8:14pm Nov 21 2009
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((No way fullmoon! We have too many charries. Deathfang should be the murderer, he's boring. He could take one of Nightstar's lives, or possibly kill Nightcloud before sickness can.)) Bloodstar sighed, his emotions leaving, as if soaked into a sponge. "I see Wolf in you Light." he said awkwardly, he straightened his position. Light's attitude flared into a storm. "And so you should! You insult Owlcomet and his mate who are likely bringing kits into your clan! ****, you should be thankful that I brought them to your clan!" "We need to go to the gathering, Shadowfang, stay behind and decide what to do with Light, okay?" said Bloodstar. "Blissheart, Owlcomet, come with us to the gathering." And with that, Bloodstar led his cats to the gathering space.
8:14pm Nov 21 2009
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8:14pm Nov 21 2009
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8:14pm Nov 21 2009
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8:14pm Nov 21 2009
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8:14pm Nov 21 2009
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8:14pm Nov 21 2009
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((Cool! When I arrive, it obays!))
8:14pm Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 8:19pm Nov 21 2009)
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((Hahaha, lol full! Oh yeah, and is SunClan going ot the Gathering or not?)) Erm... within a few minutes, Nightstar could spot out the Gathering spot, just as a rush of cold wind blew through the forest. "I hate leaf-bare." Nightstar grumbled almost silently to herself as she went into the clearing, leaping up once to reach the ledge for StormClan's leader. Blissheart nodded, not sure what else to do, and stayed close to Owlcomet and Light. "Of course." Shadowfang agreed, walking over to his post to guard camp.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:15pm Nov 21 2009
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((Cats don't swear... They animal-swear.))
8:16pm Nov 21 2009
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Spoolpaw padded after Bloodstar. -PHAIL-
8:21pm Nov 21 2009
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((fullmoon's right, although I'm kinda glad whatever said it, because it made me laugh to think such a young cat would cuss out a leader!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:21pm Nov 21 2009
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((:P I beeped it, but I couldn't think of a cat-swear word.))
8:25pm Nov 21 2009
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((Yeah, it's fine, lol. I usually don't really like it, but it's pretty much just 3 people roleplaying here so I don't care. i'll be back in a few minutes, I'll be on the Feriosity roleplay for a bit, then come back here. Foxwolf needs to get on!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:25pm Nov 21 2009
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it was time.Sunstar's voice rang through there camp. "Cougarfeather, Mysticflame,Magmasight, and Foxfire will go to the gathering." She announced.
8:27pm Nov 21 2009
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Sunclan is there Teleports Clan* sunstar sat beside Nightstar. "Hello" she dipped her head.
8:31pm Nov 21 2009
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"Hello." Nightstar managed to say nicely, dipping her head as a greeting.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:36pm Nov 21 2009
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Bloodstar realized quickly that he was the last to arrive. He anxiously sat farthest away from the other leaders on the rock that jutted out from the wall several fox-lengths above the ground. Nightcloud sat beneath him with Spoolpaw at her side. "I'll start the meeting." he said quickly. He yowled to start before the other leaders could ob ject. "Good evening all, Darkclan, Stormclan, and Sunclan. Darkclan has several new warriors this moon, Rocketrage, Featherstorm, Owlcomet and Blissheart have all become Darkclan warriors one way or another."= We also have a few apprentices."
8:43pm Nov 21 2009
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Cherryspring looked over into the crowd of DarkClan cats. She could just spot out Blissheart and Owlcomet. "Traitor!" She hissed under her breath. Poor Dreamcloud, she had a horrible sister. Nightstar waited for Darkstar to continue on, or say that he was finished. For once she actually tried to not look interested in Bloodstar, but failed at doing so when she almost coughed, hardly keeping it in. At least hardly anyone was looking at her.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:47pm Nov 21 2009
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How about,Sunstar takes an interest in bloodstar, and Nightstar gets angry, and they fight, and then Bloodstar tells them to stop, and chooses Nightstar, and then Sunstar gets really mad, and she becomes cold and alone? i am full of stupid ideas today. *Konks brain*))
8:48pm Nov 21 2009
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Dreamcloud nudged Cherryspring. "Now you know why I always hated her, she was a day-dreaming spaz." she chuckled. "There is Spoolpaw, who has become Nightcloud's apprentice, Heartpaw, who is Fishleap's apprentice, Ravenpaw: Shadowfang's apprentice, and Dogpaw, who is Rocketrage's apprentice." continued Bloodstar. "Prey is running well, your turn Sunstar." he said.