11:05am Nov 21 2009
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11:06am Nov 21 2009
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11:07am Nov 21 2009
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11:07am Nov 21 2009
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11:07am Nov 21 2009
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11:14am Nov 21 2009
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Duskpaw smiled widely, then ran around like crazy as he went back down to earth, where his beloved Clan was. He probably looked ghostly, but whatever. He wasn't just going to go barging in camp or anything. Nightstar giggled a bit at Sparkfire's comment about the ground, then sheathed her claws back in slowly as they came back out. Then a thought struck her: tomorrow night's the Gathering. She blinked quickly then meowed, "I wonder how the Gathering will go." Because she could just lose her temper at the Gathering, get lost in Bloodstar's eyes, or Sparkfire might yell at her for going because she was getting sick. But she wasn't just gonna stay at the camp! She certainly didn't want DarkClan to knwo she was sick, though that was just about impossible to do. Cherryspring nodded. "Yeah, well, at least the Gathering is tomorrow. I wonder who Crowheart's gonna pick." Shadowfang shook his head. "I was never mad at you. Maybe a little, but I never thoguht you left because of me or anything, though
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:33am Nov 21 2009
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"Good" purred Leafpelt. (*time skip*) Three kits lay next to Leafpelt, two of them didn't move... (You or me be the one that lived?) "I hope he picks you and me to go. Hey, where'd Blissheart anmd Owlcomet go?" said Orangescorch. Owlcomet followed Light through the woods, steadily approaching Darkclan territory. "Nightstar, this may come as a shock to you, but you're half-blind, sick, anddon't pretend no one can tell you're in love. You may want to consider retiring..." said Sparkfire carefully.
1:02pm Nov 21 2009
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((Doesn't really matter to me. I guess I could if you want since you have like...all the cats in DarkClan, hahaha.)) Shadowfang purred happily as he saw the three kits next to Leafpelt, so small and delicate. But he slightly frowned when he noticed only one was moving around. Nightstar blinked, her eyes wide with shock and fury,having a hard time believing her daughter's words. "I would never consider that!" She spat, coming out a bit to harsh than she wanted. "I can still see out of one eye, and sickness means nothing! I still have lives left! And my love life has nothing to do with my leadership, nor does it have to do with you! Stay out of it!" She honestly didn't know why she was so mad, but she couldn't really help it. She could still hunt and fight fine, all she had to do was spend a day or two working on trying to sense what was on the blind side of her, and she would be fine. Psh! Retiring, why would she? Maybe she was mad because she was sick, but she didn't no. "Go." She meowed, trying to stop her anger. She stood up and turned, walking to the back of her den, where it was darkest. Cherryspring shrugged. "I saw them go out, but I think they were just taking a walk. We can go see if you want."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:08pm Nov 21 2009
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Spoolpaw sniffed at the two unmoving kits. "They aren't breathing." Her wide eyes looked at Nightcloud. "Something's wrong, they can't breathe." Spoolpaw gently placed her paw on one pup, and pushed gently. It was supposed to help the kit breathe, but it didn't work. The kit didn't sneeze like it was supposed to. She turned to Leafpelt. "I'm sorry, but they're dead."
1:10pm Nov 21 2009
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((Lol you called it a pup instead of a kit.)) "I wonder if Rocketrage is in DarkClan camp now." Blissheart wondered out loud, running alongside Owlcomet and Light.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:13pm Nov 21 2009
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"Eh, they'll be fine." said Orangescorch. Sparkfire said nothing else, hopping out of Nightstar's den, feeling slightly hurt. After all, it had just been a suggestion. What stung her most was the feeling that this had been her mother that she had just been talking too. It was her mother who got all mad like that, and for a split second during her outburst, she felt scared that she would be atacked. Applepaw saw Sparkfire padding accross camp to go back to the medicine cat's den. "Are you okay Sparkfire?" she asked, quickly keeping pace. "I'm fine!" snapped Sparkfire, stomping around in her nest and curling up tightly. Applepaw stopped following her. She growled and boldly stormed into the leader's den. "What did you do to make Sparkfire so angry?!" she demanded, not caring that she was talking to her leader. Crowheart padded into camp with a squirrel in his jaws. He sat down and loked around camp, deciding in his head who he wanted to take to the Gathering tonight.
1:20pm Nov 21 2009
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"Probably, he doesn't hunt much, hes more a fighter." said Owlcomet. "Less talk, more running!" panted Light, following the faint trail towards Darkclan. Leafpelt frowned. "At least we have one kit... Hopekit." she said sadly, grooming the live kit. She kept the others close to her as well.
1:43pm Nov 21 2009
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((So much commotion in the Clans, lol)) Nighstar could feel the fur on her back slowly starting to rise, shutting her eyes tightly as she tried to resist fighting. It felt like she hadn't fought in moons, and she could take down any cat around her. Although doing so would lead to complete distruction. Having a hard time to keep her claws sheathed she quickly turned around, facing Applepaw. "Angry? SHe's the one that made me angry!" She meowed, enraged. She growled, then walked out of her den, though camp, and stormed towards the entrance. True, it was probably a bad idea to be going ot when she was sick, but she had had it, and was about to blow up. She picked up her pace at the entrance, unsheathing her claws and she went out. Blissheart giggled. "Alright, alright! We're almost here anyways, Light!" She meowed. Moments later, she could see DarkClan's camp. Shadowfang half-smiled. "One is plenty." He meowed, running his tail over Leafpelt's shoulders.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:52pm Nov 21 2009
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Applepaw tore after Nightstar and with a yowl, lept onto her leader's back. "Stop it Nightstar!" she ordered, her voice ringing with authority that she didn't have. "Sparkfire was only making a suggestion! And now, with you acting like a kit, I think she's right!" Crowheart peeked out the camp entrance, watching Applepaw and Nightstar. This was gonna be interesting. He felt Sparrowfrost move in behind him, followed by Hazelfur. Leafpelt licked Shadowfang's muzzle. "Should we name the dead ones too? So they aren't nameless for their ceremonies?" she asked. Jadewhisper grwled at the intruders, tensing to fight. She was guarding the entrance. "Owlcomet! What in Starclan's name are you doing here?!" she hissed. Light hissed back. "Let us p*censored* or face the wrath of Wolf's spirit!" she hissed angrily.
2:13pm Nov 21 2009
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Shadesky, Skyshadow, and Cinderpaw all came in behind rge others to see what was going on as well. Nightstar tensed her muscles, stopping herself from falling from the impact. She flipped around pinning whoever tackled her and was about to swipe at it, but then she realized it was only Applepaw. "That's not the only reason I'm mad, Applepaw!" She hissed, quickly jumping off before her claws got to Applepaw's skin. And it was true, too. She was a bit mad about the the thought of retiring, but that wasn't why she was acting like this. She was mad at herself. ((I already have her death planned out, lol. This life, I mean. Well, sorta. It's gonna have to include someone really mad at her. That knows where nightshade grows.)) Shadwofang thought for a moment, then nodded. "This one is Tigerkit." He meowed, flicking his tail at the tom kit.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:23pm Nov 21 2009
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"Then this one is Flarekit." said Leafpelt pointing to the other one. "And Hopekit lives." she purred. Applepaw pushed up hard on Nightstar's belly to get her oof, standing upright with a lashing tail. "Well that doesn't mean you should take it out on her!" she hissed. "I hope you retire! I hope you simply go off and die!" she said harshly, spitting her words and storming back into camp, pushing past the other warriors. Crowheart wondered if he should go up and try to comfort his leader. He took an experimental step forward and looked at Nightstar confusedly. Hazelfur backed away from the scene. That was interesting. Sparrowfrost picked a bird from the fresh kill pile and began to eat it.
2:45pm Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 2:47pm Nov 21 2009)
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Nightstar winced at Applepaw's push. Then sorrow burned in her eyes, completely taking over the anger she once had. She felt lonely. She knew she shouldn't of acted that way towards Sparkfire, but talking about her love life and everything else made her think of herself. Now it seemed like no one was on her side, and that she had no where to go. She was tired from yelling so much, sick, stressed out, and lonely. She slowly closed her eyes, then turned and walked off into the forest, leaving nothing but a small trail of dust behind. She hung her head, tail straying behind on the ground. It felt like she didn't have a life at all, and was just another leaf on a tree.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:49pm Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 2:50pm Nov 21 2009)
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Hawkstep walked after Nightstar, but hesitated. Then he padded up to her. "It's your life, and you choose what to do, and what not to do, even the warrior code can't hold you from that, and you choose who your in love with..."He paused. "But all I'm asking, is just take care of your Clan, okay?" He turned and padded away. He went up to Flintpaw. "Want to do some hunting?" He asked, trying to take his mind off the StormClan leader.
2:50pm Nov 21 2009
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Crowheart was stunned. He walked after Nightstar. "Come back to camp with me Nightstar, we need to choose who's going to the gathering." he said softly.
2:51pm Nov 21 2009
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Shadowfang purred. "Pefect." He mumbled. "Do you think you can make it to the nursery?" Blissheart glared at the DarkClan cat. "We;re not trying to attack you. We just need to see someone."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing