Warrior Cats RPG

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7:09pm Nov 19 2009

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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

7:12pm Nov 19 2009

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"Go ahead and get Dogpaw, I'll wait right here." said Orangescorch, sitting down and grooming his paw and smoothing his fluffy ears.

Applepaw's face was bright. "Don't worry about me Nightstar! I have herbs for frostbite!" she purred.

Sparkfire growled. "Go get some catmint Applepaw." she said.

Owlcomet hung his head in realization. "Blissheart, I need to take care of Rocketrage. As his name suggests, he is easily offended, and very very dangerous. Come with me or not, I need to help him with his hallucinations." Owlcomet's head shot up. "I didn't just say that!" he said panicy. "I told him I'd never tell another soul!"

Light purred. "I already knew Owlcomet, there's no worries." she said. "Blissheart, you're free to come, but I doubt that if you come you'll ever be allowed to rejoin Stormclan."

Owlcomet let out a small cough. "It's your coice Blissheart."


Dogpaw purred. "C'mon, let's go hit the hay in the apprentices den, for a much needed rest, after all, the Gathering is soon, and we all want to go, right?"

Nightclou's pelt shook in a terrible cough. The glancedout of the medicine cat's den. The real reason she wanted Spoolpaw out, was because she was important, and she couldn't catch black cough.


7:12pm Nov 19 2009

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7:12pm Nov 19 2009

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7:12pm Nov 19 2009

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7:20pm Nov 19 2009

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Cherryspring nodded happily, then bounded off and into camp. "Dogpaw!" SHe hollered, searching the area for her apprentice. "Where are you! We're gonna go hunting!" No reply. "Dogpaw?" She called out once more, looking in the apprentices den. Still no response. Then a horrible thought struk her. He ran away. Panic spread through her. How could this happen! She'd only een gone for a few minutes! She ran back out, then sprinted up to Nightstar's den. "Nightst-" She stopped, seeing Sparkfire and Applepaw, then hearing her leader cough loudly. "Bad timing." She meowed, taking a step back.

Blissheart nodded gleefully. "Of course I'll come. Even I don't really like you're brother. I watched him kill DUskpaw." She meowed, her voice dropping.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

7:31pm Nov 19 2009

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Owlcomet sighed and licked Blissheart's muzzle. "That must have been a terrible loss, sometimes he just has troubles. Let's get moving before darkness sets in." said Owlcomet.

Light nodded. "I'll lead the way." she said.

"You won't have trouble with the pain? Darkclan is full of terror." said Owlcomet worriedly. "Rocketrage being no help." he said.

"I'll be fine." snapped Light, moving on, tail held high.

Owlcomet sighed and followed.

((I'm going to control Leafpelt now, Shadowfang's mate, I think girlsmackback11 is too lost to post))

Leafpelt padded into camp, burrs clinging to her pelt, and she was obviously heavily pregnant. She waited for her mate to rush towards her and ask where she went, because she knew he would, and she had no explanation. She went out hunting, and went too far, trapped in a badger set for almost a moon with not much food.

Bloodstar's head lifted. "Spoolpaw! Nightcloud! Bring all your herbs, Leafpelt's back!" he yowled.

Nightstar agily grabbed all the important herbs, rushing over to Leafpelt. "Someone get her fresh-kill!" she yowled as she grabed burrs from her pelt. Leafpelt collapsed on her side.


7:31pm Nov 19 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Spoolpaw grinned. "Let's hit the hay! That sounds good." A chill hit her spine as she heard a cough from the medicene den. But she shook her head, and walked happilly  with her brother.


7:32pm Nov 19 2009

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Hawkstep flicked his ear at Blissheart. "My runaway aprentice cometh home." He licked Blissheart gently.


7:37pm Nov 19 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((O.o fullmoon, tell Hawkstep that Blissheart is leaving again.))

Dogpaw and Heartpaw padded into the apprentice den and curled up on either side of Spoolpaw.


7:45pm Nov 19 2009

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Posts: 6,296

"She's what??!" Growled Hawkstep as his creator told him that Blissheart would be leaving, again. "Fox-dung! That stupid aprentice thinks she can do whatever she wants! She's a stuck up jerk! that's what she is! Let's hope Nightstar gives me another aprentice, since I almost NEVER got to spend any time with Blisspaw. That jerk!"

((No offence guys. Hawkstep's in a pool of rage right now....))


7:46pm Nov 19 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((LOL, Nice touch fullmoon))


7:54pm Nov 19 2009

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Posts: 6,296

"Did I mention she was a jerk?" Continued Hawkstep. "I mean, she doesn't think of other people's feeling........"

YEARS LATER...........

"And come on! She's still an aprentice for gosh sakes! What happened to the part in the code 'Never disobbay your senior warriors'? Oh and 'Don't mate with a cat from another Clan'? And 'Respect the bonaries' Oh, and........" *Rants on, and on, and on.....*


7:54pm Nov 19 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Soulfire went over to Tornpaw. "You've been laying there all day," he commented. "Why weren't you training with the others?" Tornpaw shrugged not exactly listening. Before Soulfire could ask anything else he wandered away to the apprentices den.


7:55pm Nov 19 2009 (last edited on 7:56pm Nov 19 2009)

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Posts: 6,296

Spoolpaw straightened up, panicked. She grabbed the extra herbs that were left, and rushed over to Nightcloud. "What is it?" She panted.


7:56pm Nov 19 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((O.o Overkill fullmoon...))


7:57pm Nov 19 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((XDD Nice. And Flintpaw can be his apprentice. YOOM-TAH! mmk, Flintpaw's now Hawkstep's apprentice. Tell Hawkstep the good news. And hahaha, you called Nightcloud Nightstar.))

Blissheart smiled, purring loudly, then trotted off after her mate and Light, headed towards her rival Clan's territory.

"Leafpelt!" Shadowfang yowled, spotting her poor body collasped on the ground. So close, he quickly snagged a fat, plump squirrel from the pile and ran towards her. "What happened!" He asked, dropping the squirrel right in front of her.

Ravenpaw ran after his siblings, curling up beside his brother.


im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

7:59pm Nov 19 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Leafpelt drew in a breath, but gasped in pain.

"She's having her kits now!" yowled Nighcloud.

((g2g, bedtime. :) ))


8:03pm Nov 19 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((bai. I'll post tomorrow, to. I gotta go to bed as well.))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

8:17pm Nov 19 2009

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Posts: 1,299

Magmasight snarled at Drala,"Well? what are you here for, rogue?" He had totally forgotten that he had once been a rogue himself too.

Drala flinched under Magmasight's glare. She was terrified by this big, gray tom. "I-I," she stammered. She just couldn't find the right words to explain. Drala avoided those amber eyes.

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