffly. "Did Nightstar let you go?" He asked, then an idea struck him. "Nevermind that, did you learn anything from StormClan?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing