8:26pm Nov 19 2009
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*Tells Hawkstep good news* *Hawkstep calms down* "Sorry for my little out-burst."
8:30pm Nov 19 2009
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Spoolpaw stood there panick-stricken. She couldn't think of anything to help, only poppy-seed came to mind. "Poppy-seed." She mumbled. She thought what it was for. Used to numb pain and make a cat sleepy. No! What if it makes her sleepy??? She looked at her mentor. "P-Poppy-seeds?" She asked. She gulped. wha if she was wrong?? What if Leafpelt died in her kitting??
8:33pm Nov 19 2009
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((Oh no, someone lost a post.))
8:33pm Nov 19 2009
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8:34pm Nov 19 2009
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9:11pm Nov 19 2009
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((AH! We got Spoolpaw's aprentice ceremony wrong. It's supposed to go like this: Medicine Cat: **Apprentice name**, is it your wish to enter into the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat? Medicine Cat Apprentice: It is. Medicine Cat: Then come forward *Apprentice obliges* Medicine Cat: Warriors of StarClan, I present to you this apprentice. She/he has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her/him your wisdom and insight so that she/he may understand your ways and heal her/his Clan in accordance with your will. Now lay down next to the stone/Waterfall.
4:12pm Nov 20 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Oh lol, whatever. I never remember the proper naming ceremonies, even thoguh I have the file right here. XD))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:24pm Nov 20 2009 (last edited on 4:30pm Nov 20 2009)
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Deathfang walked around, looking for something to kill. -FAIL- Mystic waited for Sunstar to respond. She'd fed the two little kits already, and by the look of it they were getting sleepy. Thunderstorm walked boredly around camp, dizzied from staring at the sun for too long. ((Hmmmm, apparently in the word blackcough, 'black' means blood. Are they supposed to cough up blood or something? O.o Just wondering.)) Nightstar coughed violently, her throat starting to burn from dryness. She bent down and picked up the sweet-tasting cat-mint, biting into it as she swallowed it. She looked up, chuckling on the inside as she spotted Cherryspring, her granddaughter. "What is it, Cherryspring?" Cherryspring gulped, worried not just about how Nightstar was feeling, but how she would respond. She had traded a lot of extremely good hunting grounds for Dogpaw, and now Dogpaw had fled and gone back to DarkCLan. "Dogpaw....is gone. I left camp for a few minutes and when I came back his scent was stale and I couldn't find him anywhere." Nightstar widened her eyes, then could feel the fur on her back rise, yet at the same time her temperature was going up. "He's GONE!?!? We went through a whole fight and lost many cats for him and gave up territory! How dare they!" She growled, unsheathing her claws. How could they, really? They'd killed many cats.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:26pm Nov 20 2009
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((What? where did Mystic talk? I can't find it. *Flips through last ten pages*))
4:33pm Nov 20 2009 (last edited on 4:33pm Nov 20 2009)
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Hawkstep padded through camp bored. Then he noticed, that Dogpaw wasn't around. 'Nightstar wheres-" He broke off, seeing Nightstar flaring up.he silently padded away.
4:51pm Nov 20 2009
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Nightcloud nodded. "Yes Spoolpaw, just do it! Don't ask me before you do anything because someday I'll be gone!" she snapped, stroking Leafpelt's fur. Leafpelt breathed slowly. "Shadowfang?" she managed to whisper, cracking open her eyes to look up at her mate. ((I'm imagining three kits, but two die, is that okay? It'd be very tragic.)) "Easy Nightstar, we didn't teach him anything he wouldn't learn in Darkclan, he got no secrets." soothed Sparkfire. Appleaw leapt out of the den and padded towards Flintpaw, her brother. "Do you want to come into the forest with me? I need to collect catmint, Nightstar is sick, and I'm sure some prey wouldn't do her any harm." she said. Crowfeather padded up to Applepaw and Flintpaw. "If you two are going out into the forest, take Hawkstep with you, a badger gave us a bit of trouble yesterday, but Hawkstep, Sparrowfrost and I put it in it's place." Applepaw nodded. "Of course Crowfeather, wouldn't have it any other way." she said smoothly. Sparrowfrost finished grooming her paw. "I could come too." she said in between lics. "All I've been doing is extending the warrior's den." she said. "I feel lazy, hunting will do me some good." Orangescorch shifted his paws, padding back to camp. Cherryspring must have forgotten him, but he was okay with that, he knew she was forgetful at times. ~ Cougarfeather lay asleep, paws crossed in the warrior's den.

5:09pm Nov 20 2009 (last edited on 5:13pm Nov 20 2009)
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Spoolpaw gently reached the seeds out to Leafpelt. 'Eat these." She urged.
5:12pm Nov 20 2009
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Leafpelt licked up the seeds off of Spoolpaw's paws and sighed. "Thank you." she mewed. She gave a mumbled laugh. "I don't even know your name you've been gone so long, but I can tell you're Jadewhisper's kit, you have her spirit in your eyes."
5:14pm Nov 20 2009
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Spoolpaw blushed. no body had mentioned her eyes before. "Thank you." ((Have to have a shower. ()()()> ))
5:40pm Nov 20 2009
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Nightcloud raised her eyebrows. "Introduce yourself Spoolpaw, she just said that she didn't know your name." she said.
5:42pm Nov 20 2009
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"My names Spoolpaw, i'm Nightcloud's aprentice. I hope she's okay, because she's been coughing a lot lately......" Spoolpaw looked worriedly at her mentor. "Your okay, right?"
5:55pm Nov 20 2009
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"I'm fine Spoolpaw, stop worrying about me and take care of yourself." growled Nightcloud. Leafpelt hissed. 'Stop arguing!" she growled.
11:25pm Nov 20 2009
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Spoolpaw narrowed her eyes. "I'm a medicene cat, I'm sopposed to care!" She then turned to the pregnant queen. "Are you uncomfortable, hurt?" She asked.
12:41am Nov 21 2009
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((Hahaha, a waaaaaaaaaaaay long way back Mystic replied. I was trying to post all the cats I roleplay, which is a lot, but I didn't have the time to and didn't even finish the scene with Nightstar getting angry, but oh well.)) Nightstar sighed, slowly sheathing her claws. She was losing herself. She certainly had whitecough, probably greencough if not now then later, and Sparkfire was scaring her about blackcough. Only one cat had caught blackcough, maybe two, but that was so far back she couldn't count. Hardly anyone knew about blackcough, usually just medicine cats, but they never told about it. And none the less, she was crushing on Bloodstar, which was insane including the fact that she wanted to rip DarkClan to shreds. But to Bloodstar, her heart was soft and big, and her eyes were clouded by thoughts of him. Well, at least her left eye. The other eye was clouded from going blind, and she was completely blind in that eye, now, thanks to the battle with DarkClan, because a cat had reopened the scar and caused more damage to her eye. She seemed WAY too troubled. "Well, what do want me to do!" She scowled angerily, her temper rising. "If you don't want to listen to me, go to Crowheart then!" She growled, unsheathing her claws once more as she dug her claws deep into he ground, until they were almost stuck in there, the curved claws sticking right in like roots. (long paragraph, lol)) Cherryspring didn't know how to reply, so she just took a step backwards, then turned and fled the den. She almost ran into Orangescorch, making her blush. "Sorry I took so long. But we can go now, Dogpaw's...gone." She mumbled. and the unicorn lived happily ever after with the turtle Shadesky went into the forst and then started hunting with Cinderpaw and stuff because he had nothing to do, then later on Skyshadow joined in. -FAIL-
"Yes? WHat is it, Leafpelt?" Shadowfang asked, eyes filled with worry.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:34am Nov 21 2009
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Leafpelt gave a soft smile. "Do you hate me for leaving?" she asked quietly, ignoring Spoolpaw's question completly. Sparkfire ran her tail on her mother's flank. "Stop worrying Nightstar, it'll make you feel worse, and for Starclan's sake what did the ground ever do to you?!" Orangescorch sighed. "Darkclan will be Darkclan, looks like our little battling spree isn't over yet, more of us will die before we go to peace again."